I have a lot to say but I can't say it! But I'm having the time of my life, and it's miraculous that I get to have it!!
The past six weeks have followed the usual patterns of being easily distracted, having erratic sleep patterns up the wazoo, and hanging out with a handful. This net really prohibits most online play that isn't StarCraft II, but I guess it ultimately doesn't matter as between 3D modeling and figure drawing and other scattered titles I have plenty of ways to occupy spare time.
I haven't been able to invest more than a few hours into Atelier Rorona, which is one of those titles which emasculates anyone who plays it. I don't have balls anymore! But I can dig this sort of resource management in which you can't get away with mindless, mindless spam. I would doubt the game necessitates perfect control but it doesn't really seem beneficial to grind your heart out either. I don't know just how long it'll take for me to get my balls back as I might be picking at this one for a while yet.
Weeks ago I had a post written about how Kirby games nose dived in 2006 but I scrapped it as it seemed pointless. I guess talking about it is still pointless as I'm likely among the few who senses bullshit reeking from Kirby's Epic Yarn. The E3 announcement left me with vague surprise, but eventually I learned that Good-Feel is pulling the strings. Their prior titles Wario Land Wii and Looksley's Line Up demonstrate a keen interest in graphical polish without actual games to back it up, and I've suspected Kirby just might follow their trajectory. Can this company seriously pull off "no death" properly and not act like a prick when the player gets hit? But then I learned
this wasn't a Kirby game to start with. Given what else Nintendo has been content shoving out the door as of late, I should have known there was something fishy about getting the "first Kirby console title in seven years." What have I been rewarding again?