Ah … Christmas memories.
On Christmas Eve, I would like to reflect on Christmases past …
Every Christmas was the same. Such a wonderful time of the year to spend with friends, family and of course good old Uncle John. Remember how the family would all gather at our house. How Mom would make us wear our argyle sweaters and Santa hats every year. How we’d cook all day long and then when evening rolled around the guests would start to flow in. We’d open the door to relatives and rush them inside from the cold and the snow. It was always snowing on Christmas Eve. Then we would feast on turkey, cranberry sauce and every other food you can possibly think of. Then how we’d all gather in the living room to sit by the roaring fire and listen to old Uncle John playing the piano. We would sing along to the Christmas tunes (a little off key), as the puppy (wearing little antlers, of course) would chase the kitten around the living room. Uncle John, who had drank too much eggnog at this point, would start with his yearly antics. Oh the antic! Remember that one time he pooped in the dishwasher? Or when he would do
this to our friends when they would stop by for some Christmas caroling and eggnog. Oh Uncle John! How silly you are. When the night would come to an end, we never wanted to say goodnight. The evening had been so fun. But we headed off to bed anyway. With dreams that next Christmas Eve would be as wonderful.
Ah … fake Christmas memories … you are the best.