(no subject)

Dec 08, 2007 22:11

Title: Responsibility
Author/Artist: LttleDvl
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD
Pairing: Sky Tate/Z Delgado
Theme: #22 - cradle
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own a bit of it; I just like to play around with the characters.
Summary: Sky gets some company he'd rather not have to deal with...
Word Count: 661
A/N: thanks to welleg_fic for the beta. and while this isn't quite full-scale baby b-squad, hopefully it'll be enough to hold kikos_ai for a bit longer. ;p

Sitting outside on the swing, Sky fumed. His parents’ friends were coming over and he wasn’t happy about that one little bit. They were okay, he liked them, but that little girl got on his nerves. She always wanted to play with his toys and whenever he told her no, she’d cry and then he would be the one in trouble.

He scowled and glared across the yard as Mrs. Delgado carried out the small brunette child. She came up right near to him and placed the squirming child in his sandbox. Mrs. D looked up at him and smiled, “Hello Sky. How are you?”

“Fine,” he grumbled back. She smiled lightly and turned to the little girl, “Play nice with Sky, okay?”

“Otay,” she replied, her small hands busily distracted by the sandbox.

“Keep an eye out for her for me, would you Sky?” Mrs. D asked him.

Sky scowled but replied politely anyway. “Yes ma'm.” He didn’t care if he was 7 years old or not and no longer a little kid, he hated being forced to watch the littles whenever his parents’ friends came over. Bridge and Jack he could stand a bit more than the girls. At least they were boys and they could do boy things like race cars or something. Although it irked him the way Bridge would never shut up the entire time he was over. But all Z and Syd wanted to do however, was to play house and trash his books.

He ignored her, idly swinging back and forth, thinking of all the things he'd rather be doing if he wasn’t stuck here babysitting.

Z scrambled to her feet and came up next to him, “Swing. Z wanna swing.”

He wrinkled his nose up at her, “No; you’re too little. You can’t reach the ground.”

“Me big!”

“Are not.”

“Are too! Z swing!”

Sky rolled his eyes and hopped off the swing, kicking at the sand as Z struggled to get on. He looked back at her briefly, “See? You’re too little.”

“Me not,” she replied tartly, finally managing to get on and sticking her tongue out at him.

Sky shook his head and turned away, squatting down and digging in the dirt with a stick. He wished his mom would get rid of the sandbox. He never used it anymore, he’d grown too big for it and he knew that the only she left it there was because of the little ones. He frowned, taking out his frustration on the hapless patch of ground before him. He glanced at Z once, her little feet just barely grazing the ground, finally managing to get the swing going. At least she was quiet. It seemed all Syd ever did was scream and whine whenever she didn’t get her way. Sky kept to himself, only glancing at Z every now and then.

Finally, she seemed to tire of the swing and began to worm herself down. Sky happened to look over just as she pitched forward, landing face first in the dirt, immediately starting to cry.

Sky rushed over and eased her up, as tears streamed down her dirt-covered face. “It’s okay, you’re alright,” he reassured her, gently wiping the dirt off.

She sniffled, wiping her eyes, and pointed to her hand, “Boo-boo!”

Sky looked and saw that she’d scraped the palm of her hand. It wasn’t bleeding or anything, just a little red. “It’s okay, it’s not a big one.”

“Boo-boo,” she cried.

“Want me to make me it better?”

Z nodded; Sky gently taking her hand and kissing it quickly. “There; all better.”

She suddenly hugged him, almost knocking him over, “Sky Z friend!”

“Yah, I’m your friend. Come on,” he picked the little girl up, balancing her awkwardly as he started towards the house, “Let’s get you cleaned up. Mom’s got ice cream.”

“Ice team!” Z cried happily, her tears completely forgotten as she snuggled into the arms of her friend.

sky tate, 30_kisses, z delgado

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