Captive: Chapter 3

May 20, 2009 10:37

Title: Captive
Chapter: 3/?
Summary: "He was frustrated with everyone but mainly with himself."
Warnings: Violence, Rape, Angst, Swearing, Murder, Kidnapping, Etc...

Chap. 1

Chap. 2

Justin can’t help his anger. Being in this stupid hot hotel room full of other useless people. He could be doing something, anything, to find her.

It was too quiet for his liking allowing his thoughts to run over and over bad scenarios. They were told by the police and FBI to wait for the ransom call. Surely it would be soon they said. Now he sat with all the other band members except for their vocalist with management, police, and people from the FBI. All waiting for a call he dreaded wouldn’t come. It had been hours and his hope had long diminished.

He was frustrated with everyone but mainly with himself. Jasmine was his best friend, his band mate, and she was like his little sister. It was killing him that he had been mere feet from her and still she was taken. In the blink of an eye they had taken something so precious to him and destroyed his sense of security and confidence as well as filled him with a sense of drowning in his own guilt.

...He had done nothing...

It also ripped away at his soul to have to tell her parents. He had asked if he could do it personally, not wanting the news to be delivered by complete strangers knowing the pain would be coupled with bitterness at hearing an almost uncaring voice on the other end of the phone. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it yet.

They had been asked to play it off.
It had seemed like a stunt anyway.
The band always joked around on stage. So naturally, when the lights cut off, when all power ceased during the last verse before the chorus and stage hands ushered out to escort them backstage the crowd went from soft murmurs to cheering and calling out “Sinew, Sin-new”. About 5 minutes later the power came back on and Paul and Dave ran out to the screams of excitement from the fans and quickly set off in a beat and ended the show. While they were out on stage, going along with it so that no one would suspect, all hell had broken loose backstage.

Only after the lights had come on had they realized that Jasmine was nowhere to be found. They had sent of Paul and Dave knowing they could keep a calm exterior while they ushered Justin, Bryan, and Steve back into their dressing room and set them up with 4 security guards. Their manager, William, had asked the head of security, Roger, to find Jasmine at all costs and to have someone watching Paul and Dave until they were safely off stage and lead them to the others. He wanted them all together. Roger sent out a command that all security posted between the stage and crowd to look out and see if anyone spotted Jasmine, without alerting the fans to the fact that she was in fact missing.

Helena had pushed hear fears aside and was directing staff and security alike on which passages they would go and where they would be looking. She was barking orders left and right as she made her way to the dressing rooms. As the venue was clearing out William was on the phone. He spoke to Officer Wiles and explained the situation. They had searched for Jasmine and hadn’t found any traces of where she could have gone. Her dressing room still contained her jacket, street clothes, and purse. No sign of anyone having entered since she had left it to wander the halls and then head out on stage.

Officer Wiles explained that he would send some of his men out there but he would also contact the FBI. Two men and a woman showed up after the police did and introduced themselves as FBI agents. They searched the stage along with the cops and forensic people taking pictures and gathering anything they considered evidence and found the small trap door. After being led under the stage they found Jasmine’s mic. Agent Kirkland told William to gather the remaining band members in a room together along with the head of security. Then they told the police officers to bring in a dog to see if they could find out where Jasmine had gone to, or as they suspected, where she had been taken to.

It took some time but the agents had gathered all crew, staff, and security backstage and explained that, given the circumstance, silence must be kept about the incident which was now under investigation. No word as to what had happened could be uttered to anyone else as it could jeopardize the investigation. Each and everyone of them was to write down their name and contact information and make their way down to the police station to answer some questions. FBI agents were already waiting there.

As they gave their information to waiting officers and left, the canine was brought in and taken to the last spot they knew Jasmine had been in, beneath the stage where they had found her mic. The dog sniffed her jacket, which was brought down by Helena, and proceeded to lead them to their left and through a maze of metal holding up the stage and out into back, rarely used, hallways and down some stairs where it stopped briefly to smell the air again, taking off to their left and down to a door leading to an underground parking lot where the trail went cold. A few feet from the door they found blood on the cement and a small bit of liquid that they took a sample of for evidence as well as a sample of the blood to find out who’s it was.

Hours of questioning coupled with the frustration and guilt in his heart, soul, and mind had Justin on edge. The others weren’t doing well either. Dave looked angst -ridden, Steve seemed shocked and angry, Bryan seemed distant his eyes taking on a clouded hazel color, and Paul had guilt plastered all over his face, his green eyes roaming the room in search of answers that wouldn‘t appear.
He was the band leader, the one who watched from his perch on the drums over his band mates. His usually calm demeanor now shattered, he couldn’t hold back the guilt and self reproach.

