Sam is more damaged than I am

May 21, 2013 21:55

Finally getting around to catching up on Supernatural. Got sucked in by Mass Effect. The first one, which I'm playing after the second, but at least before the third. Because I like to do things out of order and really late. Someone told me things get resolved.

The Great Escapist
I missed them. But that wasn't them. I thought Sam seemed kind of off.

There's the Sam I know and love. And he's sick. And Dean's playing nurse. And begging Sam to just let him take care of him. I love it a lot. These are the two I missed. And now Sam's using his ancient language skills. Another thing I miss about him. Oh Sam. He thought he could never go on a knight's quest because he wasn't clean ever since he was a kid? And that's why he wants to stick with the trials? Because they're purifying him? Holy pants. That one little bit just took me right back to why I love that boy so much. Sam, did you really have to say that you're heading toward the end? I don't love foreshadowing.

I also missed Cas and his helpful facts about life. Angels really are such dicks.

Clip Show
Oh wow. They went way back for that opener.

Aw Dean and his hurt feelings. And Sam trying to soothe things over. At least Cas seems back to normal.

"Even banged up, Sammy comes through." Oh Dean. And the way he talks about Sam's ability to finish the trials. I really missed the way they believe in each other.

I love it. Cas is trying to get apology gifts for Dean. Shopping Cas is pretty hilarious. And he's going to get his own trials? Interesting. If they manage to close heaven and hell, I wonder what next season will be. And of course the angel trials are dickish.

Ever since hearing about Misha's rant about sexism on the show it makes me feel a little bit better about all the "bitches." After a fashion. In the way that it's nice knowing that at least someone big on the show objects. Sadly just not someone on the writing staff.

More comments about missing the old hair! And now Crowley's commenting on Dean's alcoholism.

Did two finales really have to go with this name? Hopefully this one goes better than Arrow's because that name pretty much assures that someone is going to die, which I should expect anyway since it's a Supernatural finale.

Ok, here we go. Glad they're finally giving Kevin a key to the lair.

Love it. God was a bit of a sexist. To say the least.

Seriously? They're splitting up the brothers in the finale? I'm glad to have Cas back, but not if he's taking Dean away from Sammy. And they were doing so well with the brothers.

It's more than a little creepy that all that's left of the crucifix in this church is the feet and hands. And yeah, this is exactly why Dean should've stayed. Cas, now I'm just annoyed with you. Though I do appreciate the way the cupid thing went. Still, I don't think Dean would've left Sam. At least it looks like he's handling himself basically ok.

Ok, a Girls reference? I kind of love it.

There we go. Dean heading back to his Sam. Oh Sam. He doesn't even care if he dies. And the look on his face when he says that. He looks so wrecked. Ok. Holy pants. They remembered what the brothers are about. Mostly. Jared frickin Padalecki. Where has he been hiding that nonsense? With the crying and the self-worth and the just wanting his brother to trust him again. I could watch that on repeat for days. And his greatest sin is letting Dean down? Just the way his voice breaks through that whole thing. And Dean's begging him to see how much it's just him. He really needs to get better at just showing that. Then the patching up and a big old Winchester hug. Seriously. My insides are remembering what it's like to be done in by a Winchester.

And also, hey look. Angels falling. And a partially cured Crowley. That could be an interesting season. Ok, now to watch that scene for the third time. And hey, no one died. Except for the people who did.

Ok, I think the best part of that whole thing is hearing that all along Sam's been jealous of Cas. Or at least a little threatened. It was clear he was uncomfortable with Benny, but he seemed to have gotten used to Cas even though, yes, he and Dean do have their thing. A thing he and Sam seemed to have lost. I just can't deal with everything they pack into that one little scene. I really hope they follow through on this return to good next season. Falling angels is a good setup.

One last thing. How gorgeous was Sam this episode? The past few episodes really. That hair grew on me.

Hello show. I missed you.


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