feministing love

Apr 11, 2007 11:15

Women aren’t happily pear shaped or curvy or petite anymore. We aren’t aware of our “set point”-the weight range which your body automatically adjusts your metabolism to stay within. We conflate thinness with happiness, success, power, when really it is just a number on a scale. It is your emotions about those numbers, not the numbers themselves, that have the power to make or break you.

and a reply:
One of the things that enabled me to move past the yo-yo dieting mentality I had in college was realizing how much of it is fueled by capitalism. I mean, Nestle makes those delicious crunch bars and hot chocolate and markets them like porn, and then turns around and gives us slim-fast or whatever. Kelloggs tempts us with frosted flakes (mmmm) and then offers the "special k diet" (ewww). And so on.
When you start to really consider the fact that these huge conglomerates want you to binge your misery away and then hate yourself and buy diet products, it makes it easier to stop doing both, I think.
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