None of them had spoken other than to answer questions over and over again to the agents and to William. Justin’s face was set hard his jaw stiff, eyes narrow and its dark orbs two shades darker than normal. His face was tilted down slightly veiled by his dark blue green bangs. He felt William leave the room. The man looked 10 years older. He stood just outside the door and spoke calmly, masking his voice very well, as he had trained himself to do specifically for this job many years ago.

They could catch pieces of his conversation, “William Wilhite...yes I was calling to inform sorry it just happened last and sorry about it...definitely owe you a good interv...have a nice day.”

Even though they heard his goodbye it was minutes before William returned, seeming a little bit more composed. The drive back to their hotel had been in stony silence and it seemed like shadows lingered all around them, making the air thick with an emotion they couldn’t quite register. Dread hung in the very air they breathed and the silence was gnawing away at their sanity. Something had to be done and yet none of them knew what to do, feeling ashamed at their helplessness. Jasmine was out there somewhere, kidnapped and hurt and scared, and they could do nothing.


The night air was cool and the breeze gently sent her hair swaying side to side. Her bare feet on the cold surface calmly moved her forward, closer and closer to the ledge. Her shoes and hoodie lay forgotten by the door.

She loved every feeling carousing through her body. The nights were hers. They allowed her to breathe in serenity, the temperature always kissing her skin as the moonlight danced lights on her. The night allowed her to clear her mind or dream setting her thoughts on fantasies. It took her stress away and removed any traces of tiredness from her body.

The rooftops were her safe heaven. No matter where she was, which hotel they happened to be staying in, or which city they happened to have stopped in, she always waited until she was certain everyone had withdrawn into the warmth of sleep and made her way to the top, using the stairs, and went out onto the rooftop.

It was odd, she was terrified of heights, at least by day, and yet only when she was high above, with the moon and stars just a bit closer, could she feel at peace. She didn’t question it, she just let her feet lead her there time and time again and allowed the night and darkness to wrap around her in a soft comfortable blanket.

Tonight, she stood on the ledge and peered down. She felt eyes on her and could feel the astonishment radiating off a body that had suddenly turned cold. Still she proceeded to sit with her legs dangling down, hands at her sides.

Smiling inwardly Jasmine whispered “Are you just going to stand there with your mouth wide open or are you going to sit by me?”

She could feel him move closer now, still silent, calm again but surprised at being caught. Then she could see him as he lowered himself beside her, keeping his feet on the rooftop though. Justin sat in silence for awhile just studying her face. She was looking out at the city that lay before them again but he knew she was watching him too. He was the first to brake the silence.

“How is it that you always know? I’ve known you for 2 years and I still can’t figure it out.” Jasmine’s lips formed into a smile and her gaze drifted to his eyes. They seemed to sparkle in a way he hadn’t seen very often. Unreadable yet inviting, almost intoxicatingly sweet. He was mesmerized, held in place by her dark inviting eyes.

“I don’t know. It’s a secret, even to me. I can just feel you there. Anyone I care about really, they just seem to send off signals only my mind can decipher.” Justin chuckled at her response and reached out for her hand. Suddenly a dark figure emerged from the shadows and gripped Jasmine from behind, pulling her away. Justin couldn’t move as he watched Jasmine and the dark figure disappear before his very eyes.

His head shot up from the armrest of the couch. Looking around he realized he had fallen asleep. It had been a dream. A memory that was cut short and replaced with a nightmare ending.

He remembered that night, remembered holding her hand and listening intently to her confession after he questioned what she was doing up there all alone at night. He remembered her soft voice and how it began to sound sleepy. Remembers helping her up and gathering her jacket as she slipped on her shoes, then making their way downstairs and leading her to her room before heading next door to his. He remembers how she turned and smiled at him before hugging him, he remembers the warmth of her body pressed against his... and it’s that memory that sends the sharp jabs of guilt through his body.

She felt safe with him and he had let her down. He stood, suddenly feeling nauseous and headed for the door. The two agents still in the room quickly glanced at him before looking back at the screen before them attached to the hotel phone. He glanced back once more as he heard Dave mutter in his sleep before heading down the hall, to the elevator, pressing the button for the top floor and his eyes glazed over as the doors closed.


justin, captive, dread, dark, agents, dream, kindnapping, memories, chapter3

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