Who: The Eccentric, along with anyone he meets.
What: Please
see here!When: MONDAY afternoon/evening.
Where: The central plaza, right where the portal was.
Summary: YOU MAY USE ACTION TAGS SHOULD YOU SO DESIRE. Characters are free to come across this strange little hologram.
Rating: Uhhh idk. Whatever happens. Probably not above PG.
Did it work, did it work?! Ohhh, I knew I could do it! )
Comments 821
Yes, you may. Whether I will, or can answer is another matter.
Okay okay! First first first first... Yes! Yes I believe I would like to know sir...
Oh! Did you know anyone who attempted to pass through this gate?
I was not personally acquainted with the ones who attempted to pass. What is the purpose of your inquiry?
I'm a scientist, man, a scientist! I've studied with the Great!
But he never expected the Spanish Inquisition an old man. ] ... is this some kind of joke?
[... Whoa. What the heck? Noel went to go check on the portal after her voice returned, but... instead, there's this person. If it's even a person. And he's... asking for questions? Okay, let's approach and see what's going on.]
Um... sure. Wh-what do you need to know?
M-my... hair? [There is a blue hologram of an elderly man... asking if she has a stylist. WHAT.
... She'll just shake her head, a little dumbfounded.]
...oh what am I thinking. That wasn't what I wanted to ask. I was distracted! I do love blondes.
Aside from this, please don't derail me. I'm a bit forgetful, you see. [He lifts the cane to tap his chin with the handle.] Do you know anyone that passed through this gate?
...ahem. [He hooks his cane in the crook of his arm and mimes flipping a notepad, though there is no notepad visible in the hologram.] Hmmm, let's see, what was first...yes...
Oh yes! You miss, do you know anyone that attempted to use this gate?
...no, my dear no no. That can't be right. That can't be, I did everything correctly! Hm yes, I applied the Shift to the surroundings...yes...
Yes yes I carried the four. Ohhh, I do hate long division.
Well, that's new. ...Sure, I guess. What is it?
Well, perhaps. You look like a man in the know!
[Adell folds his arms over his chest.]
Anyone who stepped through it ended up someplace else in Luceti. And then could only talk like an animal. One girl I know ended up sounding like a cow.
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