(no subject)

Nov 22, 2011 10:33

Who: not_meatbuns, semper_cogitans, and i_speak_softly walk into a lab...
What: Finding out what said mutant turtle looks like on the inside.
When: Today, November 22nd.
Where: The Battle Dome clinic.
Summary: Don finally gets around to those medical imaging tests he's been thinking about; Robert is delighted to assist; Litchi was not expecting to break new ground in medical science today.
Rating: G.

Don's first visit to the clinic had gone well - the now-absent Dr. McCoy had treated him brusquely, but in an equal-opportunity kind of way - but it still took him months to build up courage for the thing he'd been thinking about even longer.

He's always wanted to know what mutant turtles look like on the inside.

He has a vague mental picture: pieced together from diagrams of humans and turtles, from a visceral sense of where his organs are, from glimpses snatched while desperately trying to treat his brother's wounds. With the advent of the Battle Dome and its advanced (by 2006 standards) equipment, he finally had an opportunity to really know, and on some level he's disgusted with himself for putting it off so long.

Today he's finally steeled himself to do it. With Robert at his side, for moral support as well as technical assistance, he heads to the clinic. Once in the lobby, he'll wait nervously for a doctor to appear. As long as it isn't Ami or that Law person...

((Don -> Robert -> Litchi?))

[blazblue] litchi faye-ling, [oc] robert hastings, [tmnt] donatello

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