(no subject)

Dec 08, 2007 21:17

Title: Discovery
Author: LttleDvl
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD
Pairing: Z and Bridge
Rating: NC-17 (very explicit, pwp)
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own a bit of it; I just like to play around with the characters.
Summary: one thing leads to another...
Word count: 3876
A/N: This was written for fandom_bound. Its not supposed to make a full circulation round the net, but posting it here is acceptable. I actually wrote this thing back in July. Yes, I've been digging through my harddrive... (oh, and its total p0rn! ;)

Z stepped out of the bedroom, yawning and rubbing her eyes as she headed towards the bathroom at the opposite end of the hall. She stopped as the sound of hushed voices reached her ears. Peering ahead, she could dimly make out the forms of two of her teammates, Sky Tate and Sydney Drew, their bodies entwined around each other. Chuckling quietly, she stepped forward until she came into their view, startling them both. “You know guys, if you wanted to be together, you could’ve just asked for the same room.”

“Z!” Syd whispered quietly at her friend, “What are you doing up in the middle of the night?”

Z crossed her arms over her chest, cocking her head slightly at her friend, “I was headed for the bathroom. I should be asking you what you’re doing up in the middle of the night instead.”

“That’s none of your business, Z,” Sky replied, miffed.

“Look,” Z edged closer to the pair, “We all know you guys like each other and none of us are bothered by it, so why don’t you just get it out into the open, huh? Who’s it going to hurt?”

“For one, it’s against regulations,” Sky shot back, “Secondly, it sets a bad precedent for other cadets if two of the B-Squad Rangers are caught fraternizing with each other.”

Z arched an eyebrow slightly as she noted that despite Sky’s words, he hadn’t moved an inch away from Syd.

“Well, we aren’t on Academy grounds right now, are we? It’s just the five of us. And I guarantee that none of us are going to tell. Believe it or not Sky, we’re all happy that you and Syd have hooked up,” Z smirked slightly, “It just might make life with you two bearable.”

Sky shot her a narrowed look while Syd huffed at her, “Z, knock it off, would you? If you’re so happy for us, can you just go and leave us in peace, please?”

“I have a better idea,” Z moved close enough to the two of them so all three were brushing elbows, “Why don’t you guys just take the room that Syd and I have? Then you won’t have to try to hide out in the hall.”

Syd and Sky exchanged a quick glance, before Syd spoke up, “Are you sure? But if we do that, where are you going to sleep?”

Z absently waved a hand at them, “Don’t worry about me, I’ve slept in places you can’t possibly imagine. I’ll be fine,” Z began to shoo them out of the hall and towards the bedroom door, “Just go already, would you? Geesh.”

Sky and Syd moved off as Z resumed her march towards the bathroom. Just as she stepped inside the restroom, Z heard the click of a door being latched. Smirking, she turned away from the now empty hall. Now, just where am I gonna sleep? she wondered.


Z scoped out the living room in the near darkness. She spied a small sofa, one that looked as if it would be as comfortable as a pile of rocks. She plopped down onto it and after several long moments of aimless shifting, she stood back up. No way am I going to get any sleep on that, she thought, why does furniture always have to be so darned uncomfortable anyway? There’s got to be another bed somewhere.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t a lot of space in the small house. There were only three bedrooms; one she and Syd had claimed, one was taken over by Jack and the third went to Sky and Bridge. Almost odd really, she mused, how we ended up in the same rooming situations that we have back at the Academy. Of course, if Syd and Sky had just come out that they wanted to be together at the get-go, I wouldn’t be in this mess now.

Sighing, she shuffled back down along the hallway that led to the bedrooms, bare feet slapping on the cold floor. I suppose I could go in with Jack, it’s not like he and I haven’t shared sleeping space before. But that was because we had to at the time, not much choice for either of us there. Now...now it would seem kind of awkward, I think. And it would bring up too many odd questions from the others. That leaves only one place...

She paused for a moment at the door to the room she had decided upon. Taking a deep breath, she slowly turned the door handle, careful not to make any noise lest she wake the sleeping occupant inside. Once it was open enough, she squeezed through the crack and closed the door as quietly as she had opened it.

Stepping lightly, she managed to cross the floor over to the bed and gingerly sat on it, trying to keep from jostling it too much. Shivering slightly, she drew the covers up over herself before glancing at her companion.

He slept on, blissfully unaware that he’d picked up a new bedfellow. Streaks of pale moonlight crept in through the closed blinds, illuminating his face slightly. Z couldn’t help but stare at him. He is rather good looking, isn’t he? she thought, I guess I just really hadn’t noticed before. Turning onto her side, she tucked an arm under her head and continued to gaze at him, studying his features as she drifted off into slumber.


