Do you tailor your fic warnings to your specific fandoms?

May 02, 2008 23:23

Let me clarify that question. How many of you write/play in more than one fandom? *raises hand* Have you noticed a difference in what is more 'acceptable' in those fandoms? *nods*

A while back, there were some interesting thoughts about warnings. Here's where things seem to get even more messy. What may pass through one fandom with no one blinking, may raise an eyebrow in another.

Let's look at Power Rangers. Slash is everywhere. (Let's face it, guys running around in spandex, that just screams to be slashed. ;) Since it's so common, a slash warning may or may not be included. And let's go one step further, if you grow accustomed to a particular readership (and they begin to know you) some things can be skipped.

'Skipped' isn't really the word I'm looking for here, but you probably get the idea. If you know the majority of your regular readers won't have a hang up about Bridge trying on Syd's shoes, you probably wouldn't bother to put a warning for that.

But if you find yourself in a fandom where it seems that even slash should be warned for, it gets a little more tricky. I've gotten to a point where half the time, I don't bother to warn for slash, though I do have a tag for it here.

I suppose it's more of being the new hatchling on the block and not knowing where the squicks are for a fandom. Should you start warning for every thing you think might trip someone up?

So what do you all think? Are there fandoms where slash and explicit material seems more common than in others? Do you adjust your warnings to better fit those fandoms?

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