Shadows of the Mind; chapter 2

Feb 17, 2008 10:46

Chapter 2: A Minor Altercation
Author: LttleDvl
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD/Babylon 5
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I own no part of Babylon 5, SPD or the characters. I just like to play with them.
Word count: 845

Lieutenant 1st Class Sydney Drew stood in the doorway of her small, far too small office, and rolled her eyes as another shouting matched erupted. One of the things she hated about her job was dealing with stubborn, hardheaded people. Which is why she preferred the usual acquiescence of the Earthdome command ranks instead of the arrogant fighter pilots and boisterous security personnel.

"Enough!" She snapped curtly, cutting across the yelling and making both people standing before her turn sharply to face her; effectively shutting them both up.

Lieutenant Schulyer Tate glared at her sullenly while Security Officer Elizabeth Delgado crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. Syd could feel a headache building just behind her eyes. Instead of rubbing at her aching temples, she settled for glaring at the twin sources of her irritation.

"Remind me again," she spoke smoothly, almost dangerously, "Why exactly are you two here?"

Instantly, both parties started talking at once, angry words flying as fingers and hands pointed wildly accusing at each other. It all blurred together in a teeming whirlwind of curses and insults that Syd couldn't even begin to make heads or tails of.

"Knock it off already!" She put her hands on her hips, elbows jutting out like spears as she sent dagger-filled glares at the two. Silence immediately followed. "Better. You," Syd pointed at Delgado, "tell me what the problem is."

Sky wrinkled his face in disgust but remained blissfully silent as Delgado began speaking.

"I am trying to conduct an investigation. As I was told to do." She shot an aggrieved glance at Tate, who rolled his eyes in response. "But this -- man," Z spoke the word as if it were something truly vile and foul-tasting, "decided to stick his nose in where it doesn't belong and nearly ruins my case!"

"Because you're wrong," he angrily spat. "Dru Harrington would never commit suicide like you're suggesting. It had to be something else."

Z let out a frustrated sigh and turned resolutely towards Syd.

"Then what do you propose happened to Officer Harrington, Lt. Tate?" Syd asked coolly.

Tate shook his head, earning him another eye roll from Delgado. "I don't know. Perhaps it was an accident that..."

"No," Z sharply cut him off. "There is no evidence to support your theory and what's more..."

"Dru did not kill himself!" Sky shouted, voice echoing impossibly loud in the small corridor space.

"Lt. Tate," Syd spoke coldly, "I'm going to have to ask you to restrain yourself. This does not need to conducted by way of screaming match. Do it again and I'll be writing you up for insubordination."

Sky clenched his jaw, anger clearly etched upon his face. "Yes, ma'am," he replied crisply.

"And you," she rounded on Delgado, sticking an admonishing her in her face. "Interrupt again and you'll be receiving a write-up as well." Z only nodded her acknowledgement before Syd turned back to Sky. "Now Lt., perhaps you'd like to enlighten me as to why you think this."

Something briefly flashed in Sky's expression, but it was gone before Syd could analyze it. "Dru was my friend," he spoke quietly. "My best friend. He wasn't suicidal. He loved life more than anyone I've ever known." He shook his head briefly. "There's no way he'd kill himself, I know he wouldn’t. It's simply unthinkable. There has to be some other explanation."

Syd sighed hugely, wracking her brain for some way she could work this out. And much more importantly, get these people out of her hair. She really hated dealing with lower-ranking staff sometimes. "I see. Officer Delgado," Z snapped her head around at the mention of her name, "Is there any indications, even remotely minuscule, that would indicate an accident of sorts?"

Z shook her head, "No. There was nothing. Just the body where we found it. It was..."

Syd held up a hand. "No need to go into particulars at this stage, thank you." Besides, she'd just eaten lunch and she had a surprisingly weak stomach for such things. "What about an autopsy? Has one been performed?"

"Not yet. We did order one, but MedLab hasn't had a chance to take care of it." She shrugged, "Said they were a little short-staffed."

"Very well. Then we'll table this for now pending the results of the autopsy. In the meantime," Syd glared at both people, "I highly suggest you avoid each other. If I get another call about two of the station's personnel having a cursing match in the middle of the Zocolo, I'll throw both offenders in the brig. Is that clear?"

"Crystal," Z replied, shooting an icy glare at Tate.

"Understood ma'am." Sky replied tartly, patently ignoring the woman who stood next to him.

“Then you’re dismissed.” Syd watched as they both turned on their heels and stalked off, purposely in opposite directions down the corridor. Syd let out a huge rush of air as soon as they were out of eyeshot. "I hate people somedays." She glanced up briefly at the empty pace above her. "Why me?"

shadows of the mind, sky tate, syd drew, crossover fic, z delgado, babylon 5, spd

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