Z awoke in a blanket of warmth, nestled in close to someone else’s body. With a content sigh, she snuggled in a little closer, hearing his heartbeat as she placed her cheek against the soft material of his green tee-shirt. The arm that was wrapped around her tightened a bit, as she shifted against him and Z could feel him beginning to stir. She glanced up at his face as he blinked sleep out of his eyes before his gaze settled on her. Surprised, his eyes widened as he saw exactly who his new roommate was and the position they were in.

She could tell by the light outside that it was very early morning. Not quite dawn yet. Z smiled at him, “Good morning, Bridge.”

“Z?” his voice registered equal shock that his eyes held, “What on earth? How did you get in here? Where’s Sky? What’s...”

“Bridge, quiet down, will you?” Z replied in a hushed tone, “It’s still really early. Do you want to wake everyone else up?”

“Uh, no. But I don’t understand. Why are you here? Where did Sky go?” His face held a look of bewilderment as he began to shift away from Z.

Z grabbed his arm as he started to lift it up, “Hold on for a second. I’ll tell you everything if you’ll just calm down.” She slid his arm back around her waist, “And I’m still cold, you can keep me warm while I talk, okay?”

Bridge blinked a few times, then complied, wrapping his arm back around her and pulling her chilled body back in close to his warm one. “Geesh, Z, you really are cold. What the heck have you been doing?” He could feel her shiver slightly.

“Walking through cold hallways in the middle of the night will do that to a gal”, she glanced at him briefly before settling in back next to him, “I had to use the bathroom when I bumped into Syd and Sky in the hallway. I told them that they should just take over the room that Syd and I had been using, so I ended up trying to find somewhere else to sleep. That sofa out there in the living room was too hard and uncomfortable, plus it’s kind of cold out there and the floors ain’t exactly what I’d call warm either. That’s probably how I got so chilly. I suppose I could have climbed in with Jack, but somehow that would have just been too weird for me. So I only had one option left”, she gazed back up at him, “I hope you don’t mind.”

“I’m glad that Syd and Sky are together. They each needed someone, I think,” he peered at her a moment before continuing, “And I don’t mind, I just wish you wouldn’t have waited so long, then maybe you wouldn’t have gotten so chilled. You’re beginning to make me cold!”

She chuckled slightly. “Sorry; I guess I’m just a cold and heartless bitch.”

Bridge shifted slightly so that he could free his other arm and lifted her chin up, forcing her to look him in the eye. “Z, don’t ever say that. You’re not cold and heartless. And you’re certainly not...that other word.”

Z was touched by his words, “Thanks Bridge, I don’t know what to say in response to that.”

“You don’t have to say anything, just believe it, okay?” He still had a hold of her chin, searching her eyes.

“Okay.” She broke off the eye contact and pulled away from his grasp, burying her head back against his chest. She didn’t know exactly what had just passed between them, but it had felt good, warming her on the inside even if she was still a bit cold on the outside.

Bridge slid his other arm underneath her, cradling her in his arms as he sighed lightly. He could feel himself beginning to drift back off into slumber.

Z listened to Bridge’s heartbeat as she felt the rise and fall of his chest slow, indicating that he was on the brink of falling asleep once again. Closing her eyes, she joined him.


Z awoke again, slowly and languorously. Breathing in deep, she took in the scent of the man lying next to her; basking in the smell of basil and pine. With her eyes still closed and smiling slightly, she placed her hand on his chest, feeling the strong muscles beneath the soft material. He murmured quietly at her touch, but did not awaken. She lightly ran the tips of her fingers along his chest, delighting in the form she felt.

Bridge stirred, this time waking and looking down upon the woman who curled up against him. “Good morning, Z,” he said, returning the greeting she had given him earlier.

“Mmm,” she replied as she snuggled in a little closer to him, still trailing her fingers up along his chest and down the length of the arm he had wrapped about her.

Bridge felt as if electric shockwaves were following Z’s touch. He wasn’t sure what she was up to, but he found himself enjoying it immensely. “Z,” he spoke softly, “What are you doing? Not that I mind but...”

Z lifted her head off his chest, gazing into his eyes as she placed a finger against his lips, stemming the flow of words, “Let’s just enjoy the moment, okay? See where things take us...” She trailed off as she continued to pass her fingers along Bridge’s body, making him shudder slightly.

In response, Bridge shifted his arm from around her waist and gently ran his fingers through her hair. Soft and silky tendrils slipped between his fingers, the smell of cinnamon and sunflowers reaching his nostrils.

“God, you smell good,” the words spilled from his lips as he toyed with her hair.

