[Legend of Sun Knight] fic: My Friend, the Pope (in-training) - Part 7: Ecilan

May 31, 2015 22:40

Title: My Friend, the Pope (in-training) - Part 7: Ecilan
Fandom: The Legend of Sun Knight
Words: 1,940
Summary: Grisia wasn't chosen as the Sun Knight. This is the legend of the strongest Pope in all history. AU.
Notes: Ah, I nearly went a month without posting any fic! Here, let me fix that. BTW, I bought a breadmaker. I can't have an Ecilan, but at least I can have a breadmaker. :'D;

Previous part

Part 7: Ecilan

When I was much, much younger, I dreamed of becoming a baker like my dad. Not just any baker, but the best baker in Leaf Bud City! I loved our bakery, our small shop of happiness, and the smiles our baked goods brought to everyone's faces. In fact, my papa's face always lit up each time I made something, even though the breads I made couldn't compare to his. He often hugged me and talked about the future, of how I would one day run the shop together with him, and how I would one day even succeed the shop. He couldn't think of anyone more qualified.

I'd really wanted to make him proud.

Yet, I went and became a holy knight.

Had I made the right choice? I often questioned myself, sometimes nearly convincing myself that I had committed a grave mistake, but if not for that unexpected choice, I would not have met all my holy knight companions. I would not have become Teacher's student.

And I would not have met my friend, the Pope-in-training.

The first time we came into contact with each other was right after a character development lesson I would never forget. We didn't actually meet in person, but I considered that the start of our friendship. I vividly remembered that it wasn't bread or pie I'd presented at the time, but rather cheesecake because of the circumstances I had been in.

(Blueberry cheesecake would soon became a specialty of mine.)

My teacher had exclaimed, "Lan, you're having classes with Lesus today!" Then, he ushered me to class where Lesus and his teacher waited.

Originally, character development lessons were held with just our own teachers, but I was completely hopeless at schooling my expressions into an emotionless mask, so my teacher was at his wit's end training me.

My teacher was quite an emotional person himself, always animated in my presence, but in public, a mask of disdain would drop over his face, transforming him into a completely different person. He didn't understand why I couldn't do the same.

He was so frustrated with me that he threatened to ban me from the kitchen if he ever heard anyone claim that I'm "caring, polite, or always smiling." It didn't take long. Soon after he spoke those words, he had to ban me from the kitchen, just like he'd said he would do.

But even banning me from the kitchen had been no use. It only made me miserable. I tried to blink back my tears, to be the emotionless student my teacher wanted, yet I couldn't do it. I didn't want to make people around me miserable with unpleasant expressions, but... wasn't I making my teacher miserable with my inability to be an indifferent Ice Knight?

Making friends or making my teacher proud... Why couldn't I do both?

It was like being faced with the choice of becoming a baker and a holy knight again. I had thought I could be a holy knight while honing my baking skills, but...

Was I wrong?

Was it time to give up on baking, on smiling?

Upon seeing my tears, my teacher had panicked, but he didn't change his mind about the ban. As a last resort, Teacher had turned to Judgment Knight to ask him to teach Lesus and me together. The day I gave my new friend sweets for the first time was one such lesson where I would be instructed by Judgment Knight instead of solely by my teacher.

Judgment Knight and my teacher were like two extremes, one cool and collected, the other easily excited and far from indifferent. The image they formed was a contrast of black and white, tranquil assurance painted against nervous agitation.

My teacher sat with his legs propped, feet tapping, but a glance from Judgment Knight made him sit more properly. Faced with the Judgment Knight, I too found myself sitting just a bit straighter, afraid to fidget in the slightest.

Besides me sat Lesus, whose face was nearly as cool and collected as his teacher's. It wasn't easy for him either, I knew that, which made it all the more amazing for him to be able to conduct himself in such a manner.

I snuck a glance at him, studying his expression and trying to imitate him. I forced my mouth to thin. Maybe I needed to furrow my brows more? Suddenly, dark eyes met mine. I hurriedly looked away, cheeks burning at being caught.

"Lan, no blushing!" Teacher reprimanded.

I lowered my head and covered my face with cool hands, wishing that ice magic could dispel the heat in my face. But while I had easily taken to ice magic under my teacher's tutelage, controlling my expressions, especially my blushing, was a whole different story.

"Eller," Judgment Knight chided. "That won't help."

I blinked and glanced up hesitantly. What did he mean?

Judgment Knight turned toward me and asked, "Ecilan, you find it difficult to present a cold demeanor, correct?"

I darted my eyes at my teacher, wondering how I should answer. Seeing that he didn't shake his head, I looked back at Judgment Knight and answered in a small voice. "...Yes."

"Why is that so?" Judgment Knight prodded further.

"I..." My hands were even colder than normal, yet sweaty. A thread of nervousness snaked through me, resulting in a tremble I couldn't control. I forced myself to drop my hands. Maybe sticking them in my pockets would help hide the trembling and make me feel less cold. "I... I don't want people to hate me."

Judgment Knight made a noncommittal noise before he went on to ask, "Do you hate Lesus?"

Lesus? Why would I hate Lesus?

I glanced over at Lesus again. Without needing an explanation from his teacher, Lesus asked me, "I'm always frowning, and I treat criminals harshly. Do you hate me for it?"

I shook my head.

