Fic: A Brief Experiment

Jun 07, 2007 12:36

Title: A Brief Experiment
Author: LttleDvl
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD
Pairing: Sky and Bridge
Rating: NC-17 (warning: slash, anal)
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own a bit of it; I just like to play around with the characters.
Summary: Bridge gets a little bruised so Sky lends him a hand; and then some...
Word count: 3411

Sky strolled into his room and crossed the floor to his bed. Sitting down on the edge of it, he began to strip off his shoes. He thought back on the day’s earlier events. The B-Squad had caught up with the Troobian they were trailing and had finally put him under arrest.

During the midst of their battle, Bridge had been injured. It wasn’t serious, but he still had to report to the doctor once they returned to headquarters. As Sky was bent over, unlacing his shoes, he heard the door slide open. He looked up as Bridge entered and plopped himself down on his own bed. Sky turned his attention back to his shoes. “Everything okay?” he asked nonchalantly.

“Uh, yeah. No problem,” Bridge responded.

Sky had just taken off his right shoe and had started on the other when he heard Bridge's hiss of pain. Glancing up quickly, he saw the Green Ranger struggling to get out of his uniform jacket, wincing as he did so. Sky couldn’t bear to see him in pain. He quickly got up and crossed the small space that separated their beds, reaching out and stopping Bridge’s struggles. “Here, let me help you.”

Bridge was taken by surprise. “, yeah, sure,” he stammered.

Sky just chuckled at him quietly as he pulled the jacket off Bridge’s uninjured right side first, and then slowly began sliding it off his left. As Bridge held his arm slightly aloft, Sky could see him wincing still, clearly he was more injured than Sky had thought.

The Blue Ranger grew concerned. “What’s wrong? Where does it hurt?”

Bridge shook his head slightly in response. “It’s okay, really. The doc says that I’ve just got a minor fracture in one rib. I’m fine.”

As Sky finally got the jacket off completely, Bridge sucked in a swift breath, hissing in pain once again.

Sky cocked an eyebrow at him. “Bullshit. You’re not fine, I can tell just by looking at you.”

Bridge looked back up at the Blue Ranger. “Can’t get much past you, can I?” He said it jokingly, but it didn’t come out quite the way he had intended and he noticed Sky gazing at him in a very curious fashion. “Uh, never mind,” he quickly averted his eyes.

Sky had heard something odd in the tone of Bridge’s voice and had looked intently back at him, but Bridge had broken off the eye contact. Sky decided to change the subject instead. “Did Dr. Felix give you anything?”

Bridge seemed almost surprised. “Oh, right. I almost forgot,” he pulled out a large roll of elastic bandage, “The doc said that if wrap this around, it will support the rib and it won’t hurt as much,” he grimaced slightly, “Though I don’t know how I’m supposed to do that by myself.” He looked up at Sky, holding the bandage with a look of near-pleading in his eyes.

Sky couldn’t stand it; the pitiful look Bridge was giving him hit a soft spot. “Here,” before Bridge could react, Sky snatched the bandage from his open palm, “I’ll help you with that too.”

“Really?” Bridge didn’t know what to think. Usually Sky tried to remain aloof and at a bit of a distance from his colleagues. Even seemed downright cold at times. Bridge knew however, that it was an act; a cover up for what the Blue Ranger really felt. Bridge surmised that there were times that his roommate forgot that he was psychic. He could pick up on thoughts, energy patterns, read auras, and also, could sense feelings. He’d been sensing a lot from Sky lately. And while he was surprised, he was also intrigued.

“Sure, why not?” Sky said in response, “You’re going to have to put your arms up as far as you can. We have to get that shirt off first, though.”

Bridge said nothing in return; he just lifted his arms as far as he could without hurting himself. Sky reached down, grabbed the bottom edge of Bridge’s green tee-shirt and drew it up over his head. He got Bridge to slide his right arm out of its sleeve first then managed to get it off his head. Then he slid the entire shirt down and off his left arm. “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Sky chuckled.

“I suppose not,” Bridge replied.

Sky knelt down in front of his friend and unrolled the end of the bandage so that he had a nice bit of length. He put both arms around Bridge’s chest starting just below his arms as he began to wrap the bandage around him; slowly working his way down as he did so.

Bridge rather suspected that Sky was going to pull it as tight as he could possibly get it, but instead he was surprisingly gentle with his injured friend. As Sky worked, Bridge started to become aroused; he couldn’t help himself. He’d been longing for Sky’s touch for a while now.

