(no subject)

Feb 13, 2010 16:28

Who: Anyone who said they would attend / is interested
What: Town Meeting
When: SATURDAY afternoon/evening.
Where: The barracks, either inside or outside depending on how many show up.
Summary: A long awaited meeting. Lets try not to make it too complicated, mmmkay? :|b
Notes: Normal action to reduce everyone's stress! o/
Rating: Uhhh idk.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the nature of this situation, basically people are encouraged to make suggestions or openly mingle. I'll be posting what Raine wants to address, and then other people are encouraged to bring up other suggestions. Maybe flag them as a [Raises hand] or something to broach discussion on. If someone raises a point that you wanted to bring up, perhaps reply to it or supplement it somehow, to reduce the possibility of spam/people getting overlooked. Feel free to mingle before and after.

[Wherever the meeting is actually held, it would have been set up for a group of people to either sit or stand at their convenience at some point, depending on the volunteers available. Some people are welcome to act of ushers of a sort, making sure that things don't get out of hand. Regardless of the number, it'll probably be very crowded.]

[a:tla] katara, [btvs] buffy summers, [tales: vesperia] yuri lowell, [one piece] monkey d luffy, [tales: legendia] senel coolidge, [ff: vii] cloud strife, [ff: vii] zack fair, [tmnt] raphael, [one piece] nami, [tales: symphonia] raine sage, [trigun] vash, [tales: abyss] nephry osborne, [vampires: los muertos] derek bliss, [tmnt] leonardo, [ff: iv] kain highwind, [tales: symphonia] yuan, [tales: legendia] fenimore, [ff: iv] golbez, [suikoden] hugo, [star trek] mccoy, [star ocean] leon geeste, [mushishi] ginko, [tales: legendia] walter delques, [suikoden] albert silverberg, [ff: iv] rydia, [tales: vesperia] raven, [tmnt] donatello

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