ten_ofspades and
onebluebamfWhat: Battle dome date (sort of)!
When: October 7th, late evening.
Where: The battle dome
Summary: It’s Friday night. What better way to spend it than to go through a bunch of combat simulations?
Rating: Probably no more than PG.
[They had discussed doing this shortly after Kurt came back - a little get-together at the battle dome. It works for Melanie since she needs the practice, and it works as another chance to spend more time with her... what, boyfriend? She’s still not entirely sure what word she should use to describe her relationship with him, but whatever it is, she likes it.
Either way, there wasn’t much of a chance to do this earlier. It would have been way too confusing, what with that bizarre fairytale experiment, but that’s all over and done with and now is as good a time as any. So, Melanie’s outside the dome, wearing her
suit and waiting to see where Kurt decides to pop up.]