Mar 15, 2009 01:50

Went to a gun store today because they had one of the model 1861 Colt Revolvers that are made by an Italian company that I can't remember the name of Uberti. As I went with my brother, I learned a whooole lot about Ye Olde Revolvers.

Again, Supernatural's credibility is diminished. In 1835 revolvers would have still been black powder (which is, incidentally, why the chambers are so frickin' huge). No bullets, so clearly there was some time traveling going on when he made the numbered bullets of awesome. Also, yes, that gun is more than likely as enormous as they look on TV. Also also, there's no way the barrel would have had rifling, and therefore the bullet would not spin. Also also also I'm still not sure if it should have five chambers or six but oh well.

It's probably sad that the thing I fangirl most is a gun, huh.

And since it's nearly 2 in the morning, I'm going to go to sleep now.

Also, Glocks are the stupidest guns ever. They are ALWAYS half-cocked. WTF.


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