Activity Check

Mar 19, 2009 16:04

It's that time again~


As usual, here's how it's done.

1) Comment listing each of your characters in the following format:

Character Name:
Character Journal:
Character Fandom:
Recent Activity: Here

2) You must link to recent activity. You can show the following:

a) a recent entry you've posted

b) a log you've participated in/are working on

c) a thread involving your character on someone else's journal (at least ten comments)

If it's not a very long thread, feel free to post more than one \o

3) Activity that qualifies should fall between the 1st of the month and today's date, before this post. It doesn't have to be your most recent, just anything you've posted in that time. If you don't have any activity between those dates, POST SOMETHING ANYWAY. At least tell us what you have done.

4) If a mun has commented to the Hiatus post, their characters will not be removed.

5) If your activity doesn't fall between those dates and you're not on hiatus, you must contact one of the mods. Please, please do this. Just let us know what's up; we're usually pretty lenient, we just like to see characters interacting, not getting sat on.

6) If you have a new character who just joined this month and have not yet posted, just put "New character" in the Recent Activity field. That way everyone's accounted for. Mind you, if you joined on the 1st and haven't posted yet, get cracking, eh?

7) If you do not post here your character(s) will be removed from the roleplay.

The activity check will last until Saturday, March 28th, to give us time to clean up before the next set of applications.

Next, here is the new friends add list for this past application cycle. Copy and paste here.


friend add adventureheart
friend add verdreifachen
friend add vulnerableliar
friend add iterance
friend add fisshu_ai
friend add god_demands
friend add talesofarose
friend add heartsrappigs
friend add ritachiquita
friend add love_is_weird
friend add nilradiance
friend add eatyourherbs
friend add pitifulbloom
friend add former_third
friend add offallingsnow
friend add notyourboss
friend add eldarianwarrior
Friend add moehime
friend add zanarkand_kid
friend add aerial_amethyst
friend add nextgen_hokage
friend add invocatrice
friend add bouquetofbones
friend add kendama_pro
friend add faizedout
friend add rossovento
friend add decus
friend add testingmyaim
friend add andallaretrue
friend add most_talented
friend add ranksinmistlore
friend add sewmanly
friend add noteatingcrowes
friend add unspokenwings
friend add lymed
friend add thesun_itburns
friend add justtooedgie
friend add ismakingwaves
friend add emp3thy
friend add 2ndleaddigi
friend add spikelogy
friend add prosaical
friend add sweet_shuriken
friend add not_homo

IF YOUR CHARACTER'S NAME IS NOT ON HERE, YOU WILL NOT BE ADDED TO THE MASTER ADD LIST. Go to the friends add now and comment if you apped someone in March and their username isn't on the list above.

Also, here's the current friend-remove list. A lot of the names are old, so at the end of the activity check, I'll be clearing it out completely. Use it now!


friend remove man_and_toy
friend remove mistas_pants
friend remove agentle_green
friend remove abrilliant_blue
friend remove notaminuteman
friend remove la_tua_potere
friend remove loving_brother
friend remove scarredxdoll
friend remove storybookprince
friend remove twin_of_flame
friend remove mercurial314
friend remove sephira_hod
friend remove riding_the_sky
friend remove xxblacksnakexx
friend remove sweetunrest
friend remove u_r_trash
friend remove lapis_waltz
friend remove ladronoscuro
friend remove atinyhope
friend remove retired_knight
friend remove graciousheart
friend remove incisiveness
friend remove transmigrate
friend remove rikuo_himura
friend remove stopmytime
friend remove ibellyshirt
friend remove stormscoming
friend remove pitchdramatic
friend remove savagewolfstorm
friend remove trustingme
friend remove bitterheart
friend remove soulsarepeople2
friend remove soulofhumans
friend remove screamking
friend remove flightless_mage
friend remove foxy_roses
friend remove celestialwater
friend remove himamoristep
friend remove myheartmypath
friend remove hunterofdeath
friend remove the_final_wave
friend remove prism_black
friend remove mass_manipulate
friend remove its_me_hooray
friend remove kz_assassin
friend remove misamisa_dn
friend remove wirebones
friend remove minaeclipse
friend remove dodgeroll
friend remove wearsblack
friend remove idkmybffchappy
friend remove blastiamatters
friend remove takemeawaytrain
friend remove probablyacat
friend remove myhairpwnzstfu
friend remove noah_morpher
friend remove aoi_neko_lay
friend remove templarnights
friend remove divine_bunny
friend remove frostbit
friend remove iptamenos
friend remove hai_listen
friend remove capnteebee
friend remove young_earl
friend remove pactoftheheart
friend remove steelcleavage
friend remove shinyfoxsummon
friend remove book_of_chaos
friend remove soundfrequency
friend remove victory_lance
friend remove ducklinged

Lastly! We'll be running an event shortly, so keep an eye out!

activity check, friend add/remove

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