: : 2 warps to Neptune : :

Sep 03, 2007 02:20

Speed Metal Gyruss - Megadriver     Location: Mailbox, west of the house...

♦ Hey Donkeyboy! Hee aw, hee aw, hee always calls me that!

Serves myself right. Let slip in a drunken stupor that your dad wanted to name you Mario after his favorite videogame in the history of ever & you'll never hear the end of it! Could be worse... a lot worse. In fact, I actually count myself lucky to have escaped with a pretty cool moniker, my brother doubly so. We're both damn lucky that Mario n' Gyruss just ain't got the same ring to it as Luc 'n Bray! It's more than my brat of a siblin' deserves however, 'cuz I gotta few choice names for him my ownself! ::practices chinese::

After the Mother's Day incident, which we do not speak of in polite company, I learned my lesson well for Father's Day. So I got my dad somethin' shiny & fun which I knew he'd adore; namely a Playstation 3 with all the latest kit. It's said great minds think alike & the not so great alongside 'em it turns out. My sneaky bro gazumped me with a Wii which proved both extremely popular & also positively, his unparalleled skill at pissin' me off! Love & family ain't a competition but he's still a cheat! ::plots revenge::

Meanwhile, far more important matters are at hand 'cuz September's finally here! I've been home barely a day & it ain't so much as a pitstop, a family barbeque & a change of clothes for in a few hours, I'm off to the City of Angels - blink & you'll miss me! It ain't work but it is a business trip & Honey's taggin' along for a job interview she lined up on the quiet. I guess if she gets it, we'll be movin' agen... could make things easier. ::retabulates spreadsheet:: Gonna miss my old hometown.

Had saved a stack of Jayne/Simon to read on the plane but the company's welcome even though it's more likely I'll end up sleepin' my way across the Pacific instead... um, not like that! We gotta be back by the 15th 'cuz that's when the bambino's due. I feel guilty about leavin' my mom so close to the birth but needs must & besides, Aunt Lis has moved in to help out & I made Josh promis to keep me posted although he's tied up with APEC so it's probably piecrust. Fortunately, there's always my dear old dad & he can run 'round like a headless chook enough for everyone! Just hope that if I fail to return in time, someone stops him from puttin' Sonic on the birth certificate. ::swerves to avoid hedgehog::
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