I finally was able to open my photobucket account to upload picture =/
I forgot my password and didnt want to change it, but well I did after all so here there are the pictures of my cat named Kyo as promised u_U he is the cutest thing ever
this is like 1 week after I found him, he was almost dying, he was so skinny that I could feel the backbone, I also noticed that he had blood on his head and when I gave him a shower he never reacted to the water, thats how sick he was.
this is like 2 weeks after he was found. Lorie didnt liked him much. I was surprised when Kyo went to the window and Lorie looked at him and at first I thought that she was going to get close to him and lick him, but no, she hissed at him =/
Now, Lorie took the role of adopted mother. She plays with him, bathes him and runs to his aid whenever she hears him meow.
sweet Lorie. Lorie is a very lovable cat, and super sweet. She is usually making a low sound, like the way nursing cats do to call their kittens. It is real cute, cause now Kyo does the same.
Kyo got sick several times. At first I had to take him to the vet cause his hair was falling. The vet said it was due to stress, cause he couldnt find any diseases. I think at that time Kyo weight less than half a pound.
The next time he got real sick, he stopped eating and looked super skinny. The vet gave him meds and shots. He weight at that visit like 1 pound, so he had gained weight, but he looked skinny. After so much worry and caring and spending money, Kyo got well, and now he is a super cute kitten. My mom wants me to get rid of him or if I want to keep him to get rid of Lorie or Sahara, which I dont want to.
Kyo now
Sahara, is hard to get pictures of her =/
she usually turns her back at me when I am trying to take pictures of her. The only good pictures I have of her, is when she is sleeping.