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Dec 15, 2007 17:58

The Pheasant Plucking Song - The Barrow Poets

♦ I support family values... if they're the Von Trapps on crack! Twigged as we turned wrong from the airport last night - but I didn't expect this! To celebrate my homecomin', those nearest n' dearest threw me a non voyage party, a welcome counterpoint to their lacklustre farewell in October. Or maybe they just missed my dopey mug! The sozzled lushes even sang me a song! ('cept dad who drove the electric pianola like an Edwardian possessed!) ::hides whiskey::

Honey: Me husband is a keeper, he's a very busy man
       I try to understand him & I help him all I can,
       But sometimes of an evening I feel a trifle dim
       All alone, I'm plucking pheasants, when I'd rather pluck with him.

I'm not a pheasant plucker, I'm a pheasant plucker's mate
       I'm only plucking pheasants 'cuz the pheasant plucker's late!

Brando: I'm not good at plucking pheasants, pheasant plucking I get stuck
        Though some peasants find it pleasant I'd much rather pluck a duck.
        Oh but plucking geese is gorgeous, I can pluck a goose with ease
        But pheasant plucking's torture 'cuz they haven't any grease.
        I'm not the pheasant plucker, he has gone out on the tiles
        He only plucked one pheasant & I'm sitting here with piles!

Mom: You have to pluck 'em fresh, if they're fresh it's not unpleasant,
     I knew a man in Dunstable could pluck a frozen pheasant.
     They say the village constable has pheasant plucking sessions
     With the vicar of a Sunday ‘twixt the first & second lessons.
     I'm not a pheasant plucker, I'm a pheasant plucker's mum
     I'm only plucking pheasants 'till the pheasant pluckers come.

Josh: My good friend Luca's most adept, he's really got the knack
      He likes to have a pheasant plucked before he hits the sack.
      I like to give a helping hand, I gather up the feathers,
      It's really all our pheasant plucking keeps us pair together.
      I'm not a pheasant plucker, I'm a pheasant plucker's friend
      I'm only plucking pheasants as a means unto an end!

Honey: Me husband's in the forest always banging with his gun
       If he could hear me heartfelt cries I'm sure that he would run,
       For there's fluff in all me crannies & there's feathers up me nose
       And I'm itchin' in the kitchen from me head down to me toes.
       I'm not a pheasant plucker, I'm a pheasant plucker's wife
       And when we pluck together it's a pheasant plucking life!

Ah ha-ha! Laughed & clapped so hard, think I broke a funny bone! Not bothered it weren't an original ditty 'cuz adaptin' stuff to suit is my speciality! And it proved beyond doubt: booze & tongue-twisters make for a deranged but highlarious night of not so wholesome family entertainment. Can't believe how good a mood beams from everyone I see & not just my kin. I'm certain it's got a lot to do with our recent "regime change". ::warbles internationale::

When I left these shores; a decrepit, bigotted despot, bereft of ideas & imagination, ruled the Federation thru paranoid fear & brazen corruption. Now, for the 1st time in history, The Commonwealth of Australia has a female Prime Minister... well, an actin' one (PM I mean!) until Kevin gets back. We rarely change government so the election result's a pretty big deal. The empire has been swept away & it feels like the country has woken from a decade's slumber, ready to take on the world! ::pops cork::

♦ So vail the fascists! Those 1000 points of light are spread much farther than they think! And it's ironic. Conservatives claim to value the past but they learn nothin' from it. The only other PM to lose his seat, did so much as now after pushin' for draconian industrial laws. Consequently, the highest ranked Tory still in office is the Lord Mayor of BrisVegas. Rattle your chains! That's hysterically sublime ...even though it effectively means I'm livin' in one party state. ::1984::

But it won't last. New South Welshmen, us fine recalcitrant denizens of the premier state, are a contrary bunch. We vote oppositely State to Federal, as a matter of course. Similarly, Ozzies in general favor a balance of power & often split their vote between chambers of parliament. When we didn't the last poll, my theory that folk are becomin' less hypocritical seemed sound but we reverted to our old ways this time 'round. After all, it's worth a little hypocrisy to thwart absolute power & politicians just ain't to be trusted. ::jaded::

Enough of the political pontification! Folk'll think I actually think on stuff! Think I'll go out, shoot some hoops, listen to pop & chew gum... all at the same time! ::uses the force::
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