Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Dec 08, 2011 21:10

Hello everyone! So. It's December. But we're still doing stuff, dammit! First off, this is a little overdue, but have the friend/add for this last cycle. All of them. Add 'em!

friend add once_knighted
friend add thundercrusher
friend add derek_bliss
friend add wildkotetsu
friend add odastillhatesme
friend add flameson
friend add cookingshinji
friend add rollypolyclover
friend add vervainsheriff
friend add loyalotter
friend add fruitblocked
friend add redheadlion
friend add brotonashi
friend add debelnerdlinger
friend add hackedcode
friend add elixirsoup
friend add thefinaljedi
friend add etudism
friend add the_mighty_foot
friend add mykimlasca
friend add hogsphonelines
friend add kindofamouthful
friend add willfindigneel
friend add pose_andsparkle
friend add wantsaprince
friend add asquiet
friend add quippable
friend add flockingjustice
friend add nocorsetsplease
friend add fffffacepalm
friend add pinkyizpower
friend add redwhitemiko
friend add itisloooord
friend add loves_a_samurai
friend add deadlydebutante
friend add keepsthelight
friend add sodeadpan
friend add magicats
friend add shinydeadaliens
friend add command_medli
friend add needsmorefiagra
friend add belikeaweed
friend add fujoshiqueen
friend add beliedhisfaith
friend add slaythemoon
friend add killbroforidol
friend add nevermyproblem
friend add godlyspeed
friend add proudprince
friend add dun_measure_up
friend add outwalks
friend add circlesewn
friend add no_ice_please
friend add sardines4power
friend add insertsparkles
friend add magicalesbian
friend add whatdeheckisdat
friend add soulboundhunter
friend add flaringblossom
friend add albioreii
friend add albioreiii
friend add his_apprentice
friend add poorqueequeg
friend add subsultive
friend add oftheyin
friend add zeroexposure
friend add hoennian
friend add soundfrequency
friend add immadragon
friend add shred_the_sky
friend add redjacketthief
friend add entwiningfate
friend add thepopulargood
friend add encryptedpages
friend add nicepartner
friend add felltohate

friend remove theteadragon
friend remove sortabeautiful
friend remove flicker_flash
friend remove decauldron
friend remove weepingprincess
friend remove adeadringer
friend remove break_the_past
friend remove emperorsnewswag
friend remove forafee
friend remove hecalledmebrave
friend remove iishhungry
friend remove illusionarydoll
friend remove needabourbon
friend remove pimpinwings
friend remove ringsandrockets
friend remove soulphile
friend remove turntodarkness
friend remove voropedia
friend remove whatmusicislike
friend remove pianissimoe
friend remove fictionalniece
friend remove coolstempers
friend remove maidenofdemise
friend remove notomboysplz
friend remove healsforjustice
friend remove not_klonoa
friend remove my-yoke-broke
friend remove paranoidpatriot
friend remove kakeravoyager
friend remove after_themoon
friend remove sortabeautiful
friend remove platinumtrinity
friend remove reporting_weird
friend remove howkindyouare
friend remove dependable
friend remove endthem
friend remove betmyarm
friend remove pyroclastics
friend remove static_ice_make
friend remove witchsgame
friend remove erodingearth
friend remove thegreatashley
friend remove zehahaha
friend remove gearsandcola
friend remove mommylenshunter
friend remove gasconadead
friend remove paintsthewalls
friend remove hi_no_dansu
friend remove molinet
friend remove erythrophilia
friend remove cuteobsessed
friend remove notakor
friend remove companyf
friend remove jouer_sans_voir
friend remove outdoing
friend remove subsulcus
friend remove yellowthirteen
friend remove pactofheart
friend remove idkmybffbocchan

Copy paste the above into here to get all the latest new adds and removes!


Now then. Let's talk about what we're going to do. First off, we're going to Christmas this place up a bit. While there will be no big event, the Malnosso will be doing their part to spread some Christmas cheer starting tomorrow night. For instance, at night, all the houses will be lit up with Christmas lights. There are no discernible wires or source for the lights. They're just there! And they are pretty! Any evergreen trees in and around the immediate village will also have the same effect.

Some doorways might also have some mistletoe under them! They won't make people kiss, but it will make people more open to the idea if they're under it. There must be something in the air, because there will be an ever so slight increase of cheeriness for all. It's like suddenly all our petty differences don't matter as much! All of this will last until the end of Christmas day. (Naturally, characters can opt out of any special effects like the mistletoe or cheeriness).

On Christmas day, villagers will find a gift from the Malnosso beside their beds. Nothing quite as grand as Bil's presents last year. With CJ running the Christmas shenanigans this year, presents will vary from T-Shirts, coffee mugs, mousepads, toilet bowl covers, slippers, and other useless trinkets. All with the Malnosso logo on them. As a bonus, anyone who has been on a Mission will also receive a personalized message from CJ himself. (This message being 'personalized' in the sense that their name is used instead of 'insert name here'). The message consists of:

Merry Christmas, [Insert Name Here]! We at the Malnosso appreciate your continued efforts on making this a better world for everyone! Enjoy the holiday and have some damn eggnog, because you damn well deserve it!
RP Manager

While these 'gag gifts' aren't quite as fun as they were last year, we'll make it up to you all a little later. The Malnosso aren't all as stingy as CJ! So a little patience!


Wait! There's more. We're also going to have a draft. There will be a signup post following this post soon enough. It will take place from the 15th through the 19th. Because what puts you in the Christmas spirit more than a little deadly combat? There's a few twists this time. We will NOT be using the Recruitment post anymore. Instead, on the upcoming post, you will be able to volunteer up to two of your characters to be sent out. Furthermore, this time around, there will be a method for capturing Third Party soldiers by 'tagging them', allowing them to be detained by the Malnosso instead of killing them.

As for a setting? Think massive underground shaft. Tunnels, caverns, bottomless pits, and mine carts. More details later!

Bear in mind that while everyone else is off on this draft, the weather calender will be predicting some serious winter weather incoming for the 15th and 16th. Those staying behind might have a rough time of it back in Luceti.


FINALLY. I know you guys are wondering about Fourth Wall. Instead of having it in December, we'll be moving it to the later part of January. We'll have a more definitive date for it later on, so you can invite people to hop into it.

And that's all! We'll have more information on the draft and the Fourth Wall later. Mod questions in the first thread, as always.

announcements, draft, events, friend add/remove

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