Pets, pets! Everywhere!

Sep 17, 2010 20:23

Have you ever wanted to kick the dog? If so, please do not open the cut below.

On September 18th starting at 8:00 AM, some strange new animals will be appearing in Luceti. But perhaps not so strange to some people. In fact, these beasts are likely quite familiar to many of the denizens of Luceti. What are these creatures? Why, they're your pets! Characters with pets in their canon will finally receive them in Luceti. Whatever pet you would like needs to be added to the PET REGISTRY. Each character is limited to one pet.

  • These pets must exist in canon. You cannot make up an animal and claim that they were once owned by the character.

  • These pets cannot be ones that regularly speak and are understood by their owners.

  • Pets will behave exactly like regular Luceti animals do in regards to the journal system, as such, they cannot speak over the journal system.

  • Animals cannot be overly gigantic. Unfortunately this means not bringing your pet brontosaurus to the game.

  • Pets do not have wings. This also means pets will NOT be revived if they die. So do not kill them. That wouldn't be cool at all.

  • Although their speech can be translated like other animals in Luceti in person, it will only be simplistic speech that would be expected from a simple animal.

  • Pets can still be applied for even if brought into the game. If a pet, such as Repede from Tales of Vesperia, is accepted into the game, the NPC Repede would be 'sent home' and return days later, only with a pair of wings and with no memory of their time in Luceti.

  • Please do not create additional journals for the purpose of pets. They are meant to stay in the background and should rarely be used without their owner (or a stand-in owner) around.

  • Pets are not affected by experiments unless its environmental (such as the earthquake).
After the animals appear, they'll stay in Luceti until their owner is sent home or the animal itself is applied for. If you are unsure if your pet qualifies, don't hesitate to ask!

Next, the friend add/remove for this application period:

friend add risingspirit
friend add yourhatred
friend add falenansun
friend add bluffgenius
friend add redstringed
friend add sokkafangirl
friend add forever_heroine
friend add crisis_rain
friend add loyal_arrows
friend add liketofu
friend add praygenius
friend add savethelastchip
friend add wanderer_jack
friend add willbeawinner
friend add whatsinthepipe
friend add prodigyforger
friend add invisible_inuki
friend add onebluebamf
friend add symp3thy
friend add shockingsoul
friend add redheaded_rock
friend add rygdea
friend add eeeek_a_rat
friend add wolfbehindawall
friend add idle_magic
friend add ankoku_fox
friend add asmilethatkills
friend add wildconqueror
friend add not_a_bluesbro
friend add adoridelabun
friend add filmtrail
friend add fireblessed
friend add fatedefier
friend add tsuntrader
friend add doubleppk
friend add soreplaceable
friend add byakkoyagirl
friend add generalflirt
friend add de_bel_survivor
friend add sittingtype
friend add markofthetrust
friend add 1week_wizard
friend add paishoplayer
friend add consultmybooks
friend add the_soother
friend add merelyaweapon
friend add forsurvival
friend add adoridelabun
friend add mothercuts
friend add bang_ihaveagun
friend add felltohate
friend add redsynonymhere
friend add mmmfilletofsoul
friend add killercutething
friend add andheavenknows
friend add endthem
friend add sapphire_sniper
friend add ooh_kamina
friend add after_march
friend add steadfastest
friend add cookingninja
friend add shortcroissant
friend add finishedfirst
friend add mermaidofnoel
friend add applehair
friend add healing_yellow
friend add there_were_none
friend add gustareion
friend add prat_prince
friend add nightsofrain
friend add 4000excuses
friend add mutedhero
friend add cakeblocked
friend add weightlesscrab
friend add cleaves_fate
friend add ritacule
friend add alwaysadvancing
friend add ofheavensseat
friend add reshape_destiny
friend add phasingly
friend add restoremyhonour
friend add 2ndunitcaptain
friend add hakoiri
friend add mybossisbetter
friend add forkimlasca
friend add combusts
friend add onstyxrow
friend add evolvedadere
friend add ballkicker
friend add uncutejade
friend add purityshrine
friend add maresato
friend add polishrule
friend add undertheanchor
friend add lotusgatekeeper
friend add lostinmyway
friend add fangirls
friend add its_troublesome
friend add parasolmagic
friend add refinedmaestro
friend add carrycorpses
friend add 4000gropes
friend add fireinherheart
friend add a_bit_heartless
friend add dressedinflame
friend add holyblade
friend add underthefalls
friend add wind_of_god
friend add arcticdungeon
friend add letsgetmoving

friend remove nofancydos
friend remove ofthefey
friend remove callmerogue
friend remove salvagedslayer
friend remove cameronbaum
friend remove feline-nonsense
friend remove rubyeyes_ryuhou
friend remove uselessraven
friend remove sorridi_bella
friend remove madpsychic_vamp
friend remove halgitamilf
friend remove followsthestory
friend remove destrua
friend remove ivorygunslinger
friend remove martelandmany
friend remove daddyflash
friend remove goldenfirefly
friend remove dancinghonour
friend remove uspoonybard
friend remove superior_genes
friend remove screw_the_rules
friend remove andahardplace
friend remove waterblade
friend remove no_gray
friend remove spirascalm
friend remove startwithabang
friend remove hyaha
friend remove princely_honor
friend remove violaceil
friend remove birdchaser
friend remove burningfighter
friend remove calmbeforethe
friend remove crystal_spear
friend remove decimi
friend remove derschwarzadler
friend remove earthrumblegod
friend remove epicenity
friend remove focusgtfo
friend remove foodovermystery
friend remove koko_ni_iru
friend remove logicphile
friend remove needsmoredakka
friend remove powerfulbeauty
friend remove standsonhands
friend remove temeryte
friend remove whileiamking
friend remove silviteadvocate
friend remove smalldamnhero
friend remove death_orange
friend remove evolvingly
friend remove a_childish_lord

Copy-paste it here for all your characters.

IF YOU ARE NEW AND YOUR CHARACTER'S NAME IS NOT ON HERE, YOU WILL NOT BE ADDED TO THE MASTER ADD LIST. Go comment to the friends add post if you don't see your name, otherwise you will not be added by new journals.

That's all, kids!
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