As he continued to work, Sky began to feel a heat rise within himself. He tried to throttle it back down, but wasn’t very successful. Each time his fingers brushed across Bridge’s exposed skin, he felt himself hardening. Jesus Christ, he thought to himself, have you no self-control? This is your best friend, a teammate and more importantly, you’re his ranking superior. It was wrong on so many levels, yet Sky couldn’t help his feelings. He’d always felt something for Bridge. Maybe it was because he was so much more sensitive than other people, that it made him seem vulnerable at times. Sky couldn’t resist that in the Green Ranger.

Finally, he had come to the end of the bandage, just above Bridge’s waist. He tucked the loose end through two of the bands he’d made and secured it with the little clasp that had come with it. “There, all done.” He looked up at Bridge to see a very curious expression on his face. Sky felt himself harden further.

No, goddammit, he thought, you are not going to give into this. No matter how much you want to. Sky withdrew his hands from Bridge’s waist and slowly got to his feet. Their gazes never once wavered. Sky took a deep breath, trying to slowly reign in his hormones.

“Well, I guess I’d better let you get some rest.” He quickly turned on his heel and started for the door when Bridge’s voice stopped him.

“Sky, wait,” The Blue Ranger heard a brief pause, “I don’t want you to go.”

Sky heard a wealth of emotions in Bridge’s voice. He couldn’t believe it. No, he doesn’t know what he’s asking, Sky thought furiously. Refusing to turn around, Sky shook his head.

“I’m sorry, Bridge. I can’t. You don’t know what you’re asking of me.” Sky never heard the Green Ranger get up, much less move across the floor. Before he knew it, he felt Bridge’s arms snake around him from behind.

“Yes, I do, Sky. I’m psychic, remember?” Sky continued to stand facing the door as Bridge began to run his hands up along Sky’s chest. Sky closed his eyes in pleasure, every nerve a thrill as he became more aroused. Bridge’s hand had finally worked its way up to Sky’s collar where he grasped the jacket zipper and slowly pulled it down. When he had loosened it, he slid his hands under Sky’s shirt and began to work them back up over his chest.

Sky let out a gasp of surprise as he felt Bridge’s hands on him. He felt soft, supple skin instead of a pair of coarse gloves. Sky had no idea when Bridge had taken his gloves off or why. He popped his eyes open.

“What are you doing?” Sky asked.

“What do you think I’m doing?” Bridge muttered from behind.

Sky turned himself around while still in Bridge’s grasp and looked down into the eyes of the shorter ranger. “Your gloves. You took them off. Why?”

Bridge matched Sky’s gaze. “Because I can feel you better this way.” He slowly trailed a finger down Sky’s spine as Sky became aroused on a whole new level.

Bridge smiled at Sky’s expression. “And because I know exactly what you want this way too.”

Sky briefly closed his eyes, reveling in the pleasure he felt. He looked back at Bridge, who was smiling up at him. Sky couldn’t resist anymore. He reached out with both hands, caught Bridge’s face in his grasp and quickly leaned down and placed a fierce, passionate kiss on his lips.

This time it was Bridge’s turn to tremble with pleasure as he felt arousal not only from his own body but also from the psychic link he had with Sky, which allowed him to feel everything that Sky did. Bridge felt himself almost cum right then and there, but stopped himself.

He’d been waiting a long time for this moment and he wasn’t about to lose it in a quick burst of pleasure. He relaxed into Sky’s insistent kiss and parted his lips slightly. He was rewarded as Sky’s tongue slipped into his mouth and began to toy with his own.

Bridge moaned in pleasure, which further enflamed Sky. He moved his left hand to the back of Bridge’s head, supporting him as he wrapped his right arm around Bridge’s waist drawing him in closer.

He titled Bridge’s head back so that he could gain more access to him, forcing his lips to part even more, thrusting his tongue further in. Sky felt a shiver pass through Bridge’s body which made him harder. So much so that he thought he would burst forth from his trousers.

In response, he felt Bridge move his hands down along his back to his waist; fingers lightly brushing along the skin, tracing the top of his pants. Sky quivered slightly in anticipation. He felt Bridge’s fingers reach the front and begin to undo him. When he had the zipper open, Bridge slipped his hand inside and took hold of Sky’s cock.

Sky groaned in Bridge’s mouth as he moved his hand from Bridge’s head, wrapping his arm around Bridge’s back and drawing him in closer; crushing him to his own body. He slid his right arm down and cupped Bridge’s left buttock.

