Writing communities~. This one is an AU challenge from
whole_new_world. :D
tic_tac_woe also looks interesting. Mini bingo challenge with end of the world prompts. If I ever manage to finish this AU challenge (signed up with Legend of Sun Knight), I might want to try the Tic Tac Woe challenge next.
Alternate Reality/Changing Canon
Alternate Showdown002.Alternate Romance
Altered Past004.Altered Core Values
005.Absence of Pivotal Character
006.Fork in the Road and/or Wrong Turn
Dead Character(s) Alive008.New Skill
009.Bad Decision
010.Memory Loss
011.Power Loss
012.Apocalypse, or Threat of
013.Ignored Advice
014.Fix the Past
Never Found Cleaned up the tags a bit on DW. Multilevel tags! o/ Though now they won't match the LJ ones...
This entry was originally posted at
https://lucathia.dreamwidth.org/346595.html. You can comment here or there.