Jun 17, 2011 17:15

Who: oneofsaya and you!
What: The big battle.
When: June 18th, afternoon.
Where: Anywhere.
Summary: Kusanagi has decided to go on a freaking rampage and will KILL YOU ALL. So, uh. I think it's a good time to make like Ike and fight for your friends.
Rating: M (for death and violence!)
dead, dead, dead, dead )

[eternal sonata] frederic chopin, [golden sun] amiti, [tales: legendia] grune, [dcau] batman, [tales: abyss] asch, [tales: vesperia] yuri lowell, [dcau] superman, [blazblue] noel vermillion, [btvs] rupert giles, [oc] helios sprensonne, [saiyuki] homura, [devil survivor] main character, [tales: abyss] luke fon fabre, [blazblue] v-13 (nu), [ff: iv] cecil harvey, [peacemaker kurogane] okita souji, [tales: vesperia] raven, [oc] robert hastings

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once_knighted June 18 2011, 03:16:01 UTC
[However the surrounding area looks makes no difference to Yuri. He's only got one thing on his mind.

Get back at the bastard who took down Flynn.

For right now, he's combing the area to look for who the most likely perpetrator is, an incredibly dark look about him that likely isn't made any better being coupled with his sword already being drawn and ready. Given the way Kusanagi stands out, and the obvious blood lust coming from it?

It won't be long before he puts one and one together.]


cakeblocked June 18 2011, 06:12:40 UTC
[There isn't exactly a trail to follow when it comes to trying to find Yuri. Luke didn't really think of that fact when he picked up his sword and ran out after hearing that message.

That, and Luke had been distracted by the big problem Luceti was suffering from right now. It's purely by chance that he happens to find Yuri staring down Kusanagi, and he jogs to catch up with him before stopping a few feet behind him. He already knows there isn't going to be a sense of camaraderie between them, considering how livid Yuri must be.]

Is that...?


oneofsaya June 18 2011, 06:28:24 UTC
[Bravo, Yuri. In all honesty, it probably wasn't difficult to pick out the one who's been throwing the balance of Luceti into a fit of chaos today. You could say she's been literally caught red-handed. Who knows? Maybe some of that blood is Flynn's. The thought of so many lives in her hands neither amuses or bothers her much--there's simply apathy.

It's like being a living weapon almost.

Yuri is the first she notices, though she detects another's presence from nearby, now closing in with the man. His cold stare is met with her own dull gaze. If you hate her, she doesn't seem to care very much.]

...scanning targets. [Yes, that's a plural. Look behind you, Yuri.]


once_knighted June 18 2011, 06:35:55 UTC
[Yuri barely registers Luke saying anything, or even approaching him. Really, it's only when Kusanagi says "targets" that Yuri realizes there might be someone else close by.

All Luke's getting is a quick, sharp glance before Yuri goes back to focusing on the one in front of him. Considering the commotion, the blood all over her ... it's very obvious she was responsible for what happened to Flynn, in his opinion. And hell, whether it was or not ... it was clear she'd likely deserve what he had in store for her.]

Get out of here, Luke!

[Time to get himself ready to charge. Whatever that scanning crap is about, he wasn't about to sit around and wait to find out.]


cakeblocked June 18 2011, 07:01:13 UTC
[Yuri barely even gets a glance as Luke gets a good look at the person they're facing, a searching frown on his face. Somehow, Luke felt a sense of familiarity. But he couldn't place his finger on why just yet.

It's only after Yuri yells that Luke finally realizes why. Though the hair and eye color look different, she...

His eyes widen, and the grip on his sword tightens as a ball of horror builds up in his chest, and he takes a step back. No... No. It couldn't be...]

... Noel? Noel, what happened to you?!


oneofsaya June 18 2011, 07:12:11 UTC
[Ignored, again. She won't listen to it anymore. She refuses to listen. Even though it's far off, even with the feeling of something she cannot reach when she sees the two, she will deny everything.]

Unknown power sources detected within targets. [One of them holds something similar to one she had faced off against a while ago, even.] Hostility levels... rising. Caution is advised. Overriding all power limitations.

[Were you talking to her, Luke?]


once_knighted June 18 2011, 18:52:41 UTC

[... Noel ... Where did he hear that name befo--

"--never properly introduced myself before all of this, so before I go, um... my name is Noel--"

Wait ... That can't be right. The voice was different -- not nearly this rough sounding. Sure he was blind back then and would have a little more trouble matching a voice he's barely heard to a face, but ... No. Wait. Even if he never really saw her for more than a second or two whenever he happened to notice her hanging around Flynn, he's starting to notice some similarities. Like her face and hair color and dat assThen, what the hell was this about? Is this how she actually is? Was she tricking everyone all this time by putting on some meek act? ... Or is this a situation similar to Estelle's? Was she being controlled or something ( ... )


cakeblocked June 18 2011, 22:31:06 UTC
But Yuri-!

[That's Noel, Luke knows it is even if she's acting so completely different right now. Something was wrong with her, why was she covered in so much blood, why was she attacking everyone, why was Yuri-?!

But Luke can't focus on that right now. There's about to be a fight, and he can't just sit out and let... whatever is going to happen happen. It took a glance between Yuri and Noel... Kusanagi to snap him out of it, but then he followed up with a long distance attack to make up for his stall - a Demon Fist arte.]


oneofsaya June 18 2011, 23:00:27 UTC
[stop looking at dat ass. Luke's hesitance to this entire thing only makes things easier for Kusanagi. As Yuri quickly approaches, the disembodied swords reposition themselves behind the Murakumo as she awaits the man's approach.]

