Note - The characterisation of Eosphorous-Hesperus was shamelessly based on the character of Crush in Finding Nemo. He's too damn awesome to ignored, guys. Crush, that is. Whether you feel the same way about E-H is up to you ^^;;;
.the mundane;
» Name: The little Belgium in the cupboard… or, you know, Jenny.
» Journal:
xxjinxxx» Contact: See contact list.
.the myth;
\» God(dess): Eosphoros-Hesperos - For the sake of my sanity when writing this app, I'm just going to refer to him as Hesperus (it's the easiest to write)
» Reference:
Eosphy-Hespy» Family: {mother & father} Eos&Astraios; {spouse} N/A
» Played By: Adrian Grenier
» Human Alias: Adrian Luther
» Human Age: 25
» God of...: He is both the god of dawn (star of dawn) and of the evening (star of dusk).
» Flair: The Lucifer Effect - No, he doesn’t turn good people bad, but he does tend to light up the room. Like how Erebus makes the room darker except… the opposite. There is also a permanent light that seems to seep from behind his eyes making his eyes sort of… glow in dark rooms. It also gives him a permanent mischievous look in his eyes that, even though it may be true, he does not find at all fair. He’s not the kind of guy you want to meet in a dark alley. But not for the usual reasons >.>
» Flair Type: CONTINUOUS. He just can’t help himself.
» Weakness: Hesperus only actually drops when he stops for too long. He may well die of exhaustion one day. The main reason for this flair is the fact that he is both the evening/night and dawn/day combined and he is programmed to be awake for every minute of it. Just in case he misses something important on his watch (like, for example, the sun failing to rise and a mere ball of flaming gas illuminating the world instead) and, seeing as though it's always dawn/dusk somewhere in the world, he must be awake permanently. Being permanently awake, it isn't hard to notice that Hesperus' attention span shortens and shortens and eventually his trail of thought becomes unreadable. Someone bringing up sleep makes him a little irate and then, if he does fall asleep, he is acutely aware that he has let himself, and (he thinks) the world, down. He hasn't realised that life goes on without him. If he knows that he has been sleeping, or has been unconscious, for a period of time longer than, say, four hours, his temper begins to shorten and he is a lot more likely to get angry or worked up. In a completely angered state, Hesperus is unable to be calmed by others and will usually either have to a) lock himself away from the world for a while, or b) tire himself out surfing.
Even if it isn't always obvious, Hesperus is quite an observant man. As a god he always paid attention to the little details of things occurring. He watches everything (everything he can watch anyway) closely and then stores important facts in his brain for future reference. Putting forward these facts in conversation afterwards is a problem, however, as already stated. Having just woken up from a reluctant sleep, Hesperus would be likely to start going through past conversations he has had with people and, where information has failed to be conveyed on his part, he would work himself up into a rage.
» Fitting in: Hesperus has discovered that cold water and exercise are two perfect ingredients for staying awake. Since becoming mortal he has realised that surfing is a good way to put these two things together and he has been told he has “insane skills, man” according to fellow professional surfers. He spends most of his time at beaches due to his surfer dudeness but he does spend a small amount of time as a photographer - sunglasses in the dark room are vital. He found that out on his second day... he would have discovered it on the first day but he hadn't noticed his photographs didn't have any actual pictures on them :/
» History: Well, there isn't much to say about this guy's history. He has never really appeared in any major stories, he's just always been there. As for what he has been doing to amuse himself for the past however long of his existance, speeding through the sky from one side of the world to the other just about covers it, bringing the dawn to one side and giving the other side dusk. Being positioned in the place that the human world calls "The North Star", Eosphorous-Hesperus' view of the world was pretty varied. He could only watch places that were in a state of darkness or, you know, night, which meant he could watch one half of the world for approximately 12 hours and then switch to the other half. Sadly this meant that, whilst watching something happen in America, something incredibly exciting could be happening in England and he would be one of the only gods to miss it. If only he had News 24 up there in the sky.
One interesting thing, well it's interesting to him anyway, that did happen to Eosphorous-Hesperus in his lifetime, however, was the merging of two gods into one. It must be a confusing experience to have a brother one second and to be/be part of your brother the next. Damn those Greeks and their convenience needs. Oh and after being merged into one guy, there was that whole mix up with the Romans. Apparently the bringer of dawn and dusk is an angel fallen from grace? And then people started using his Roman name (Lucifer) instead of the devil's. That sucked tremendously.
