(no subject)

Nov 20, 2007 10:21

Fandom: Power Rangers SPD
Title: Promotion!
Author/Artist: LttleDvl
Theme: Fate; Destiny
Pairing/Characters: Boom/Bridge
Rating: G
Disclaimer/claimer: Nope, I don't own a bit of it; I just like to play around with the characters.
Notes/Summary: Bridge has to share his good news with his friend...
Word Count: 1021

“Boom!” The jovial voice cut across the rec room.

Boom turned and smiled at his friend as the other man bounced up to him. Usually when someone yelled his name, it was tinged with annoyance and he’d find Sky glaring at him. But this time, it was Bridge; who was grinning at him like a demented monkey.

“Check it out!” He patted his new uniform jacket and twirled in place. “I’m the Green Ranger!”

“Cool!” Boom patted his friend on the back. “I always knew you’d make it someday.”

Bridge shrugged absently. “I can’t believe it! I’m finally a Ranger!” His voice took on a higher pitch, overwhelmed with excitement and Boom couldn’t help but grin further. “I wanted to be a Ranger, you know. I mean, I studied for it. Did all those tests, those weren’t really too bad, but all the physical training, running that obstacle course,” his face took on a sour look for a moment, “doing night patrol...”

“Bridge,” his friend gently cut him off, smiling slightly. “I know. I’ve seen the training requirements. Even started them, but...” he trailed off, “well, you know.”

Bridge’s face fell at the wounded expression Boom wore. “Oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be like trying to...ur...make you feel bad or anything. I guess I got so excited that I forgot that you probably wouldn’t want to be reminded about...”

“Its okay Bridge. I’m happy for you, really. At least one of us techno geeks has to make it!” Boom gave his friend a lop-sided grin.

Bridge smiled back, “I guess you’re right. The Ranger team can’t be all muscle and no brains after all!”

Boom laughed. “Are you implying that there’s someone on your team who doesn’t have any brains?”

“Oh no,” Bridge quickly replied, “Sky and Syd are pretty smart. I doubt that Cruger would’ve made them Rangers otherwise. They’re just...smart in a different way.”

Boom nodded. “So I guess Sky is reveling in his new Red Ranger status. Probably staring at himself in a mirror right now.”

“Urr...” Bridge’s face took on an unusual expression, “Actually he’s not. Not the Red Ranger, that is. He’s Blue,” Bridge cringed slightly, “and I don’t think he’s very happy about it.”

Boom blinked in surprise. He was as certain as anyone else in the Academy that Sky would take the position of Red once the B-Squad was promoted to Ranger status. The fact that he was anything other came as a total shock to Boom. “But...why? Why isn’t he Red?”

Bridge shrugged. “No idea. I guess...Cruger didn’t think he was ready. Or something. Who knows how a giant alien dog thinks?”

“Don’t let Cruger catch you calling him that. He doesn’t take canine references very well.” Boom shuddered as he recalled all too clearly the first (and last) time he’d made that mistake. He’d been stuck on latrine duty for a month.

“I’ll take your advice on that, oh wise one.”

Boom smirked at Bridge. “Yah, you don’t want to wind up cleaning the lavatories.”

Bridge smiled back. “Oh; I better get going. I probably have a ton of new Ranger duties to go over.” He gave Boom a hearty slap on the back, “I’ll catch up with you later and tell you all about the first day of Rangerhood!” Boom only nodded in reply, smiling slightly, but Bridge caught the brief look of sadness that crossed his features. He let out a small sigh, “Boom, if it bothers you that much, I won’t pester you with it. I know how badly you wanted to be a Ranger, and I don’t want to hurt you by reminding you...”

Boom shook himself slightly. “No, it’s okay. I...I think I do want to hear about your adventures as a Ranger. At least that way, I can feel like I’m part of the action.” He swallowed thickly and took a deep breath. “I’m happy for you; really I am. Congratulations.”

Bridge merely stood staring at him for a long moment then suddenly gave his friend a fierce hug. Boom stood rooted in place, overcome with surprise, and before he knew it, the warm embrace withdrew. Bridge was giving him an odd look and Boom was at a loss as to what his friend would do next.

“Just because I’m a Ranger now, it doesn’t mean that I’ll stop being your friend, Boom. In fact, if anything, I’m sure we’ll wind up working together even more. Since you’re Kat’s assistant and all and she’ll be doing all the equipment and stuff for the Ranger team. So we’ll probably be together fairly often. Well...that’s not when we’re out saving the city. Or doing training. Or sleeping. And maybe even...”

“Bridge. Don’t you have to get going?”

The new Green Ranger snapped his fingers. “Right! List of new duties to go over. Then Cruger will probably send us out on a mission. Wonder if we’ll be fighting galactic criminals so soon?” Bridge took on a far-away look, tapping his chin absently with a finger. “Maybe we’ll get sent out to solve a crime? Some kind of puzzling mystery that no one else can solve. Or maybe...”


“Urr...” Bridge gave his friend a sheepish smile. “Sorry. Got carried away again, didn’t I?’

“Just a little,” Boom smirked back. He gave his friend a playful shove. “Now get going before you’re late. Otherwise your first duty as Green Ranger could wind up being doing rounds through the mud run.”

Bridge pulled a horror-filled face. “No way! Anything but that!” He finally began to scurry to the door. “I’ll catch up with you later! See ya!”

Boom shook his head after his goofy friend had departed and went back to work on re-calibrating the food synthesizer. Though he felt a little saddened that it wasn’t himself sporting a new Ranger uniform, he knew that Bridge would never tease or mock him about it and he certainly wouldn’t use his new status as leverage over the lowly tech. He smiled as he continued to work. He’d experience his dream of being a Ranger through Bridge. It would be enough.

boom, 5trueloves, bridge carson

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