Sup guys! Results from the Activity Check are in!
Please note that the following characters were either inactive, didn't post to the activity check, or failed to speak to a moderator about their activity. Also added were characters who have dropped, for your convenience.
friend remove nofancydos
friend remove ofthefey
friend remove callmerogue
friend remove salvagedslayer
friend remove cameronbaum
friend remove feline-nonsense
friend remove rubyeyes_ryuhou
friend remove uselessraven
friend remove sorridi_bella
friend remove madpsychic_vamp
friend remove halgitamilf
friend remove followsthestory
friend remove destrua
friend remove ivorygunslinger
friend remove martelandmany
friend remove daddyflash
friend remove goldenfirefly
friend remove dancinghonour
friend remove uspoonybard
friend remove superior_genes
friend remove screw_the_rules
friend remove andahardplace
friend remove waterblade
friend remove no_gray
friend remove spirascalm
friend remove startwithabang
friend remove hyaha
friend remove princely_honor
friend remove violaceil
friend remove birdchaser
friend remove burningfighter
friend remove calmbeforethe
friend remove crystal_spear
friend remove decimi
friend remove derschwarzadler
friend remove earthrumblegod
friend remove epicenity
friend remove focusgtfo
friend remove foodovermystery
friend remove koko_ni_iru
friend remove logicphile
friend remove needsmoredakka
friend remove powerfulbeauty
friend remove standsonhands
friend remove temeryte
friend remove whileiamking
A number of you passed the activity check, but barely. (You know who you are.) Try to pick things up, as it's no fun to character-squat.
If there are any mistakes here, please let us know! Additionally, if your character was removed and you're still active, feel free to appeal to one of us about keeping your character. However, there are no guarantees, and if we do let you pass, please remember next time to stay active and post to the Activity Check.
And as always:
How's My Driving?
This is a crit post for both the community and game and for your characters. If you have something you'd like to see us improve upon with the game, PLEASE TELL US HERE! Anon commenting is on, but if anything gets really nasty there will be warnings and thread-freezing. This isn't required but everyone is encouraged to take advantage of the advice of your fellow players!
Just some pointers: no taking cheap shots, no dragging personal issues into things and for the love of all that is wise and great, please double check your replies and comments before posting them. Sometimes a change in phrasing can make all the difference between a helpful tone and a condescending one.