Nov 24, 2005 22:04
I awoke this morning to find revealed to me an icy snowscape, of such austere beauty that all I could think about was the grand and glorious movie: 'Dreamcatchers'.
I immediately suspected my friends of being infected with body-snatching alien parasites, and inspected them carefully for signs of that dread red mange, the 'Ripley', to see if they might spurt forth more such parasites, bent on taking my body and powers for their own.
Fuck snow.
Okay, it's pretty. So were most of my ex's, and I don't want THEM all over my yard either. Although shoveling some of them up off the driveway has some appeal.
What is snow there for? It hides the fact that everything is DEAD. Yay. It should work for the Bush administration. At least it probably wouldn't need to get indicted for anything.
Snow has it's place, I'll admit. I enjoy skiing as much as the next guy, (as long as the next guy isn't Glen Plake) and I have as much fun throwing snowballs as anyone else, but there my tolerence ends. It's cold, it's wet, it gets in and on everything. It's like living with a big slobbery dog, without any of the good parts. You have to shovel up after it, too.
Ask yourself - Do you enjoy the cold and the snow? Or do you enjoy getting *out* of the cold and snow and getting some hot chocolate in front of the fire?
Fall I can live with, (although the screams of dying plant life drive me insane) because of Halloween, my one beloved holiday. I mean, when else can I take off my many masks?
But Winter ... winter is the ass of the seasons, and snow is what comes out of it.
I am not a bitter man. (I can say that with a straight face. I know some of you are wondering)
I have too much hope to be bitter. My hopes are varied, and immense. And I will live off of them for another winter. It will all work out.
But I don't have to like it.
(I will not go quietly into these long nights...)