Slight cognitive dissonance

Nov 18, 2010 16:28

So, the first former Guantánamo PoW¹ detainee has be tried in a civilian court on 285 counts.

On 284 of which he has been found not guilty.

Apparently, this is a "major setback" for Obama's plans to try the rest under civilian court rules because Congress and the security establishment aren't happy.

Since when has a court's refusal to convict a man when not presented with sufficient reliable evidence been considered a failure of said court?²

It's like 400 years of developments in jurisprudence were completely valueless, or something....

1. You may detect some sarcasm in that strikeout.
2. Well, actually I recall a Metro front page a few years ago which appeared to regard the acquittal on lack of evidence of some British Asians accused of a bombing plot as getting off on a technicality, but I digress


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