pre-Pennsic packing and prep-- ptooie!

Aug 06, 2005 16:00

I switched cell phone companies this AM. I'm going on Nikulai's recommendation, so I hope he's right! ;> Mainly I wanted to be able to call from anywhere in the US w/o roaming charges, and this plan does that. I mean, I know there will be places where the nearest tower will be someone else's but it doesn't limit me to two states. Even that would have been better if I could have chosen NC and VA, for example, but no, it had to be NC and SC, and I never go to SC. Ridiulous. Anyway, this is what I wanted, and I got tons more minutes, so I'm happy. Same number, of course. I'm ditching my land line, too. Just when I finally got on the Do Not Call list. Not real organized, huh? I got a cute little flip phone... I was going to go with the cheapest, but this one was so cute.... And this from the woman who thinks "cute" is a four-letter word. There was some reason that tipped me toward this one but now I don't remember what it was. And while it wasn't the cheapest, it is still at a level of basic that would appall any red-blooded gadget geek.

I also did my pre-Pennsic shopping while I was out. You know, paper plates and bowls, plastic utensils, battery powered lantern-- all that medieval stuff. I admire the hell out of the Enchanted Ground people but I have absolutely no desire to emulate them, even for a week. Too much like work. I'm doing well to remember to bring cloths to cover the coolers with. Like I've said before, I just like to dress up funny. Well, and paint pretty pictures. Our Baroness is pretty good about wanting things nice, and I like her (and I might be camping directly across the path from her) so I'll do my best to be good. How's that for a reason?

Kyle came over and met the cats last night. Even Miss Molly came out to meet him. It's partly that she's gotten a lot braver, and partly that he has a very calm personality. The kittens were roll-over-for-belly-tickles friendly, of course. For dinner last night I got some red corn on the cob... yep, red. It's actually almost purple. The inside of the kernel is white, and the kernels are sort of variegated white and purple on the outside. I had no idea what it would be like- fortunately, it was good and tender. Tasted a bit different from the white/yellow stuff but not a lot. Mainly they're selling the novelty, I guess. I liked it better than yellow but not as well as white.

I've been cleaning out the car and loading a few things up. I'm being totally disorganized on this- I've kinda been pulling stuff out of closets as I see it, and there's stuff scattered all over the place. I've got so many big pieces, like the three boxes that hold the pavilion, and the big cooler, that I'm not sure if I'll have room to take the drawers to hold my clothes. I hope I don't have to tatke my clothes in plastic bags just because they're flexible enough to fit anywhere! I'd be feeling disorganized (okay, more than usual) the whole two weeks.

Enough lollygagging. Back to packing.

pennsic, friends, food

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