Weak ends

Nov 19, 2012 18:42

Another slothenly couple of days off work. It wouldn't be at all fair to blame baby Noah entirely. During my paternity leave I would retire to bed as early as 9:30; whenever Noah decided to call it a day. I'd have no need to burn the midnight oil to feed my artistic or gaming indulgences as to these passtimes I could devote those parts of the day not required for Clara's or the house's upkeep.(Gosh, what an overwrought sentence.)

Friday, I brought home batteries to test Noah's first Christmas present, a wonderful baby gymn from grandma Lucas. Unlike a gymn you or I would use, this one features a brightly coloured mat featuring jungle and rain Forest flora and fauna, over which stand two interlocked half loop frames from which various jungle-themed toys hang. It's really super and Noah seemed to take to it immediately, even though he's still too young to interact with it and all the little toys hang too high for him to reach. Sadly, on Saturday morning the lights and sounds stopped working.

I played video games, finishing Borderlands 2. That said, I immediately invested in the first DLC (Downloadable Content) although I'll probably wait before I play it. Yet another add-on is due soon, I'll probably get that too.

Borderland 2 is a cartoony science fiction first person shooter that blends Mad Max wasteland warriors leather and spikes-chic with more traditional far future outer-space elements like arid wastelands, vast alien creatures, teleportation, robots embued with wacky personalities.

This morning
At 9:27am I became aware of a twitch in my left eye. A muscle spasm that I put down to the strength of the coffee that streams from office machine.
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