Where are you going? Where are you going? Can you take me with you?

Oct 25, 2011 21:43

Who:slaying and consultmybooks
What: Watcher and Slayer talk on the way to the tunnels.
When: The morning of October 26th
Where: Outside of Building 7, before proceeding towards the tunnels.
Summary: Despite a bad night courtesy of the Phanto Mask, Buffy and Giles have a date to keep. Knowing is always better. But Buffy has dropped enough hints of what he's missing that ( Read more... )

[btvs] rupert giles, [btvs] buffy summers

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slaying October 26 2011, 11:06:50 UTC
When I ever not? Ready, I mean.

That was the extent of her reply -- after the journal had rung and she had been knocked out of a light-but-troubled sleep at Jack Sparrow's side, Buffy had been pleased to see the familiar handwriting. She did not resent the wake-up call despite the fact that she probably only dropped to sleep a a few hours before it came. Fortunately, the Slayer did not need the same full complement of seven hours to feel rested. Certainly, some nights, she didn't sleep at all. But if the pirate was in her bed she seemed to manage a bit of slumber before the dawn. Even if just to reassure him that she still could sleep.

As she sat on the edge of the bed, she felt a nervous energy take her limbs. He would become whole again, she thought. Complete. Her Giles. Therefore, it didn't take her long to get ready and pull on a very low-impact outfit. The sort of thing usually reserved for evening patrols. Comfortable, maneuverable ( ... )


consultmybooks October 26 2011, 11:26:00 UTC
Giles wasn't even attempting to distract himself with the wait. His journal was open beside him, but he was paying it no mind. Occasionally, he'd anxiously run a hand over his face, as though to reassure himself that he hadn't picked up some new mask.

And he brightened slightly but noticeably when he saw Buffy approach. One question solved, at least. At least today would happen as they'd planned for it to happen. And Giles had had more than his fair share of sleepless nights over the years, but sleeping out at the boat had probably left him looking a bit disheveled. Even so, he returned the smile tiredly.

"Good morning, Buffy."


slaying October 26 2011, 11:29:45 UTC
"I hope you're wearing your best penalty removal shoes."

While there were no weapons in her hands, there were two worn travel mugs. After an exploratory sniff over the top of each, Buffy handed over one regular old English Breakfast and a dab of honey for Giles. Her own tea was a little more specialized and had a peculiar-but-enticing aroma. Buffy Summers wasn't a fan of tea but she drank this concoction every morning.


consultmybooks October 26 2011, 11:34:24 UTC
Tea. He hadn't expected tea today. This was a nice, if...possibly suspicious bonus, assuming what he assumed of Buffy's unfamiliarity with tea.

And so he took an experimental sip almost as soon as he'd taken the mug and opened it. Hm. It wasn't bad, and the honey certainly helped. Certainly better than whatever Buffy was drinking.

In response to her question, he kicks the toes of his boots against the ground. They're good boots, and they've survived a lot. A walk to the tunnels probably won't do them in.


slaying October 26 2011, 11:38:06 UTC
Considering that her own beverage was medicinal in part and prophylactic in full? Mmhm, it was an odd sort of drink indeed. Hers had a higher dose of wild honey just to make it palatable but after months and months of ingesting the stuff -- every morning, regular and routine -- she had long ago become accustomed to the sour taste. If it hadn't been for her own necessary brewing and taking of her own tea, she might never have thought to prepare any for Giles.

"Good," she turned towards the path.


consultmybooks October 26 2011, 13:14:39 UTC
He got up from the steps, dusted himself off, and hurried to walk next to her, wincing slightly as some hot tea splashed onto the ground.

He wouldn't say anything for a minute or so, a few feet of trail, and then:

"...I suppose I should start from the beginning, them. Or, um, ask you to start from the beginning, as it were."


slaying October 26 2011, 13:16:36 UTC
"Oh, jeez. I hear it's a pretty good place to start. Y'know."

She tapped her fingers along her mug and frowned and tried to figure out how best to come out with it: "I was fifteen. Newly transfered into Sunnydale High. Got kicked out of my old school for burning down the gym and I'm guessing you can guess why I had to do that. You were the librarian. I was the Slayer. THe first thing I tried to do? Retire."


consultmybooks October 26 2011, 13:19:50 UTC
"I can guess."

He didn't remember what had happened to the high school, but...well, the stories had lasted a little longer, especially after it had been rebuilt. Desperate times, desperate measures.

"...I remember applying for the librarian's job. Well before I came to California. And, um, what was my response? To your retirement plans, I mean. If I knew them. Certainly not a common response for an active Slayer."


slaying October 26 2011, 13:22:20 UTC
"...A Slayer slays." She paused. "And I'm quoting verbatim, here."

She wondered at how much detail she should toss in. Perhaps the steel skeleton was enough. "The Master was attempting to rise from his freaky underground stop-gap prison and I came just in time to stop his Harvest. Will and Xander got dragged in. And so the evil-fighting foursome was formed."


consultmybooks October 26 2011, 13:28:29 UTC
"...sorry, the Harvest was when they first learned about the Hellmouth? And...everything to go along with it?"

Giles isn't sure whether he's impressed or horrified, at this.


slaying October 26 2011, 13:31:46 UTC
"If by they you mean Willow and Xander? Yes. And they were firmly Team Slayer after that."

A hesitant pause: "Angel, too. Kind of."


consultmybooks October 26 2011, 13:33:07 UTC
"By that, I meant Willow and Xander."

He has his questions about Angel, but Giles isn't sure he has it in him to ask them, not even today.

"So. We stopped the Harvest and presumably...hopefully...saved the lives of a few hundred people to start with. Then what?"


slaying October 26 2011, 13:37:45 UTC
"Then we dealt with each new feature-creature as they came at us. Until...well. The prophecy. A prophecy." She grew cagey, now. Best to skirt past this as quickly as possible.


consultmybooks October 26 2011, 13:46:55 UTC
"A prophecy?"

The caginess was noted, if not understood. Giles frowned faintly in concern, even as he distracted himself by blowing some steam from the lip of his travel mug.


slaying October 26 2011, 13:50:46 UTC
"About the Slayer facing the Master and dying." It was a mite easier to say because she had, after all, already told him that the Master had killed her.


consultmybooks October 26 2011, 13:53:02 UTC
A stunned and...yes, horrified silence.

"...o-obviously, um, obviously it didn't...stick, then."

It wasn't as though he didn't remember the song. Or the talk by the barracks, even if he couldn't now remember just why the Master had horrified her so much.


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