The Common Knowledge Meme
While Luceti might seem pretty big, for a village, it's actually rather small. Naturally, there are a lot of characters out there who've probably never threaded before, but should realistically know each other. And since it'd be impossible to thread out every second of every day, here's something that might make
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He's awake at 5:00 A.M. every morning, grabs a shower, and then starts breakfast for the crew. Depending on his speed, it's served around 7:00 or 7:30 - yeah, that early. Then he hits Seventh Heaven to feed the breakfast crowd.
No matter how long the shifts, he always returns to House 6 at noon and 5:00 P.M., respectively, to cook for his housemates. And if he's not working, everyone can usually find him somewhere in the forest, the plains, or the beach. Often he'll do daily stretching and acrobatics, there - though in a semi-secluded area, lest someone distract him. (As a general rule, he doesn't exercise in the house for that reason.) Sometimes he hits the library on the hunt for a new cookbook.
And that's really it. He cooks, he wanders. He chats with anyone who catches his fancy... most often women.
Things Everyone Would Notice
He runs Seventh Heaven. Yep, Head Chef right here. If a character has eaten at this restaurant for any length of time, chances are Sanji at least knows their name/recognizes their face. And if the character is a woman, he's been extremely gracious and accommodating - to possibly annoying degrees.
His eyebrow curls into a spiral. Those icons are not lying. If your character isn't familiar with the pattern and it strikes them as odd, by all means, comment. Sanji needs a little more hell in his life.
His style of choice are suits with different colored undershirts and ties. That said, his wardrobe knows no bounds, and hits the best and worst of both worlds. Also, he enjoys the color pink and blue. Characters will see him wearing plenty of pink and blue, when he's going casual.
UM. If a character is female, around his age, and attractive - Sanji will produce hearts out of his eyes. Tangible hearts. They can poke them, though only God knows what they're made out of. >> MELLORINE AND HORMONES? Though the longer a person knows him, the more they'll realize his flirting/swooning is 1 part lust, 3 parts earnest adoration, and 100% harmless.
Sanji cusses a lot, with prevalence given to all variations of the word "shit". If it bothers a woman, he'll make an effort to curb his bad habit (Paprika is a good example). If a guy doesn't like it, he is literally shit out of luck.
He smokes. Deal with it. :|
He's a violent man with a violent temper. Now, how much a character notes this will vary, as people in Luceti are far more behaved than on the Grand Line, but he will "playfully" kick his close CR in the head when they piss him off. And by "playfully", I mean they will sometimes go flying through the air and into a wall. Maybe through the wall. >_>a There will also be lots of yelling involved.
Sanji's a pirate. He won't hide this fact, nor that his crew is stationed in Luceti (though he won't give out their house number).
Gruffness aside, Sanji is fairly easy-going and intelligent, and he really enjoys talking with other people. If a man can get past his cussing and blatant disregard, he (usually) comes across as someone who is genuinely kindhearted. If a woman can get past the flirting and adoration, he's (usually) intelligent conversation as well as a one-way ticket to a delicious meal, by virtue of being one of the best chefs in the town.
If anyone sees him fighting, they'll note he uses only his feet/legs, much like a martial artist.
Yet Selphie only has two hearts on his CR chart and she can stomach this./ ;)
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