Captive: Chapter 2

May 15, 2009 17:21

Title: Captive
Chapter: 2/?
Summary: "Jasmine closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and laced each word with emotion as she sang her favorite song."
Warnings: Angst, violence, kidnapping, rape, murder, cursing...

Chap. 1

Jasmine was replaying that morning over and over in her mind, each time adding on more as she remembered the events that led to her being bound and injured on this cold floor with these people she didn’t know.
She was past the memory of the photo shoot where all had gone well. There had been minor issues, but those were to be expected. They had done photos inside and outside and had slight lighting problems but all in all the shoot had gone good. Then they jumped on the bus and headed to the arena. Then… then what? What had happened next?
She relaxed her mind knowing that she would remember faster if she wasn’t forcing the thoughts.

They had been gathered near the front of the bus sitting around the small table while Helena and William rambled on about the live and went over questions that might arise during the interview. Jasmine had been bored out of her mind and kept staring out the window realizing they were almost at their destination...

…she remembers…they went in…

...she spent time getting ready, hair, makeup, stage outfit…

...some talking with the crew, walking aimlessly down the halls…

...hearing the guys practicing as she walked by...

...being led to stand by the stage as the lights dimmed...

...their beginning tune started as a deep voice blared through the sudden silence to the crowd now standing, all eyes on stage “Welcome to the Edge of Diffidence.” One by one the band walked out and took their place as the crowd erupted in cheers and Jasmine smiled as Bryan started them off, Justin, Dave, and Steve ripping into their parts as soon as Bryan’s fingers stilled on his acoustic guitar and once his fingers trailed gracefully over the piano keys Paul began to play and Jasmine closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and laced each word with emotion as she sang her favorite song.

Then… they went through the set easily and with so much energy, Jasmine taking time between some songs to joke and talk with the crowd, coaxing them to guess the next song and sing along…she remembers walking backstage as the guys started up the next song, to take a breather…she remembers walking back and singing, walking up to Dave and teasing his hair before walking back to the center of the stage…then the song was coming to it’s end. She sang the chorus along with Justin, Dave, and Bryan as the crowd grew silent, guitars playing a haunting almost quiet sound and Bryan skillfully playing each note on the piano to captive and mesmerize the fans. As her body led her to the spot she walked to unconsciously during this part she closed her eyes humming softly. All eyes followed her as she stopped on the right side of the stage, close to the lights…and then…then the lights turned off…all power went off actually…she could hear murmurs from the crowd in front of her…and she felt like she was falling…her mic hitting the ground and she felt hands on her…one hand pulling her by the waist as the other covered her mouth.

Suddenly everything else came rushing back at her, hitting Jasmine like a ton of bricks. The sudden rush of fear returns and she can’t hold back the whimper that escapes her lips and the flinch away from the cold hand that accompanies that voice that she recognizes and now associates with a name…Larry.


Larry laughs, a small chuckle at first that evolves to full out laughter as he watches Jasmines almost flawless face flash from fear and confusion, to disgust and hatred.

“So princess, you’re finally awake? Well, “Luke” will want to know about this.” With one last lingering touch to her face he stands and moves towards the door.

He stops a step away from the door to shoot another look at her and a smile twitches on the corners of his lips as amusement darkens his light colored orbs, making the dull green stand out more in contrast to his pale skin, as he sees her visibly tense. Then he pulls the handle and makes his way out of the room to the living room and out the front door of the cabin.


kidnapped, captive, story, angst, fake

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