A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their journal and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
B) Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
01. Make a list of 5 things you can see without getting up:
a. empty coffee cup (it was French Vanilla Mocha from the world's best coffee vending machine mmmm so delicious)
b. phone (black Android Vortex from Verizon)
c. bigass book (The Columbia Anthology of Modern Japanese Literature, Volume 1: From Restoration to Occupation, 1868-1945)
d. handmade pencil case from Sam
e. multicolored cat pen from Chele
02. What is your favorite holiday?
I feel like I can never decide on an answer for this. Independence Day is nice because I associate it with hanging out with my friends at Haverford during the summer, and that one time Cami was with me in South Bend and we were lame and indoors for the night by 6pm.
03. What song is in your head right now?
None! For once.
04. What's your DREAM occupation?
05. What do you hear right now?
The quiet buzzing roar of my computer.
06. Who was the last person you hugged?
My friend Mari after we went out for lunch on Saturday.
07. What was/is for dinner? What is your ideal dinner?
Leftover curry (Aiba's kind, with the apples). Ideal dinner is so much raw fish, slathered all over my life.
08. What did you do today?
Went to bed hella late. Felt awful when I woke up. Didn't go to class. Didn't go to class. Finished a statement of purpose for a fellowship that I'm pretty guaranteed not to get (since it's meant for Ph.D. students), met with a professor to talk about it. Didn't go to class.
09. What was the last text message you received?
"OMG I JUST WOKE UP!!! Aslfkeowjcnfchvfdnjkcixwcbdgew!!!! Lololol" from my friend Lauren, sent at 3:14pm, one minute before our Japanese class ended. My response: "Haha amazing. I, too, missed all my classes today. We are so fabulous."
10. What websites do you always visit when you go online?
LJ, Hotmail, Gmail, Twitter, Tumblr.
11. What is your next big planned purchase?
What defines "big"? Is it, like, exorbitantly priced for what it is? Because that'd be the April issue of More, for which the shipping is 5x the cost of the actual magazine. In terms of actual price, my next big planned purchase is the ability to live in my current residence for the month of March, i.e., rent.
12. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
13. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In grad school, still. Such is the nature of grad school if you're going to be one of those pocket-protectin', elbow-patch-wearin' folk.
Pinja. Lurkin' in the darrrrk.
15. What are you doing this weekend?
Researching for/writing a paper. I might also consider pecking at the fic that I was supposed to write for
jent_bigbang (that I still intend to finish!), but we'll see.
16. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
Piano. I took intro piano in college, so I guess I can technically "play" it. But I'd like to be proficient. It's such a useful skill!
17. Latest book you read?
For class, New Times in Modern Japan by Stefan Tanaka. For fun, I'm still working my way through Harrison's copy of Battle Royale. You'll get it back someday, I promise!
18. How much do you get paid?
19. Fave ice cream flavour?
Strawberry, with the real strawberry bits inside.
20. What's the last good movie you saw? What is your favorite snack food?
I really like Cheez-Its. They're so simple and delicious.