A Challenge I started....

Jun 04, 2007 15:52

and I realize that I should have signed up under this LJ, but oh well. So instead of linking that writing my my 'home' lj like I would normally do to pimp myself, lol ;) I'll pimp it here instead.

This challenge is called pyramid_dares.

You choose one of six pyramids and create something for each level. Level 1 has one, level 2 has two, so forth. So far I've completed level 1. Whee! The cool thing with this challenge is that there's no restriction on fandom, pairings or type of creativity. Fanart, icons, fanfiction are all accepted. You can mix your medias too. I've opted to do icons and fanfiction, (though mostly it will be fanfic) there are just some that I can't see how I'd pull off in a story. Well, I probably could but still, variety is good too.

There's also no time restrictions. You do at a level that's comfortable for you (which is great for me because I've come across challenges that expect to update every week, but I'm sorry being a working mom, largely being on my own, sucks up a lot of time). And this month I'll be running like a woman possessed. So yah, time is an issue for me. Hell, I couldn't pull off mmom either. A story a day was a bit daunting then RL reared its ugly head and that went flying right out the window. (ok, enough ranting; get on with it already! this ain't your ramblin' page you know! lol!)

Largely, I'm aiming to string the fanfiction across the levels. Instead of just having one single story at each level, it will build across the pyramids. I got this idea from archae_ology when she and her writing buddy (and I'm sorry I can't even begin to think how his username is spelled) were participating in mmom.

I might throw a few random short bits in there too, you never know; sort of like an intermission, if you will. Because once you've hit the end of the pyramid you'll have created 55 things. Whew!

So without further ado, here is my first level submission. It's short, but hey it's only the opening. I'm hoping to get started on level 2 today and possibly even have it up before the end of the night.

'Something Just Isn't Right'. I've chosen (guess who? ;) Power Rangers SPD, with a specific focus on Bridge (god, he's going to hate me by the time I'm done with him)

Please drop in and give it a read. Feel comment to either here or there, I'll comment back irregardless.

And feel free to join pyramid_dares if you want. The more the merrier!

fanfic, power rangers, fanfiction, pyramid_dares, bridge carson

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