PR_AU100 fic

Feb 17, 2008 09:53

Title: Something Deeper Lurks
Fandom: SPD
Pairing: Bridge/Boom
Prompt: #4 - First
Rating: T+
Disclaimer: The characters aren't mine, I just like to romp them through my own personal playground. ;)
Summary/Warnings: A start of a new job. And perhaps the start of something else?
Word Count: 697

Boom had been excited when he got the letter stating that the university had accepted his application. The idea of working at the college had him thrilled, but now, the morning of the big day, he was reduced to a jumble of nerves. Teaching a class seemed like a great idea on the surface, but he wasn’t sure if he’d be up for handling college freshmen whose primary interests consisted of drunken parties and getting laid.

Nervously fidgeting as he waited for the cafeteria clerk to bring his coffee order, he was unaware that he was tapping his fingers on the countertop. Practically vibrating with tension, he wasn’t paying attention to much of anything when a voice suddenly cut across his reality.

“First day, huh?”

“Huh? What?” He spun quickly to find himself face-to-face with a youngish looking-man, short messy brown hair, with ice blue eyes that sparkled at him from behind wire rimmed glasses. “Oh, uh yah. First day.”

The man smirked, “Don’t worry; it gets easier as you go along. The students aren’t going to eat you. Much.”

“Gee, thanks.” Boom replied sarcastically, finally getting his order and shifting his way down so the other guy could get his morning java as well.

“Welcome. You’re Professor...” he trailed off, waiting expectantly for his companion to fill in the blank.

“Oliver Boom,” Boom replied sticking out his hand. He was mildly surprised to discover that the other man had a firm grip despite his slightly small stature. “But my friends call me Boom, never cared for Oliver that much.”

“Boom it is then. Name’s Bridge. Dr. Carson.”

Boom nearly dropped his coffee in recognition and all but gaped at the other man. “You’re Doctor Carson? The scientific and computer genius?”

Bridge smirked a little and rolled his eyes. “Yes, I’m him all right. Or it’s me, rather,” he shrugged, “Not really a big deal.”

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to wig out on you. I’m sure you get that a lot and it must be annoying after a while.”

Bridge gave him a sidelong glance as he paid for his coffee and turned away from the cafeteria line. “Not really. Being a genius doesn’t exactly get you high up on the popularity charts.”

“Well, either way, I’m still impressed. I read all your articles on robotics,” Boom shook his head briefly in awe. “Awesome stuff.”

Bridge quirked an eyebrow at him. “Thanks, it was just something I had a passing interest in. So,” he maneuvered them out of the flow of traffic and into a corner near the hallway, “What department are you in?”

“Computers and technology, robotics specifically.”

Bridge laughed outright. “Should’ve seen it coming, eh? Then I’ll guess I’ll be seeing you around since I work in the same department. Actually,” he paused briefly, “I’m the Dean of the Department.”

“Oh. Right.” Boom had remembered seeing that on the numerous forms he’d filled out, but it had escaped his memory, pushed out of the way by a severe case of the jitters. “So’d be my boss then.”

“Yah, I guess so,” Bridge replied quietly. “But I don’t like to think of being other people’s boss, I prefer friends. Think we can manage that?”


“Great, then I’ll see you later. I believe we have an appointment at 1’o clock. I’m supposed to familiarize you with the college and the department. Nice to meet you.” He began to walk away, then turned and waved once, “Oh, and I’m supposed to assign you an office too. See ya!”

“Yah, sure!” Boom replied. He stood in the corridor for a moment watching the figure until it was gone from sight. Bridge Carson, genius extraordinaire and I’m going to be working with him! Boom could hardly contain his glee as he began to make his way to his first class, all case of nerves wiped out, replaced by a giddiness he couldn’t describe. Oh, the things they could talk about! Boom was in near ecstasy at the thought of dissecting theorums of quantum physics and astronomical equations. And for some reason, he couldn’t get the image of pair of stunning ice blue eyes out of his mind....

(a little birdie told me that kikos_ai needed some ficness, so here it is.)

pr_au100, boom, fanfic, slash, bridge carson

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