Xmas gifts (round 1)

Dec 24, 2007 08:01



Sky groaned and rolled his eyes as Syd drawled his name out. "I'm going to :hic: hurt you Jack."

"How's it my fault?"

"Because you got :hic: the eggnog."

"'Scuse me," Jack pouted, "N'er had much of an optunity to git eggnogs on da street."

"Has anyone ever told you you're a pain in the ass, Sky?" snapped Z.

"Ass!" Syd giggled uncontrollably, "You said ass!"

"Good :hic: grief," Sky grumbled.

"Get some water already, would ya? Startin to drive me nuts." Z glared at the Blue Ranger.

"Tried that. :hic: Didn't work."

"Ya ned stanb onna head."

Sky shot a wary glance at Bridge. The Green Ranger was without a doubt the most wasted member of B-Squad. He gave a stupefied half-crooked grin at Sky. "Total werks."

"Bridge, you're drunk," Z grumbled at him.

"So's yous," he replied, eyes glassy.

"Unh," Jack suddenly moaned, "I don't feel so good."

"There's :hic: a surprise," Sky mumbled.

"Awww, poor Jacky all sicky?" Syd crooned as she drifted over to him, flopping down next to him. "I'll take care of youuu!"

A small thawp! echoed across the room as Sky smacked himself in the forehead, shaking his head.

"Dun'd that hurd if ya smaks yerself?" Bridge slurred.

"More than :hic: you can possibly :hic: imagine, Bridge."

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Jack suddenly bolted out of the room.

"Awww, poor Jacky."

"Alright," Sky proclaimed as he got to his feet, "Time to :hic: sleep this crap :hic: off."

"Yah, I can't stand listening to those damn hiccups anymore," Z snarled.

"You're one of :hic: those mean and :hic: crotchy drunks, aren't you, :hic: Z?"

"Don't make me kill you."

"Awww, don't be that way Z." Syd practically launched herself across the room at her teammate, gathering her in a tight hug. "We luff you soooo muchly."

"I'm going to kill him first," Z pointed at Sky, "then I'm going to kill you if you don't get off me pinky."

"Wow. Zr's righ. Syd's all pinkered and swarly. Kinda cutey," Bridge slurred as he poked absently into the air.

"Thank you, Bridgey! I luves you too!"

"God :hic: damnit. Z!" Sky growled. "We have to get them :hic: to bed."

"We?! What the hell do you mean 'we'?"

"I can't handle :hic: both of them on :hic: my own. And Bridge :hic: is gonna need help :hic: since he can't hardly :hic: walk."

"I walkers jus fin," Bridge shot back as he got up from the sofa he'd been sprawled across. He nearly tripped and would've landed ass first on the small table if Sky hadn't caught him beforehand.

"Yah :hic: right." Sky turned to Z, "Please Z. They ain't :hic: gonna get themselves into bed :hic: in one piece. And we should :hic: really check on Jack :hic: too."

Z growled at him, but slung one of Syd's arms across her shoulders. "I still hate you."

"Fine, hate me :hic: all you want. Just get :hic: her to bed. I got :hic: Bridge."

Syd giggled as Z marched her off towards their shared room. Sky began working to maneuver Bridge to their room as well. Sky practically had to carry his roommate as Bridge couldn't balance himself one bit. He shoved the Green Ranger onto his bed and Bridge curled up, snuggling his pillow.

"Blue pratty. Pretty patty blues. All rounds. Sky pratty blues."

Sky blinked at his teammate. "Your powers :hic: must really go :hic: haywire when you're :hic: drunk, don't they?"

"Mmmhrm," Bridge mumbled back as his eyes began to flutter closed.

"Figures." Sky pulled Bridge's shoes off then drew the blanket up over him; Bridge already fast asleep.

Sky wandered back out to the rec room to find Z glaring at him. "Princess is safely in bed. Now I'm gonna have to listen to her insane giggling all night."

"Could be worse :hic: You could be listening to :hic: me all night. Not that I think :hic: Bridge is gonna notice. He's already :hic: passed out. Come on," he gently took her by the elbow, "Let's go :hic: find Jack."

They found Jack in the boy's bathroom, clinging to a toilet as if it were his last lifeline on Earth. He looked decidedly green and rather pale. It took both Sky and Z to guide him to his bed. He moaned slightly as they maneuvered him into his bed. Just for good measure, Sky fetched a bucket from a nearby janitorial closet and placed it on the floor next to Jack's bed. He poked the Red Ranger lightly in the shoulder and pointed downwards as Jack cracked an eye open. He nodded once and closed his eyes.

