Well I have some news...
Chris went back to Camp Geiger last Tuesday, and on Wednesday all of the guys in Security Forces were being issued their dress blues. Well Chris's name was never called and later on he found out that his MOS was changed and he is now going infantry. I don't know exactly how they can change his orders without him knowing, maybe because he failed a test... I dunno. But now instead of going to Virginia next month for his next training, he will be staying in North Carolina at Camp Lejeune. That also means he will be in a deployable unit and could be sent overseas this year. I'm sort of having a hard time taking that in because going into this, he was supposed to do 2 years of security forces and 3 years of the fleet. Now it's all 5 years in the fleet and that means he'll be deployed at least 3 times while he is in the Marines. And that's 3 chances that I am scared for him to take.
I know that I'm a bit ahead of myself, but I just wish it didn't have to happen this way. On the brighter side of it all... when I go to see him for Spring Break, he will be able to see me on the weekdays after his training plus the weekends, rather than just one weekend. We're both trying not to freak out about it yet. He'll be getting his orders at the end of this month, and after that we're going to talk about it and come to terms with what's happened. I support everything he is doing 110%, and I'm right beside him no matter what the Marines throw his way. This is just a big bump in the road...