» Personality: Despite what the world may think, Hesperus isn't actually stupid. It would be possible to hold a reasonable conversation with him depending on which level of exhaustion he was on. Whether much is actually said once you take out all of the “man”’s and “totally awesome”’s or not is another matter entirely. Of course, as his body does a great deal of exercise, his abilities to concentrate deteriorate, as does his ability to convey his point of view across in an effective manner. A lot of his journal posts are likely not to make any sense because they strictly follow his thought pattern. Add to his exhaustion the fact that Hesperus is a very laidback man. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t understand why people are being offensive towards him or why certain things are offensive, it’s just that he doesn’t care. He’s generally a happy guy and he always has been, he doesn’t need other people to make him happy. With the exception of sleeping, it takes an awful lot to anger Hesperus. When extreme situations do arise, mixed with his flair, people may well walk away blind.
If happily sleepy, Hesperus is pretty much a nice guy. He isn't out rightly offensive to those who were born human, but he does feel that there is, and always will be a gap between the immortals and the mortals. He strongly believes that, even though modern day mortals have forgotten to respect him and his fellow gods, the mortals who have come from the past should maintain the same level of respect that they had for the gods before hand. That way the balance will be kept and as less chaos as possible will ensue ^^;;
» Sample Journal:
The dudes called me God of the Waves…. And then I dreamt…..Poseidon was like… why you all up my element, man?... Dude... He was so totally pissed, man… and my surfer dudes… chyah, they were like… why are you reading the Bible? And I was like… what’s wrong with reading the Bible? And they were like… it’s the Bible, man,…. Oh awesomeness …. There’s a fly…. In my soup….. Soup is awesome…. And like… the Bible…? They… my surfer dudes… they totally ruined that gig for me…. They so told me the end… well… I don’t want to ruin it for you or anything dudes but he totally likes dies… and then… he comes back… its so awesome….its like… Return of the Jedi without the dudes with the big glow sticks… and there’s no guy wearing scuba diving equip in black… only bad guys wear black dudes… remember… stay in school… not out of it, dudes… in… But chyah, they totally burst that bubble way open into the big old blue… coo coo ca choo, dude… S’not right, dudes… I totally wanted to read it for myself, man… can’t do that now, dudes…
So like… I totally have to go poke some, like, pictures around in some… stuff… it’s like… red, man… gotta find my sun goggles… Over… up… down… and out, man… Awesome…
[end of transmission]
» Sample Roleplay:
"Dude! No, no, man! Just wait... Okay, man? I just got up to the part with the apple." Adrian returned to his reading, his chin resting on the palm of his hand and his elbow leaning on his knee. He was still half in his wet suit, the neoprene clothing acting as a pair of shorts. A battered copy of the Bible was open in his right hand. He was oblivious to his still soaking hair dripping onto the page.
The Surfer Dudes, as Eosphorous-Hesperus-Adrian had fondly learned to know them by, were into the part of their routine where they were all still dripping wet but freely running around the beach, much like small children, throwing Frisbees and playing some bizarre form of the English-favoured sport cricket. It only really consisted of one man bowling the ball to another holding the cricket bat, and then others running around like headless chickens trying to catch the ball. It usually ended up with one man tackling another when trying to catch it despite them being on the same team and then the entire group of surfers deciding that the only real way of knowing who won the cricket match would be to battle it out on the waves. It always came back to the surfing.
Now that the battle had taken to the waves, it was of vast importance that the automatically appointed leader of the surfers(he wasn't sure how that happened), Adrian, joined in the fight as well. It was never clear which team he was on, indeed, it was never clear which team anyone was on, but it hardly mattered. Surfing came naturally to the group and in the end it was a battle against the waves and not each other. Of course, when the head of the group has taken to reading religious books instead of joining the ranks of surfing soldiers, something must be done. In this case, one dude, known as Fish (he spent more time in the water than on his board), began to wrestle the Bible off of Adrian and, well, failed miserably.
"Come on, Luther, the sea is calling, man," Fish was trying to tell him. Another surfer, Ariel (another man who spent a lot of time in the water, but who looked like a mermaid when swimming), continued Fish's pleas by reminding Adrian that he didn't believe in what the Bible had to say and that he only needed to read the last few chapters of the book to get the general jist of the ending.
"Just wait, dudes, I just... need to know... if..." his words staggered as he addressed the dudes and carried on reading. With a satisfied nod he closed the book in his hand and looked up at Ariel and Fish, "I just had to know if she bit the apple, dudes. That's it."