Fanime, Anime Expo, and Soren~

May 03, 2017 17:12

Fanime is around the corner! I have no new cosplays planned. After making Sun, I already have my ultimate cosplay dream fulfilled. XD Nothing has really caught my attention since then to make. Instead, I've actually bought pre-made cosplays, hoping I could focus on other aspects of cosplaying more, like styling the wig and actually doing some cosplay make up, which I'm terrible at. Current line up will likely be Kayano from Assassination Classroom, Emilia from Re:Zero, and Sun. I bought some new paint to paint my Sun boots~ (gotta replace the tape I used, haha. It kept falling off at Anime Revolution.)

But because of Fire Emblem Heroes, I'm considering wearing Soren again, though my hairstyle is no longer like his, and I can't wear colored contacts anymore. It has been 9 years since I cosplayed him. So long... Back then, I tried to find English lyrics to the Fire Emblem theme with little luck, and now it's right there, sung to us in Fire Emblem Heroes.

As for Anime Expo, I bought tickets to Anisong World Matsuri ~Japan Super Live~, featuring ALI PROJECT, angela, GARNiDELiA, Konomi Suzuki, Mashiro Ayano, and Minori Chihara! I'm a little sad that it's probably on the same day as the AMV contest, since I almost always watch that (Day 1 tradition!), and it makes me wonder what main events there will be after Day 1. I should... throw together some post about Anime Expo 2016 before I forget. That Suwabe panel. Definitely want to immortalize it. XD

In Fire Emblem Heroes news, Ike and Soren were finally released! I've been saving up my orbs since the start, never letting it drop below 100 orbs, hoping to see Soren in the game. I was super excited to see Soren on a focus banner. I thought he might be left out in favor of other PoR/RD characters, but thankfully not.

When the banner went live, I started pulling right away.

So, I started with 128 orbs. My goal was Soren, while Ike would be nice too though not necessary. I pulled only red and green, spending 120 orbs... And no luck!!! DDD: By this point, I was despairing because that was a long time of saving. ;___; Since February...

After that, I waited for the daily orb bonuses and completed every quest I could to snag some orbs. I'd already completed all the old chapter maps, so no orbs from there. ): Since there weren't that many orbs available, I decided to pull only green orbs. Soren's my priority, after all, over Ike.

I kept pulling, and the 5* focus pull percentage had risen from 3% to 4.5% by yesterday night, with the percentage rising .25% for every 5 heroes that isn't a 5*. By 4.5%, my hero roster was near bursting with 177 heroes out of 200. I tried again... and there where no green orbs to select! No chance for Soren at all! Instead, there was 1 red and 4 gray... ): So I went for the only red one, and what do you know, I got an Ike.


But, but... that reset the percentage back to 3%. Soren... ;___; Ike, I didn't want you, not over Soren!

Well, I tried again pretty soon when I hit 20 orbs again. 1 green. 4* Sheena. ): Then, I tried again this afternoon. 2 green. No smoke. 3* Gunter. ): Last green... There's smoke!

SOREN. OMG SOREN. Yes, yes, Soren, Ike IS here. IT HAPPENED. (Soren totally showed up because of Ike, didn't he????)

So, with 2 heroes between him and Ike, Soren joins the party. He really does follow Ike. His quote is very fitting. I decided to finish off the rest of the pull and pulled the blue and gray ones too. Got a 5* Effie. :O No 5*s for so many orbs, and suddenly 3 within 7 heroes? Game, you're killing me here!

I spent 5 orbs on most of the heroes, since I backed out of the pulls if there were no green, and 4 orbs on some of them if there were multiple green in the pull. I have so many Berukas now, and other green heroes that aren't very useful.

Anyway, DREAM COME TRUE. These were the characters I'd been waiting for since the game's release, so I'm satisfied now. XD No need to keep pulling, hahaha, I'll stick with these characters. Unless... Radiant Dawn versions of them get released. XDDD Oh no, it seems very possible, since both versions were up for voting on the website. Should I start saving up again... (Laguz would be nice too...)

I am also very glad the green wasn't Titania. Titania is great, but she's not Soren!

Even though Soren's skills aren't that great, I don't really care. XD I'm going to build him up~ (I totally play this game like a collecting game)

All the 5 stars I currently have. At one point, I only had girls, but now some guys have joined the team~.

I'm so glad I saved up my feathers. I'm going to 5 star some characters and give their skills to Soren. 8D Favorite FE character, get~

I also like Lugh a lot, but I doubt they'd give Raigh his twin, and no one beats Soren. (I'm still surprised Raigh is even in the game.) My other favorite would be Erk, but he's such a minor character. I feel like the only new characters being added are 5* characters, and Erk is likely never to be a 5* character... Though Rebecca did surprise me there. I'm glad this game is being updated a lot. I'd started getting a bit bored when I ran out of story maps, but with quests, Grand Hero Battles, and other stuff being released, it kept me interested. And oh the nostalgia for some of these characters... XD

Fire Emblem Echoes soon.

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

medium: games, conventions/cosplay, fire emblem

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