Of the man who fell from grace with the sea

Oct 07, 2011 21:15

Who: flicker_flash, halftheduet, ufo_fanboy, lists_to_port
What: Jack puts together a rescue party to finally get Hector back.
When: Friday, October 7th
Where: The Ocean and points north along the shore.
Summary: Jack's kitten was mysteriously kidnapped while he was away on the draft; now he has plans to fetch Hector home.
Rating: Hopefully no more than PG?

A long time ago, a man wanted a woman to lose her fear of the sea. To that end, he found for her a lovely huggy pet--an octopus that he had lovingly christened "Fabio." This pet, he hoped, would show her that the sea holds things that are good and wholesome and wonderful. With this insight, she would come to love the water as much as he did. At least, he wagered, she might be less frightened by it.

Fabio did not like his new human name at all, but as a stoical philosopher he accepted his fate and realized that he would rather live in a tank in Raine Sage's room than die on the beach. His people, you see, forced him into exile because of his highly unpopular views on mollusks. "You are corrupting our youth," they screamed at him in that way that octopi do when they are very upset. There was also much arm-waving and rather sophisticated tool-use. "You are corrupting our youth and for that you must die!"

The man felt a great deal of compassion when he saw the dying philosopher. An idealist himself, he understood the pains of exile when others consider you far too different to deserve survival. He did not know that unfriendly eyes were marking him as he carried Fabio away from certain death. He did not realize that he had become, in that tentacled realm, an enemy. And when the man went off to war months and months later, and afterward was lying severely injured in the clinic, he did not know that the octopi were sneaking into his home by the sea.

Boneless bodies slithered through the night, squeezing through the cracks of that home. No one was around to hear the tiny, stub-tailed kitten's meowing as the many-armed invaders dragged him out into their domain--a cave up the coast, strewn with Shiny Things of Interest to Octopi. There they held him prisoner in a dim sort of diplomatic standoff: Hector for Fabio. A wee kitten for a traitor.

The man had known that something was brewing among the cephalopods. [<--Warning: this thread is not suitable for minors.] But it wasn't until he returned, sick and wounded, from the clinic, that he realized that his kind actions had reached a sick fruition. The chickens, as they say, had come home to roost. And that is what one gets for being an honest man. Still grievously wounded from battle, the man found he could not immediately retrieve his pet. Events and horrible circumstances in Luceti further prevented the rescue mission from happening, though the man did his part and papered the village with posters describing the lost cat, just in case. His grief over the loss of the kitten only expanded after the friend who gifted him with the pet was suddenly sent home by the Malnosso. It never crossed his mind to turn Fabio over to the authorities, but he needed more desperately than ever to find the poor kitten.

Now the man had assembled a crack team of octopus-finders: Katie McCoy, his cabin girl; Stephen Maturin, who will quite possibly be stumped at both the sophistication of the octopi society as well as their capabilities of nurturing long-standing grudges; and Fox Mulder, who will do that thing he does best when tentacled things kidnap cats. Once this crew was loaded aboard the Joanna Joyce, Jack Sparrow set sail with his magical compass for a guide, homing in on the northern coast and the dangerous secrets hidden there.

[OOC: So four-way threads are probably a BAD IDEA but I think for the sake of keeping it fresh and real and jazzy we should start the action with approaching the cave at high tide. Picture the cave on the Isla de Muerta in POTC, but not nearly as large and without all that treasure. That is pretty much where they are going to be finding this cat. Octopi are not good fighters. They will probably throw things like rocks and shells at the intruders and squirt ink and water at them. Possibly they will try to trip them with their tentacles. Worst case scenario you get one of those things on your neck and it tries strangling you. They will be making lots of rude gestures. That's about all they can do. I'll start off a thread and we can see what happens! Tag at your leisure--I know this is a busy weekend for me so tags will mostly come at night. orz.]

[oc] katie mccoy, [aubreyad] stephen maturin, [potc] jack sparrow, [x-files] fox mulder

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