Bridge was being flooded with emotions, both his own and Sky’s. He felt giddy and light-headed, unable to do much for several moments but feel. He regained enough of his senses to start responding and pushed Sky’s tongue aside and thrust his own into Sky’s mouth, while beginning to trace his fingers along Sky’s shaft and across the tip.

Sky sucked in a swift breath as Bridge caught him off-guard. He moved his hand from behind Bridge to the front, where he began caressing him, feeling the bulge through the fabric.

Bridge gasped, giving Sky the opportunity to regain the initiative. He deftly undid Bridge’s pants with one hand, then thrust his hand in, wrapping his hand around Bridge’s cock; giving it a steady, firm jerk. Bridge could feel his knees beginning to buckle, his breath quickening as he let out a soft, low moan.

Sky could tell that Bridge was almost ready to lose it, so using deft fingers; he guided him towards his bed. Sky felt his leg bump against the edge of the bed. He let go of Bridge’s now very hard cock and using both arms, Sky gathered Bridge in close; then gently pushed him down beneath him on the bed.

He stopped violating Bridge’s mouth and transferred his questing lips to the soft skin at the nape of Bridge’s neck, while again taking a hold of him.

Bridge gasped and shuddered, his psychic senses tweaking, sending him into a fever pitch. He moaned again and squirmed within Sky’s grasp.

Sky smiled and kept on going, wondering what it must be like for the psychic to feel two-way sex. Sky continued to work his mouth across Bridge’s neck over to the hollow of his throat, making little swirls on the tender skin with his tongue as he began to slip Bridge’s pants down.

Bridge came out of his passion enough to feel Sky working his clothes off. In response, he reached down and began to work Sky out of his.

Sky chuckled and finally released Bridge from the grip of his mouth.

Bridge blinked a few times, then focused on Sky’s face, which wore a beatific expression. “What?” he asked quietly.

Sky smiled further. “You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met, Bridge. You have no idea what I’d give to feel what you do right now.”

Bridge propped himself up on his elbows slightly, so that he could gaze into Sky’s eyes. “There’s something I’ve been trying out. I don’t know if it will work, but I can try if you want to.”

Sky looked puzzled. “What are you talking about?”

Bridge looked nervous for a moment. “I think I can project thoughts and feelings as well as sense them.”

Sky sat up a bit more. “Really? Are you kidding? You can do that?”

Bridge shook his head quickly. “I don’t know for sure if I can or not, I need someone who’s willing to try it and a really strong set of emotions.” He looked pointedly at Sky and where his hand still rested.

Sky threw his head back in a loud laugh. “You can’t much stronger than this, I suppose,” he looked deeply into Bridge’s eyes, “I’d give anything to know what you feel, Bridge,” Sky said seriously.

Bridge sat up further, working his way out of Sky’s grasp.

Sky blinked at him, unsure of what Bridge expected of him.

Bridge chuckled. “Nothing. Other than what you’ve already been doing, that is.”
Sky started and looked surprised. Bridge tapped a finger against his right temple, winking at him.

“Oh,” Sky said in response. He really did want to experience what Bridge did, but he was a bit scared too.

Bridge leaned in close to Sky, gently taking his face in his hands. “Don’t be scared, Sky. I won’t hurt you.” He drew Sky to him and gently kissed him as he slowly opened his senses, mentally reaching for Sky.

Sky didn’t know what to expect, so he just relaxed into Bridge’s kiss, closing his eyes. He began to feel slowly aroused, like a slow fire was building up from within. He placed a hand on the right side of Bridge’s face and slowly trailed his fingers down Bridge’s neck, tracing along his collarbone and continuing down his chest.

Bridge shivered as little thrills of excitement ran along his nerves.

Sky got what he could only call a jolt as he felt another level of arousal rise in him. He continued to caress Bridge’s chest, making circles around Bridge’s nipples. He felt another wave of tingling pleasure pass over him, and he realized in that moment that he was feeling the arousal that Bridge was experiencing. It only made Sky further excited himself; his cock hardening in response. He shed his jacket onto the floor and resumed his removal of Bridge’s pants.

Bridge felt Sky going for his trousers once again and chuckled throatily. He pulled out of the kiss briefly; long enough to strip Sky of his shirt.

Sky reclaimed Bridge’s mouth once his shirt was gone and wrapped both arms around Bridge, using his slightly bigger frame to his advantage in order to get Bridge fully lying back on the bed. Once he was down, Sky shifted his hands to Bridge’s waist, pushing his pants off entirely.