“So do you,” Z replied as she placed both palms against his chest, running them along his torso, feeling his nipples harden beneath her touch.

Bridge’s breath briefly caught in his throat as Z’s ministrations electrified him. He slid his hand down from her hair and along her side, the silky material of her nightgown shifting slightly underneath his palm. Feeling the curve of her body, he continued to slip his hand downwards stopping on her hip briefly before sliding down and resting lightly on one buttock.

Z sighed against his chest and moved her hands downward, she wormed her fingers underneath the edge of his shirt and then back up along his bare skin. It was soft and supple; a patch of soft hair tickled her fingers as she circled around his nipples.

“Z...” A breathy whisper escaped his lips and she looked up at him, losing herself in depths of his pale blue eyes.

Bridge bent his head down and pressed his lips against hers, closing his eyes as he began to taste her, his tongue pushing gently, seeking access. She became awash with heat at Bridge’s kiss and she readily parted her lips when he silently asked for entry, her tongue twisting and twining around his in a passionate dance. Mouths occupied, he pulled his other arm out from under Z’s form and placed a gentle hand along her chin line, thumb making slow circles on the soft skin of her cheek. Z murmured softly into Bridge’s mouth, shifted her arm and wrapped it about his waist, pulling him closer to her. He slowly trailed his hand down along the soft skin of her neck and onto her chest; alighting upon one breast and cupping it, he gently gave her a soft squeeze through the thin material of her gown.

“Bridge...” Z moaned his name as they continued to explore each other’s mouths. She turned slightly, and in the next moment, rolled, pinning him beneath her. Straddling him with her hands pressed against his shoulders she drew her lips away from his and sat gazing down at him, undisguised hunger in her eyes. “I want you Bridge, I want you now.”

Bridge felt himself heat up, the arousal he had already begun to feel quickened at Z’s words. Without speaking, he slid himself partially out from under her, just enough that he could sit up. He wrapped his arms about her waist and then up along her back, to her shoulders, drawing her towards him. She complied and leaned back down to him, claiming his lips once again, this time seeking entry to the recesses of his mouth. Tongue toying with his, she ran her tongue along his teeth, getting the full taste of him.

He moaned low in his throat as Z teased him. He slid his hands back down from her shoulders, fingers trailing her spine, causing her to quiver within his grasp. Once his hands had ended their journey, he cupped her bottom for a moment, before working his way back up, drawing the silky nightgown up along the length of her body as he went. Z gasped slightly as Bridge slowly removed the only article of clothing she donned. She slid her hands down along his chest, grasped the bottom edge of his tee-shirt and pulled it up; wanting, needing to feel his bare skin pressed against hers. Their garments reached the end of their journeys at the same time, and drawing away from each other, they pulled the material out the way. Bridge carefully dropped Z’s gown onto the tabletop next to the bed, where it formed a pile of silky folds while she tossed his shirt to the other side of the room, not caring in the least where it landed.

Bridge chuckled quietly as she cupped his face in her palms. Staring intently into his eyes, she bent her head slowly towards his. She could feel him practically vibrating within her grasp, waiting for her kiss, but she smirked slightly and just at the last moment, shifted her head around to the side of his neck, where she began to nibble at the soft skin just beneath his ear. He gasped as her mouth sent sparks shooting along his nerves, closing his eyes in pleasure as he wrapped his arms back around her waist and began to explore her skin with his hands. His palms followed the curve of her hips and then ran back up along to just under her arms, trailing the shape of her body. Slowly he slid his hands back to the front of her, filling his palms with her breasts, teasing the pert nipples with his thumbs. Z trembled at Bridge’s touch, each circle he made upon her sent waves of fire throughout her body. She slid her lips down along his neck, nibbling, sucking and licking the skin as she went.

Bridge moaned again and gently pushed Z away from him slightly, causing her to lose her lip-lock on his skin. He dipped his head under hers and moved into her chest, filling his mouth with one of her breasts, teasing her nipple with his tongue in a way that he couldn’t with just his hands. She arched her back, gasping, pushing herself further into him. Bridge wrapped his arms around her, steadying her as she quivered and writhed in response to his ministrations. She placed her palms on his chest, leaning into him, gently pushing him back with her body until she finally got him to lie back, then squirmed out of his grasp. She ran her hands down along his chest to his navel, pausing briefly to grasp the hem of his boxers before she continued to work her way down, slipping them off.

Z pushed his last item of clothing off his legs and sat gazing upon his nakedness. His cock standing at rigid attention, Bridge propped himself up slightly on his elbows, looking her over. She glanced up at Bridge’s face and smiled slightly before she bent down and placed a soft kiss on the top of his cock. He quivered at the contact, his breath catching in his chest as he fell back against the bed. She placed kisses along the length of his shaft, gently cupped his balls, and began to massage them.