Sky dragged Z out of the room. "Get off me. I don't need your help."

"Yah, I can :hic: tell. Why are you so :hic: uptight?"

"Me uptight? You're the one that's usually so straight laced that you can't think without getting permission first."

"God Z, you're really :hic: a horrible..."

Z stalked over directly in front of him and shoved a finger in his face, glaring. "Don't you dare say it. No one ever calls me that, you got it?"

He arched an eyebrow at her, "Say what? I was gonna :hic: say horrible person when :hic: you're drunk. What'd you think I was gonna :hic: say?"

Z backed off slightly. "Oh, I thought you were going to call me a bitch."

Sky shook his head, "No; I wouldn't ever :hic: call you that."

"Not even if I deserved it?"

"Not even then."

Z seemed to ponder something for a moment, gazing at the floor. She looked back up at Sky, "Yah know, there's something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time."

He arched an eyebrow at her, "What's that?"

She closed the small space between them and claimed his lips in a fierce kiss. Sky was caught off-guard and stood there for a long moment before finally wrapping his arms around her, matching her kiss with a ferocity of his own.

They remained entwined together for several minutes before Sky slowly, almost reluctantly, released her. "Alcohol is :hic: such a bad idea for all :hic: of us, I think."

"Uh, yah," she stammered, "Don't know exactly what got into me there."

"Don't mention it. We :hic: just got carried away and we're :hic: not thinking straight because :hic: we're both drunk."

"Yah, you're probably right."

"Let's just head to bed :hic: and sleep it off. I'm sure :hic: we'll both forget all :hic: about it in the :hic: morning."

"And probably be hung over."

He nodded. "But I'll bet :hic: that Jack and Bridge :hic: are gonna feel worse than :hic: either one of us."

and terrific_tina

Jack strolled out of his cabin and surveyed the scene before him. The deck of the Black Pearl was the cleanest he'd ever seen it, practically glowing from the scrubbing it had recently received. He nodded appreciatively. For all that it seemed his new cabin boy was a mite bit odd, he certainly took his duties seriously.

Jack spied the boy in question, leaning against the balustrade, gazing out over the ocean. The Captain bounded down the steps and came up beside the younger man. "What be yer starin' at?"

Bridge jerked out of his reverie by the voice that spoke into his ear. "Uh, nothin' really. Just, ah, da waves. An' da water. Ya know, da ocean."

Jack arched an eyebrow before leaning towards the other man slightly. "I thin' I know what tis it."

"Oh, right. Sorry."

Jack shook his head slightly, then glanced around at the ship's deck. "Looks good. Very...spiffy."

"Thanks. I spent all mornin' working on it. Did ya know that thar's a method to git it to really shine like that?" Jack gazed at Bridge curiously, but the cabin boy continued on, seemingly unaware of his Captain's odd gaze. "It's like a mathematical methodd. If you mop wit da grain of the wood in da planks. Like this," he grabbed his nearby mop and began to push it lengthwise across the deck, "tis easier to clean since most of da dirt gets stuck in da grooves of da wood and because it comes out easy, ya can spend more time on gettin' da wood ta really shine 'cause you won' be as tired from goin' back and forth and back and forth and..."

"Very good!" Jack snapped. Watching the mop move to and fro across the deck as the cabin boy spoke was beginning to make his stomach protest. Though he'd never admit it. He gazed around at the rest of his lazy crew, a few bodies still passed out up top from last night's revelries. A sudden realization struck him as he spun back around to the cabin boy. "Why yer up? Shouldn' ya still be out cold?"

The younger man shook his head, "Naw, I din' drink none."

Jack's eyebrows flew up into his hair. "Not drink?" he asked incredulously. "Tell me," he placed a hand lightly on the other man's shoulder, "how can ye call yerself a pirate and not drink?"

A shrug. "Dunna. Never really thought 'bout it before."

Jack gave a toothy, half-grin. "We'll have ta fix that." He clamped the boy to him and waved his arm through the air, grinning. "Time ta show ya what bein' a pirate is all 'bout! We'll share a bottle rum..." he paused for a moment, then glanced back at the boy, "What's yer name boy?"


"Bridge? What the hell kinna name is that? Were you born under a bridge? Or conceived under one?"

Bridge shrugged, "I dun know."

"Well, ne'r mind." Jack began to herd Bridge back to his quarters. "'Ol Jack get ya trained up to be a proper pirate, no time flat."

fanfic, b-squad, xmas, crack! fic, flist, bridge carson

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