Bet everyone's ready for another event.
This one is actually pretty laid-back in terms of what's permitted, with a lot of elbow room for interpretation and freedom. Choose one of the following to inflict your victim character with:
Self-explanatory. Your character is to act as if they are in some horrifically dramatic soap opera; as you can only control your character, they would probably behave and react very dramatically to extremely mundane things. Also, they can claim extremely untrue things, just for the sake of stirring up drama because that is what a soap opera does. They would become paranoid over who's sleeping with who, little tiny truths that shouldn't be a big deal are suddenly a Very Big Deal, realizations are catalysts for comas and fainting and very, very intense strings-and-winds orchestral accompaniment. Yes. Music seemingly originating from nowhere will follow your character for just those right moments. For example:
Tifa: [Normal.] Why are you so jealous of Rude and myself?! You're the one who called off our engagement!
Cloud: [Soap Opera'd] I'm not jealous of Rude! I'm jealous of you!
Tifa: ...............what.
Cloud: [DRAMATICALLY] I'm gay!
Tifa: What.
Cloud: And I've been sleeping with Zack. [TEARFUL FLOUNCE]
This will not be happening, but just for an example. B|
Wacky situations, "/derp" moments, familial bonding, fuzzies, awkward, hilarity...that is the sitcom. Puns and word plays will run amok, and your character will be the center of all the amusing chaos; serious moments are permitted as well, of course, should some bad news come along, but remember that nothing stays serious for long in a sitcom. Also, a laugh track will follow your character around -unseen, naturally- and provide appropriate live-audience!responses to all the quips they'll make. For example:
Kratos: [Sitcom'd, randomly reading a paper like some kind of father figure.]
Lloyd: [Sitcom'd, but strangely enough he's not that different from before.] Dad, you need to go out and make friends.
Kratos: [Flaps out paper.] Why would I need to do something like that?
Lloyd: Because you're around people anyhow Dad, you might as well talk to them! If you don't want to be around people, it'd be better if you just lived on the moon or something.
Kratos: [Deadpan stare at the fourth wall.]
-[Cue laugh track.]-
...this is actually more feasible than I thought it would be.
A lot of freedom with this one; basically, pick a movie genre that your character will be involved in. Our advice: if you want to have fun, pick something ridiculous and corny, like those B- or C-budget horror films or some action flick with about five thousand explosions. An example of this would be:
Horror/Action: -Estelle running away from some unseen horror, either bloodied up, in her underwear, or bloodied up and in her underwear. Flynn arrives with a shotgun: "This is my BOOMSTICK." [Ch-chk.]
Comedy/Action/possibly Porn: -Yuri running away from some unseen horror, either bloodied up, in his underwear, or bloodied up and in his underwear. Judy arrives with a shotgun: "This is my BOOMSTICK." [Ch-chk.]
But feel free to choose whatever movie genre you'd like; fantasy, sci-fi, romantic comedy, etc. Just know that the more absurd the genre you pick, the more fun you'll have.
VIDEO GAME STYLE's a video game. You have HP, MP (with little intangible 2-D bars that follow your character around for stats purposes), epic quests, dungeon keys, random encounters, etc. You can choose which kind of game you'd like to model your character after; whether it's a game that they are already a part of, or if you play another character that will now randomly know how to use a sword; anything goes. Examples of this are:
-Svala is an NPC; she will only say two lines and pace about in a set course. She will also give people tasks and rewards for completing these tasks. Capell will get a Situation Bonus for completing it within three minutes.
-Sephiroth waits his turn to attack.
-The Tales casts get their titles; menu-mode is a blank stare as they switch them for the costumes/stat boosts.
-Completely ordinary characters suddenly have knowledge about fighting forms and engage in rigorous battle.
Etc, etc. As is always the case, any questions go here! The event will begin tomorrow, Friday, midnight EST.