Captive: Chapter 6

Jun 02, 2009 12:00

Title: Captive
Chapter: 6
Summary: "Why do you think they’re hiding it from the public?"
Warnings: Kidnapping, swearing, angst, rape, murder, violence, the works...

Chap. 1

Chap. 2

Chap. 3

Chap. 4

Chap. 5

Justin looked at the ceiling through tired eyes.

He was home. They’d all been sent home. But even the warmth of his own welcoming bed couldn’t lull away the pain in his heart, the ache in his soul, and the nightmares that plagued him even as he lay awake.

It was almost a month today.
A month without Jasmine’s smile, her addictive laugh, without that mysterious sparkle he was so used to seeing in her eyes...a month without Jasmine.

Bryan had stayed over at his apartment. He didn’t want to go back to his all alone so he’d crashed at Justin’s.

Justin was slowly becoming a shadow of his former self. He had dark circles under his eyes, he was losing a lot of weight, he couldn’t sleep or eat, he had lost faith in the system and he had lost interest in everything and everyone around him.
This pain was worse than if he was mourning her passing, because then he’d at least know that she was resting at peace, but this torture of not knowing, of fearing the worse, of wondering what they were doing to her was killing him slowly, eating away at his very core.

If something happened to her he would never forgive himself. He’d promised to keep her safe. If he lost her he would also be losing a big piece of himself. He knew that they were all deeply affected by this, but he couldn’t help himself from letting these thoughts invade his mind and take over his life.


Luke was tying her up again.
He’d brought her back from the bathroom and was making sure to tie her tightly without causing her much discomfort. Just then Sin barged in, anger radiating off of his tall frame. His eyes shot to Luke and he signaled that he needed to speak with him outside. Luke finished what he was doing and headed out.

Startled he moved so that they weren’t at earshot of the door and turned to Sin.
“What’s up? Is something the matter?”
“You could say that.” Was the cold response.
“Dice has been to town and he’s pissed, he cornered me outside and told me that they are covering everything up, stating that the band has been exhausted and just needs a brake. Look man, he’s getting impatient. He just wants his money and then he’s out. He couldn’t give a shit about anything else. We need to know what’s going on with the negotiations. How much longer will we have to wait?”

Luke was anticipating this. He calmly responded with his calculated answer, “Look Sin, I’ve got this, trust me, the deal's going down soon. Why do you think they’re hiding it from the public? We’re crunching numbers and I have to cover all my tracks, all my calls. It takes time, but soon. Don’t worry, I’ll speak with Dice and we’ll solve this. As a matter of fact, I don’t even need Dice around, I’ll just tell him to go chill out somewhere and when all is done, when I have the money, I’ll contact him and he’ll get his share and do whatever the fuck he wants with it.”
He was looking Sin straight in the eye and his eyes didn’t betray him once. Sin relaxed, “Alright man. Sounds good.”
Satisfied he walked towards the room they were staying in and took nap.


Jasmine tugged at her binds. After what seemed like a month, she was finally used to the pain they caused and now tested their strength each day when she found herself alone. She’d find a way to weaken them and free herself. Until then she’d wait.
She’d figured out so much by now and her mind was on high alert. She knew when it was nighttime, not only because of her body’s desire, but because she could hear the snores of one of them somewhere on the other side of the wall behind her.

She had an idea of the layout of the house by the footsteps she’d registered up to this point. This room seemed to be on a corner of the “house” with a bathroom to her left just past the door that seemed to lead to the kitchen and living room. There also seemed to be a room behind her, right across the hall from this one she was currently being kept in. The living room seemed to lead outside where she always heard Sin exit for a smoke around noon and again sometime after they fed her around 6:00pm. She knew that was his routine because after his smoke he was in charge of checking on her and she could smell the strong odor of nicotine off of him. Dice would check in on her around 11:00 am and then again sometime around 9:00 but she had come to notice he was gone most of the day, showing up for dinner and then going into the room across the hall.
Larry had become easily readable too. His bed was the one she was confined to so he slept in the living room. He awoke early, sometimes making her breakfast, and would come in and sit with her, feeding her, and sometimes whispering that he would wait till she was ready to talk. None of it was soothing her and no words he spoke would change her mind. Then he left her alone for 3 hours, coming back to give her a bit of water and something to eat for “lunch.” Then he’d leave the “house” and she didn’t hear him return till “dinner” time when he’d check up on her, feed her, take her to the bathroom, and sit in front of her, then leave. He always looked in on her around midnight too before he finally retreated into the living room and slept. Her mind had soaked it all up ready to take action.
She wouldn’t…she couldn’t wait any longer.
Her façade and her grip on sanity were slowly dwindling and so was her hope. She had to do this soon.


Dice walked in. He’d received Luke’s text while getting their groceries for the next two weeks and he’d come home to find that Luke was in a bad mood. After setting down the bags he was carrying, and placing his keys on their hook by the door, he headed outside and around the cabin to the back where he found Luke standing tensely.

“Damn Luke, who died.” He smirked at Luke’s clenched muscles. It was so easy to agitate the bear if you knew where to poke.

Steely eyes turned his way and Luke calmly spoke, “Larry, I was thinking that your part is pretty much over.” Dice’s eyes narrowed as he stared at Luke, uncomprehending.

As his eyes trained on the others eyes he noticed a quick motion from the others hands and found himself facing a gun. Anger blurred his vision for a second but he shook it off as he aimed to lunge at his former accomplice.
He realized he was too far to stop the inevitable and could only watch in anger and horror as Luke calmly aimed and the corners of his mouth slowly began curling upwards.

Luke didn’t falter, he pulled the trigger with a smile on his face as he hit his target dead on, right between the eyes. A lifeless bloodied form now lay before him…useless and bothersome.

He’d planned things out already and had been digging the hole just for Larry during this whole month, as he didn’t want to raise suspicion, but it was ready for him now and Luke swung his body over his shoulder and went deeper into the woods to the final place Larry would ever rest in.


kidnapped, captive, hurt, luke, death, fear, gun, kill, angst, chapter6, jasmine

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