I just want to say to anyone who friended this LJ for downloads (assuming this is the case because I always get new friend notifs after I've shared something), there's nothing here that you won't also find on relevant communities (presumably the ones you have on your f-list that brought you here in the first place). I don't mind meeting new people if you're here to be friends (if that's you, please do say hello!), but I feel a little deceitful being on people's f-lists when they're expecting something out of it, since all I really do is procrastinate on my homework by complaining about my homework. In fact, as a courtesy to my majority non-fandom f-list, most of my fandom posts are filtered, so literally all you're getting are videos of me making farting noises with my armpits.* I guess some people are into that, in which case... okay. But, you know, if that's not your thang and that's not quite the download you were surfin' for, feel free to take me off your f-list.**
* Not really. I am incapable of making fartpit noises. I've tried in all climates.
** This, of course, does not apply to my mutual friends. I know you're all here for the fartpit noises. Please keep cheering me on. Someday, I'll achieve!! (^0^)/
The NINOMIYA Exchangebecause everyone loves Nino
It's happening! Go sign up so that I don't look like the crazy mod who signs up on her own exchange right away. Alissa's already signed up like a BAMF, as has someone not on my f-list, but the more the merrier~ :3.