Captive: Chapter 5

May 30, 2009 10:06

Title: Captive
Chapter: 5
Summary: "Neither knew that he wasn’t making any calls, wasn’t making any deals..."
Warnings: Kidnapping, swearing, angst, rape, murder, violence, the works...

Chap. 1

Chap. 2

Chap. 3

Chap. 4

It was nighttime again.

She could feel her body’s longing for the night air as it begged once more to stand atop a roof. Her blindfold was still intact but she knew it was nighttime. Her body had grown accustomed to making it’s way out and letting the cool breeze of night comfort her and she had felt the urge rush through her 4 times already. This would be the 5th night, the 5th time.

He’d visited her time and time again, always crouching beside her, always reaching out and running his fingers on her face, always asking her to speak. But she wouldn’t, she could hear the hint of underlying desperation in his voice and she knew it was torturing him not to hear her voice, so she kept quiet. Why should she do him a favor, why should he have the privilege to hear her if he had hurt her this way?

But Luke was being somewhat kind to her. He wasn’t like Sin or Larry (whom she had heard being referred to as Dice). Sin always spoke to her in a malevolent way, always with a hint of desire in his voice. It disgusted her to have him in the same room. And Dice/Larry just seemed to derive a sadistic pleasure from seeing her in pain, seeing her flinch as he got close. It seemed to make him happy to see her stiffen in fear. She still couldn’t tell the difference in them as they walked in but she could feel when Luke walked in. Something about his presence just alerted her senses and she immediately knew if it was him in the room.

After the first day she decided to pay close attention to everything that was said around her, any noise, be it a voice or just a sound, she registered in the hope that somehow it would aid her in escaping.

She knew their names now. They weren’t too good in keeping their voices down. She knew she had been tied to a bed post, there was a bathroom to her left and the door out was somewhere to her left too. She couldn’t tell if there were any windows but she was aware that the floor was wood. She could hear them in the next room (behind her) and knew that there was a kitchen nearby and the door out to the outside world.

It worried her that she was unable to hear outside noises. Was she in a room somewhere in the middle? She wasn’t in a basement, that much she could tell as she never heard footsteps ascending or descending any. But as she listened, allowing all her other senses to take over, she learned to differentiate their footsteps and learned that they had a sort of pattern.

Her mind soaked up all the information so that she could put it to use. As soon as she had the opportunity she would try and escape. It saddened her to not be able to tell how things were progressing. She had only heard mention of a ransom by Dice but she couldn’t hear the muffled response in the other room as Sin responded. Still she remained on high alert knowing she couldn’t very well rely on anyone better than herself.


Two weeks.
It had been two weeks of agonizing silence.

He’d given in, feeding her, giving her water, taking her to the restroom, and dressing her wounds. He couldn’t bare to hurt her and it angered him that she made him so weak.

As Luke paced back and forth he made his way to the door for the 7th time that day. He did the same each time. He paced to the door, stared at it for a minute, walked in and just stood, staring at her. He knew she was aware of his presence but she did nothing to acknowledge him. Luke would stand there for and undetermined amount of time and just look at her, then he’d quietly turn and leave again. He had allowed Sin and Dice to believe he had made the ransom calls so that they would await patiently. Neither knew that he wasn’t making any calls, wasn’t making any deals, he never intended for anyone to take his precious Jasmine away. But he had to deceive them if he wanted them to help so he continued the charade. Neither would know the truth until the very end.

“Hey Luke, has the mute princess broken her vow of silence yet?” Sin’s mocking tone scratched on the surface of his nerves, but he calmly held Sin’s gaze as he responded, “Nope, but I know she’s doing it on purpose, it’s not shock or trauma like Dice thought, she’s just fucking with us.” Sin laughed at that.

Indeed Jasmine had been walking on a fine line with them. She had an air about her that spoke volumes without needing words. The few times he’d gone in to check up on her, Sin had noticed that she was fully aware yet cautious. He could feel no fear from her and it excited him.

