and finally for now

Nov 16, 2012 00:15

Little to report, except that my coffee tolerance is that of a very large brown bear, who worked in Starbucks as a student. I had four strong white coffees before lunch, and that was a mere starter. I think the Ill effects that you might expect were masked by my horrible head cold, which has now become a normal all-rounder cold, having dropped its specialisation for doing my head in. Productivity was low, except for the 3000% increase in snot. I'll hope for a clearer head tomorrow so I can get my head around radical new architecture employed by next version of our MultiSite product.

GTA-5 new trailer!

While it doesn't exactly drip with nextgen-ness, it looks incredibly refined. More cinematic, hopefully more physics-based sandboxy too. I don't know why it's got me the least bit excited as I didn't play either of Rockstar's last two titles for more than a few hours - although I certainly was blown away by their scope and crime story sass.
Time Remapping, or “Speed Ramps” in some programs, is a visually dynamic editing technique that we can’t seem to get enough of these days.

Took photo prints of Noah to mum. I,ve also got a set for step-mum, Carol and a set for Clara's mum, Mary, if she wants them - she's an excellent photographer in her own right.

Just logged in to Amazon to buy a digital copy of the SF novel, Robopocolypse, however the mixed reviews have left me discouraged. I should first complete my current pile - right now that includes Charlie Brooker's "I Will Make You Hate" - Brooker has so far failed dismally as my only reaction so far has been innards-wrenching, tearful laughter. Also reading "The New Executive Brain", about how some of the fronty bits of our brains work to make decisions by linking to other bits. It's slightly more complicated than I'm explaining, and I'm pretty sure it's more complicated than the author, Elkhonon Goldberg actually explains, he does an amazingly good balancing act between easy reading pop science and an overview of a peer-review ready journal, aimed at brainy medical types.
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