“Aah, Z...” Bridge moaned out as she continued to tease him with her tongue and fingers, every nerve afire, awash with need and desire.

Z took him into her mouth, circling her tongue along the top of his cock and down its length, causing him to shudder once again. Grabbing his shaft, she began to stroke him; Bridge practically unable to hold himself still. Z bobbed her head along his cock, shifted her hand from his balls to his hips, the soft skin warm and slightly slick to her touch. She made long and lazy circles against his pelvis with her fingertips, barely grazing the skin.

Bridge gasped, clutching the bed sheets, as he lay panting and moaning in response to her actions. He bucked his hips against her lightly as he felt himself drawing closer to the edge.

She peered at him through lowered lashes as he pushed against her. Bridge was gazing down at her with a look of pure ecstasy etched upon his face; desire, passion and a glimmer of something else that Z couldn’t readily identify. She continued to move her mouth and tongue along his cock, reclaimed his balls with her free hand while she stroked him with the other. She locked gazes with him as she made him shudder one last time, accepting his seed as it spilled in her mouth, swallowing it down without hesitation. Bridge’s eyes had darkened briefly, making his expression unreadable for a moment. Z pulled away from him slowly and crept back up along his body until their faces were level with each other. Smiling down at him, she moved into him, kissing him, sliding her tongue into his mouth, allowing him to taste a bit of himself from her.

Bridge kissed her back with a slow desire. Now that his initial lust had been sated, he was longing for something a little more passionate and eagerly wanting to return the favor she’d just given him. Bridge gathered her in his arms, then carefully rolled her onto her back. Once she was beneath him, he freed his arms and began to slowly slide his hands down along her lithe frame, pausing briefly to tease her pert nipples before trailing down to the flat of her stomach. She began to twitch at Bridge’s touch, his mouth slowly trailing down after his hands. Z quivered slightly as Bridge reached the soft hollow of her hip, his tongue making slow circles against her skin as he continued to move down. Z was shivering in anticipation, but still shuddered when Bridge gently pushed his tongue into her.

Bridge teased Z’s clit with his tongue, making her tremble beneath him. Slowly trailing his fingers along the inside of her thighs, his tongue continued to explore her recesses. Z shifted slightly and moaned, grasping the pillow she lay on, rivers of fire tingling along her nerves. He slipped his fingers into her, rubbing her clit with his thumb as he made slow circles on the soft skin with his tongue. Her muscles constricted around his fingers as he began to gently move them within her.

Z felt a pool of warmth begin to form in her abdomen as he continued to thrill her. She trembled all over and jerked the pillow over her head to keep from screaming his name aloud.

Bridge chuckled slightly at her reaction, his quiet laugh against her warm opening causing her to moan yet again. She was rapidly approaching the peak and Bridge was determined that she would get there. Giving her clit his full attention, he continued on, ignoring the delighted yet muffled noises he could hear coming from beneath the pillow. Z wanted nothing more to yell her passion to the world, but she didn’t want to wake her teammates. She panted and groaned into the pillow as Bridge made her shudder all over suddenly, leaving her spent and gasping for breath.

She heard him chuckling quietly as he moved back up along her, pulling the pillow off to gaze down onto her face. He smirked at her, mouth quirked slightly at one corner.

“You’re a beast, you know that?” Z spoke when she regained her breath.

“Hey, I’m not the one who’s apparently a screamer in the sack.” Bridge slowly lowered himself down onto her, not putting his weight on her, but pinning her all the same. He claimed her mouth with his own, briefly giving her the chance to savor a bit of herself.

She slid her arms around his neck, pulling him down further, then released him to nuzzle his neck for a moment, before letting him go completely. Smiling, Bridge rolled onto his side, freeing her briefly before circling his arms around her and pulling her in against his body, curling around her. Z reached over and pulled the covers up over them both before settling in against him.

Bridge closed his eyes and took in the scent of her hair, placing a kiss on one bare shoulder as he squeezed her gently. “I love you,” he whispered softly.

Z was caught-off guard by his admission, but only for a moment. She felt a warmth and contentment steal over her at his words, a feeling of completeness; wholeness. “I love you too, Bridge.” She slid her arm along his and intertwined her fingers with his, nestling into his embrace as she drifted off to slumber.

Bridge felt a sense of belonging, lying next to Z as she fell asleep in his arms. He kissed her softly on the top of her head before closing his eyes, as sleep stole over him.

z delgado, bridge carson

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