No, not at all. Why would I hate Lesus? He was always so hard-working and objective. Even though his face was always locked in the frown expected of the Judgment Knight, he was always very thoughtful with his actions, such as helping me with sword practice. After all, the only blade a baker's son would have any experience with was a kitchen knife.


I didn't hate Lesus even though he never smiled.

"You... won't hate me even if I don't smile, Lesus?" I asked.

Lesus shook his head, the corners of his mouth lifting up just the tiniest bit.

My eyes widened, and I whispered, "You're smiling."

"Ah..." Lesus hurriedly covered his mouth with one hand, but his teacher gave him a pat on the shoulder to get him to relax. Lesus glanced up, the tension easing away from his shoulders.

All of a sudden, Judgment Knight didn't seem as scary to me anymore. He even said to us, "There's no need to hurry or to force yourself to be perfect."

But Teacher... Teacher had been so adamant. I nibbled my lips as I glanced toward Teacher.

He waved his hand dismissively in the air. "Yeah, yeah, like what Chasel said." When he saw my brows furrowing, he rubbed his nose, looking away as he added, "I was just worried. I don't want anyone else as my student."


A smidgen of warmth blossomed. How I wished I could bottle this feeling so that I might have something to combat the cold days bereft of smiles before me. I didn't need smiles if I could have this.

Judgment Knight's presence was calming. He was just so composed that my nervousness melted away. We practiced breathing techniques and ways to maintain our composure no matter what situation we faced. My teacher had a blast trying to scare us. Despite how quickly my heart pounded, I forced myself to remain unperturbed.

"Not bad, Lan," Teacher praised, making my heart soar in happiness. But then he grumbled, "How is it that Chasel got you acting like a mini Ice Knight so easily? Was I really such a bad teacher?"

Alarmed, I hurriedly shook my head. Teacher wasn't a bad teacher at all!

"W-Wait here!" I told Teacher and hurried out of the room. It wasn't until I was a corridor away that I remembered I was supposed to stay calm... But I really didn't want my teacher to think I didn't appreciate him! Still, I forced myself to slow down and walk unhurriedly. I hoped Teacher wouldn't become too impatient with waiting.

When I returned, I carried my latest creation in my hand.

Teacher's eyes widened. "I thought I banned you from the kitchen?"

"Teacher, cheesecake can be made without using the kitchen," I explained, not wanting him to think I had gone against his words. However, after I finished speaking, a thread of doubt ensnared me. What if, when he prohibited me from using the kitchen, Teacher meant that I wasn't allowed to make anything? Had I gone against his words without realizing it?

Contrary to what I was afraid of, Teacher didn't get angry. He turned to Judgment Knight and crowed, "See how talented my Lan is? He doesn't even need to use the kitchen to make desserts!"

I looked at the cheesecake I held, forcing the smile down.

When Teacher banned me from the kitchen, it had nearly felt like the end of the world. I'd never been away from the kitchen for so long. I was always watching papa work his magic for as long as I could remember. With the kitchen off limits, I'd paced and paced until finally, I couldn't stand it anymore.

Even without a kitchen available, there were many desserts that could still be made.

Even without smiling, there were still many ways I could express myself.

I'd summoned the ice element, watching the crystals grow in my hand. Fortunately, I had the ice element at my command to aid my sweets making. This too would become one of our connections.

I gave my teacher a slice of cheesecake. He ate it happily, a wide grin spreading across his face. Judgment Knight and Lesus, on the other hand, took much smaller slices.

After taking a bite, Judgment Knight said, "I can see why Eller is always praising your skills."

I ducked my head.

I wasn't sure if Lesus liked desserts or not, but he chewed slowly with a thoughtful expression on his face. Was that good or bad? Then, Lesus unexpectedly asked, "Do you mind if I bring some to the Sanctuary of Light? I know someone there who really likes sweets, and this is really good."

The Sanctuary of Light? Is he talking about a cleric?

Judgment Knight nodded. "That's a good idea. The Pope wants to see Lesus and me after this. I'm sure he'll appreciate something sweet too."

I didn't mind at all.

That was how my desserts first found their way to the Sanctuary of Light. There, my future friend took a bite of cheesecake and said, "Delicious! But not sweet enough!"

When Lesus told me this, I immediately made another cheesecake. This time, I received a "Could be sweeter!"

What a strange person! But the challenge made my heart pound, and I loved the enthusiasm I received.

For the longest time, we never actually met face-to-face and only spoke through the cheesecakes I made. Although my teacher eventually let me use the kitchen again, I continued making cheesecakes. I wasn't going to rest until I figured out just what Lesus's friend preferred. Lesus would pass the cheesecakes on, and he would return with commentary. A cleric, huh? My imagination supplied a sweet girl who smiled just as sweetly as she nibbled on each slice. I'd never met anyone with such a sweet tooth! I kept adding more and more sugar, but it never seemed to be enough.

It took me many attempts until Lesus finally reported, "Grisia said the latest cheesecake was perfect."

Warmth blossomed inside of me.

I made another blueberry cheesecake.

This time, I would bring it to Grisia myself.

to be continued

This one was really difficult to write! I didn't want it to turn out too similar to canon. In the end, Grisia wasn't in this chapter much... which was why I almost tossed the entire chapter out. I already tossed version 1 out though. OTL

Next part

fic type: longfics, the legend of sun knight, fic: my friend; the pope

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