Plotty goodness

Aug 08, 2010 22:17

Okay, with this event, it brought to mind for me some ideas, and I have full permission for this from both Akai and from Athena.

What's going to happen is that Yuber is finally going to break free of his summons and all the restrictions placed on it once this event starts. Some things will happen right off, but I'll leave that to be revealed in the posts, since those only affect a few people.

What is important here is that Tuesday night, he is going to make an attempt to burn down the whole forest. I know this will be stopped, and am totally cool with that. Mostly he is going to set some fires late on Tuesday (going into early Wednesday, depending on how quickly people get them put out)

Then after that, he is going to attempt to happily slaughter some innocent characters.

I fully expect this will have repercussions, in fact, I have already cleared a DP for him. This sort of action I expect will end in his capture or death.

So what I need are people who he will attempt to attack and people to bring him down. Anyone can volunteer for attempted murder. If you do not wish your character to die, that's fine, they can run away. But they are not likely to escape unscathed. I will take as many people willing to volunteer for this part. I can handwave or play it out, whatever players prefer.

Then I need some people who will actually finish this off with his capture or death. Depending on how many want in on this, I may have to limit the size of the group, or do something like what happened with Hazama where most of the battle is handwaved and we determine who gets in the final blow.

And of course, feel free to ask any questions about this, and I hope everyone who gets involved has some fun with this.

Have enough volunteers now! Anyone can still jump in to put out fires and rescue victims though.

The damage to the forest itself will be concentrated mostly to the western part and will cover about 1/4 to 1/2 of the western forest. We will assume the efforts of those who put it out ensure it does not spread to any building someone is living in. Some animals living there will flee to other parts, others will die or be injured in the fire. Some of the summons may also die in the fire, but more likely the weaker ones.

So tl;dr Yuber is going to be attempting to burn down the forest and a good chunk will be destroyed, then he's going to try and kill people and likely die himself.


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