Mar 07, 2003 07:13
fight with chris again last night, but not much time to explain. all I know is, some times I DONT know what the hell im doing here. Maybe its because I love the guy so friggin much maybe its because he treats me very well. but there's one thing that Dr Phil would yell at him about and thats how he always thinks hes right, how when ever i do something he has to correct it or change it in some other words, some times, he makes me feel stupid, and, im sick of it.
also it doest matter if we have sex one time, two times, or three times a day, it would never be enough for him, ,ill never have the sex drive to keep up with him, and im SURE its only gonna get worse when i work till 12 midnight and all i wanna do when i come home is crash.......
looks like we're headed for an even bumpier road...........