Executing termination protocol. [They were wrong. How could someone this evil and empty be pathetic, hypersensitive Noel? Don't they realize that the person by that name shouldn't even exist--that they were nothing more than a lie?

Kusanagi was the truth, and she would bestow upon Luceti the despair of that reality.

All at once, the swords thrust forward in an attempt to cut through Yuri as she maneuvers away from Luke's arte. As she does this, two orbs are summoned; above and in front of her. Both can move and shoot lasers, which they'll be doing... right about now.]


once_knighted June 19 2011, 00:16:59 UTC
[... Well. Looks like charging at her blindly and hoping it'd work isn't a good idea. As soon as he sees those blades reposition, and especially when they start to move, Yuri immediately changes direction by flat out leaping to the right to get out of the way, ending up on his back in the process. Sure, he wasn't about to get a ten out of ten for gracefulness, especially since one of those swords clipped his arm and left a nice reminder that that was Kind Of Dumb, but dammit, he got out of the way and that's all that matters.

... And a second later, he's up and trying to make sure he doesn't get hit by those lasers either -- at least one of which came way too close to actually hitting him, given his "dodging technique" from before.

As soon as he's out of the way, he immediately swings his blade at the empty air in front of him twice to form an X-shaped, sharp gust of wind that'll be heading straight for Kusanagi momentarily -- Final Gale.]


cakeblocked June 19 2011, 04:07:11 UTC
[Luke had started charging forward just as he used his arte, though he faltered when he saw the blades being thrown towards Yuri. He seems to be all right, but now there's something else to worry about. The lasers. Luke can only hope that Yuri is fast enough to avoid those, as he has to avoid them himself as well.

He leaps to the left, opposite of Yuri, to get out of the way of them. They were close - he felt one push the tails of his vest aside, but he manages it without any injury.

When Luke rights himself on his feet, he notices the attack Yuri makes, and he uses that to his advantage now that they're on either side of Kusanagi. He just hopes she won't notice him as he charges forward, his right hand glowing an orange color as he gets near her. Once he's close enough to hit her, he'll try the Devil's Inferno arte - to hit her with the energy charged in his fist before he swings his sword downward, where several bursts of fiery fonons come forth.]


oneofsaya June 19 2011, 07:05:36 UTC
[One arte coming her way. Another, namely Luke, closing in with his own. Kusanagi move away from Final Gale, but that still leaves Devil's Inferno.

So instead, she's going to be cheap and activate her barrier, effectively knocking away the gusts and wind and even Luke if he gets too close.]


once_knighted June 19 2011, 07:19:15 UTC
[... Okay, so charging is a bad idea, and she has a barrier. It makes total sense that it'd knock Final Gale away -- it's wind, after all -- but ... hmm.

Well, it's not as if trying it is going to do anything but tell him whether it'll work or not.

So, Yuri decides to go for something a little harder -- Frigid Blast, which is executed the same way Final Gale is, except for the fact that it launches spikes of ice at the target, rather than wind.

... He's not certain whether that'll make any difference though. And if Final Gale didn't work, Azure Edge sure as hell won't, so he's left with something he already knows won't work overly well.

Charging at her. Almost immediately after executing Frigid Blast, in fact. He knows it probably won't end overly well, but he wasn't about to just stand around and dodge things all day, either.

... And Luke, you better be okay, especially if you end up running into that barrier. He's barely got the time to breathe properly, let alone make sure you're anything aside from not dead/dying.]


cakeblocked June 19 2011, 07:31:02 UTC
[It's as the barrier activates with his hands inside, which causes a shock that he feels all the way to the back of his neck, and makes him go flying backwards that Luke realizes getting in close is not a good idea at all, considering the barrier she has. Why did it have to be barriers?

It's as he flips himself over mid-air and lands into a skidding kneel that he realizes most of his attacks are close-range. And he's pretty sure it's the same way with Yuri, too.

And it's when he sees Yuri charge after his next arte that Luke uses his bent knees to push himself off the ground and charge at her, too. He knows it won't end well, but he can't dodge all day. And maybe if they both go at her at the same time, she won't be able to focus on the two of them.

He yells as he runs, though, because he doesn't want to do this. He doesn't want to fight Noel, doesn't want her to die. He realized as he fought - she's a replica, too, just like him. What if this was something she couldn't control? Luke destroyed Akzeriuth, Xion turned into a ( ... )


oneofsaya June 19 2011, 07:44:55 UTC

Pointless. [And it's like that hadn't even been directed to solely Luke. Was she even listening to him? Maybe she was, but why care for something that wasn't directed at her?

Instead of taking this barrage of attacks head on, Kusanagi opts to settle with another form of defense; which is to say, maneuvering the swords in front of her to act as a shield. She can still feel the damage of the artes, but not as not as badly had she just stood there.

Once the artes are out of the way? If Yuri and Luke are still too close, those same swords are going to lash out as one to strike them at once so they can reel back and away from each other.]


once_knighted June 19 2011, 19:48:13 UTC
[... It's honestly a little painful to hear what Luke's saying. Things like that ... are similar to what he said to Estelle ( ... )


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