May 20, 2004 06:55
Mmmkay.. well I'm supposed to be AT school right now, but somehow I lost track of time & forgot to leave for my bus lol. Ryan usually calls me at 6:15.. and he didn't.. so I didn't realize how late it was. And then I go and tell my mom.. and she won't take me to school. So okay whatever when I lose credit for all my freshmen classes it's not my fault. =)
Last night was horrible.. I couldn't sleep AT ALL! So I came back on the computer and sorta talked to Lauren. But I realized I am really stressed out.. or atleast I'm making myself stressed and that's why I haven't been able to sleep lately. I'm so worried about a job this summer. I wanted to get one before summer started so right from the beginning I could be making money.. but since Wednesday's officially our 1st day of summer (and me & Ryan's year and 1 month) .. it doesn't quite look like I'll have a job by then.
Also last night.. this shit kinda happened with my mom. It's majorly personal.. and that's like one thing I will NOT put on the internet at all. Obviously alot of ppl I don't even FUCKING KNO read my journal.. so it's really not any of their business to kno this aspect of my life ya damn stalkers =P. But anyways.. on top of being cranky & tired I fell asleep crying because I've had enough of this shit.. she needs to grow the fuck up and be a parent and set a good example for her kids. I wanted to yell at her SO bad.. but then again there's lots of things I wanna do this weekend/ next week.. so I figured I'd save it ;]
Yep so today's going to be my last TVA practice.. kind of sad. =/ But then again.. it really isn't.. soon enough we'll be having open gym & conditioning.. and I'll be hanging out with all the ppl from that team (and the 15's!) that I actually enjoy hanging out with. Because personally half of my team now irritates me sometimes.. on and off the court. So ya.. it's not that sad when you think about it.. but of course I will be sad no matter what!
Bla bla bla.. I'm still waiting for my mom to stop being an asshole and take me to school.. cuz I really wanna go today. Despite the fact I had 5 hours of sleep.. literally.. I'm not tired at all and I'm actually excited to go today.. cuz it's the last day for some ppl and cuz there's really nothing else to do since I'm not really tired enough to sleep.
So I think I'm gonna go lay down & take advantage of being home for a lil while.. maybe I'll get to go up to school later. iono. paaaayyyycce.