Bridge sighed. “No fair,” he protested around Sky’s mouth.

Sky released him from the kiss. “Everything’s fair in love and war.”

Before Bridge could say anything in response, Sky leaned back down, shoved his tongue into Bridge’s throat and began to stroke him.

Bridge was awash with emotions, quivering slightly in anticipation.

Sky felt Bridge’s passion through his shared ability. He began to tremble as well. He didn’t think he’d ever felt such levels of arousal before. Sky felt Bridge slip his hands around his neck, sliding them down along his back and into his pants, slowly pushing them off.

It was Sky who chuckled this time and wriggled himself in such a way that allowed Bridge to get his pants all the way down. Sky then slid his own legs the rest of the way out, letting the pants fall to the floor.

He then wrapped an arm under Bridge as he released his mouth and began to nibble at the skin just behind his ear. Bridge gasped while Sky experienced a sudden rush of heat passing through him. He didn’t let up, however. Using his arm, he turned Bridge onto his side and slid down behind him, still stroking him. He began to lightly brush his lips along the smooth skin of Bridge’s back, making him moan further.

Sky reached out with his unoccupied hand, groping for the drawer of his nightstand. He continued to caress Bridge as found the drawer handle; pulling it open. He reached inside and grasped a familiar and much-used bottle.

He went back to placing kisses along Bridge’s spine as he worked the bottle open, squeezing out some of the contents into his palm. His hand followed the curve of Bridge’s bottom, applying the lubricant as he relished the feel of soft skin. Sky had at this point managed to get enough of the stuff onto his fingers so that he could begin to gently probe into Bridge, spreading the gelatinous substance within him.

Bridge felt a warmth steal over him from behind, then shivered as he felt Sky exploring him. He relaxed, letting the sensations wash over him, longing for Sky to take him.

Sky continued to massage Bridge until he felt that he was relaxed and ready enough to accept him. He felt a tingle of pleasure at the same instant Bridge trembled, and he knew that he was ready.

Sky groaned in response, removing his fingers from Bridge and took his own self in his free hand, lining himself up with Bridge’s backside. He pressed the tip of his cock against Bridge’s opening, waiting in anticipation as he continued to stroke Bridge further. As much as he was eager to go now, he was determined that Bridge was going to get some first.

He continued to work on Bridge, alternating between quick, hard strokes and slow, long soft ones that ended with his thumb teasing Bridge’s tip. Each time he did that, a shudder would pass through Bridge and Sky would experience another level of passion and heat.

He continued to caress Bridge’s back with his mouth as his hand worked on the other side of him. He finally felt Bridge reach a fever pitch thanks to Bridge’s ability, then he slowly and gently entered Bridge from behind.

Sky heard him groan in response as felt him tremble all over. Sky began to rhythmically pump into Bridge; moving his hand in time with his pelvis. He gradually increased in speed and intensity until they both hit the edge at the same time; Sky pulling out before he spilled inside of Bridge.

He let go of Bridge and curled himself around the smaller ranger, wrapping his arm around his chest and holding him tight. He sighed happily and just laid there, his cheek resting against Bridge’s back.

Bridge lay there for a few moments, slowly coming down from the height of emotions he’d experienced. He had figured that Sky would be a good lover, but he had no idea it would be anything like this. He wondered vaguely if Sky had felt anything from him. “Sky?” he asked quietly.

“Hmm?” came the muffled reply.

“Do you think you felt anything from me? I mean, I was trying to project at you, but it was kind of hard at times and I couldn’t tell if it was working or not. Did it?”

Sky propped himself up on his elbow, so that he could look over Bridge’s shoulder and gazed at his face. Bridge turned his head up at him to see what was probably the happiest and content expression Bridge had ever seen the Blue Ranger wear.

“Oh yeah, buddy,” Sky replied, “It worked. You have no idea of how well it worked,” he grinned. Leaning down, he gave Bridge a brief, quick kiss. “We’ll have to do it again sometime.”

(A/N: I actually wrote this a few months ago but as I was going back through it, I changed a few tidbits here and there. Not much; just a little extra 'polish' ;) I changed it yet again *snerk* The damn richtext version was a pain and it'd get messed up whenever I change my journal layout. So now its just plain ol html. It works. ;p And I *still* need a slash Bridge/Sky icon.)

sky tate, slash, fanfiction, bridge carson

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