She was an average looking girl but she gave off and aura that pulled you in and made you notice. She was definitely intoxicating and Sin could hardly contain himself around her. He would spend a second longer when checking the wounds on her wrists, touching the delicate flesh. He would allow his eyes to linger and his thoughts became dirty at the sight of such defiance being tied and defenseless right before him. But he knew Luke wanted her and he restrained himself. He would allow Luke the pleasure first but before they disposed of her he would have his turn too, he felt he deserved that too.


Dice paced outside as his cigarette lay forgotten between his fingers. He was impatient. He’d gone into town and browsed newsstands only to find no mention of Jasmine’s disappearance. Annoyed he’d gone online only to find that the remaining tour dates had in fact been set to be rescheduled citing that 3 members had fallen ill.
When Dice saw that on Sinew’s official site he couldn’t help but snort drawing attention to himself. He glowered and scanned the page again. Then he went to fan sites where he found threads covering the topic. They all basically had the regular speculations of the band having a fall-out or personal issues, or how they personally knew one of the members and that they were really just ill and needed to recover. He closed the sites and left, not sparring anyone a glance.

Rosenberg was the perfect place to have her hostage.
They were far from others and they’d acquired a cabin nestled in a small woodsy area long ago for this precise moment. Actually Luke had everything ready and planned by the time he’d contacted Dice.
They’d already been here long enough to not raise suspicion by the locals that lived in the farmlands around them. That was also Luke’s idea. He’d made sure that his plan was full-proof.

Dice couldn’t help the smirk on his lips as he entered the familiar bar. He’d been here thousands of times already. There wasn’t much else to do except to wait for the money. Easy money. He’d get his share and, after taking care of Sin, he’d take his share too and disappear.
When all was said and done he would walk away like nothing, whether the girl lived or died, whether anyone caught Luke, he would wipe his hands and walk away. He didn’t care about them, he just wanted the money.
Although truth be told he hated that they couldn’t have their little fun with her. What was the point of tying her up and having the temptation right in front of their faces and not be able to touch her? She was a lovely woman and they were men, and they had needs…but he let his mind go blank as he downed his favorite drink. He’d worry about ….whatever it was he was thinking just now…later…when he wasn’t drowning in alcohol.


Paul awoke and from his nightmare cold and still tired.

They’d endured 2 weeks of knowing nothing. He’d been plagued with guilt and he didn’t know what he could do to ease anyone’s pain and concerns. He was the bandleader and yet, for the first time since being placed in such an honorable position, he was at a complete loss as to how to react, what to say, or what to do. His mind could come up with nothing helpful. He could only watch in silence as his friends slowly lost their sanity.

Bryan kept by Justin’s side but was being ignored and that, coupled with his own feelings of guilt, was leading to him withdrawing into himself. Paul hardly ever slept and kept blaming himself for everything and he knew he needed to push everything aside and focus but he couldn’t for the life of him. Steve was in denial and pretended like nothing happened. Dave was trying hard to follow in Steve’s lead but he was frustrated. He was never one to stay inside. He’d become paranoid, jumping at any sound and always looking out the windows and constantly fidgeting when someone was to leave the room.

It pained Paul to see all of this and not be able to help, but it pained him even more to think of what Jasmine might be going through. They hadn’t heard a thing since her disappearance.

William kept his ear glued to the phone, speaking with cops, FBI, and the record label who was also made aware of the situation. Since no progress had been made they were discussing making the news public. They knew that that could backfire but they needed all the help they could get. Tips, sightings, anything. They’d offer a reward since no ransom had been sought out yet. But Sgt. Longmire told them to hold off on that. That his department was trying to find the best way to handle this case. He said that in all honesty they didn’t really have a certain protocol for this kind of situation. It all boiled down to the situation at hand and that they had to treat this with care. One mistake could prove to be fatal for Jasmine. So William waited, so the label waited, and so the band had no choice but to wait.


kidnapped, captive, tired, ransom, pain, smoking, chapter5, fatal, jasmine, life, fiction

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