(no subject)

Sep 12, 2008 12:39

Title: Wanna Trade?
Author: John                                     
Email: ltcoljsheppard@yahoo.com     
Pairing: Gen/Team
Rating: PG
Brief Summary: McKay gets stuck with an ice cream sandwich
Notes/acknowledgmen ts: prompted for Ten Minute Muses
Disclaimers: Don't own them but they bring me pleasure, no profit though. MGM and Sci Fi Channel gets all the good stuff.

Saturday, June 7 is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day...in honor of the day,
anyone want to write some food play?--- Makebelieve YG

~ * ~~ * ~

"Hey, wanna trade?" Rodney asked Ronon as he sat down at the table with a bowl of chocolate ice cream.

Ronon looked over at McKay  with a dull stare, and his rather dull ice cream sandwich sitting on a glass plate in front of him. Putting his attention to his own bowl the Satedan grumbled one word.


"Come on," McKay whined, "I hate ice cream sandwiches. Now if it was an ice cream sandwich with chocolate ice cream... now that would be a treat, but this... this is just --"

"Why did you take it?" Ronon pointed out and then deposited a large spoonful of melting chocolate ice cream into his mouth.

"I don't knooooow... because the freezer was getting over crowded and I reached in blindly through the mob hording around the ice cream bin and---"

"You didn't wait your turn," Dex pointed out bluntly.

"Yes," Rodney admitted, well-chastized without having to truly be chastized at all. He narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips at the Satedan. The man was quiet but had a skill in his silence that made you feel totally reprimanded with two words and a look. How did he do that?  "You sure you don't wanna trade?" he asked. "Saturday is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day," Rodney offered up as a last resort.

"On what planet?" Ronon asked deadpanning.

"Oh... umm..." Rodney thought about that for a moment. "Earth."

"Of course," Ronon replied. "Your planet is weird."

"Yes, yes, I know."

Ronon continued to enjoy his bowl of ice cream at a leisurely pace when Teyla appeared and sat down beside him with her own bowl of chocolate ice cream. Hers was topped with a banana, some chocolate sauce, lots of whipped cream that always made the Athosian smile and a cute little cherry on the top and all of that was sprinkled with tiny edible confections.

"What's that?" Ronon asked with subdued interest, looking from his bowl to hers.

"It is an ice cream sundae!" Teyla informed him with a large smile and eyes bright with anticipation. "Colonel Sheppard put it together for me. Doesn't it look delicious?"

Ronon nodded.

"Wanna trade?" Rodney asked her and received a disbelieving look from Teyla. She looked from him down to his plate with the melting ice cream sandwich and gave him a pitiful look.

"I do not believe so," she replied and then scooped up a spoonful of icky goodness and offered the first bite to her large Satedan friend. Ronon smiled and took the offering as McKay watched with a hangdog expression on his face. Ronon savored the blast of flavor and smiled at Rodney as if to say 'you should try this'.

"But National Chocolate Ice Cream Day is coming up on Saturday," Rodney tried that tactic with her as well.

"The what?" Teyla asked as she shared her sundae with Ronon who was happily taking his equal share.

"Never mind," Rodney withered. Just then Sheppard came over and slid into the seat beside Rodney, happily scooping the chocolate ice cream from his ice cream sandwich with his tongue. "Hey, where'd you get a chocolate ice cream sandwich?" McKay asked, exasperated.

"From the freezer. Where else?" John answered as he retrieved another glop of chocolate creaminess on the tip of his tongue as his fingers smooshed the two cookie coverings together to force the ice cream from between them.

"Wanna trade?" Rodney asked him.

John looked down at the pathetically limp and gooey sandwich on Rodney's plate and gave him a sympathetic look, his face twisting into a comical expression. He pretended to think about it for a moment and then replied bluntly.


Ronon and Teyla quirked amused grins at John as Rodney let out a heavy sigh and fell against the seat back pouting. John's eyes scanned everyone's ice cream fare, noting that Rodney was the only one with vanilla ice cream.

"Hey... Saturday's National Chocolate Ice Cream Day, ya' know? You should be enjoying chocolate ice cream."

"Hmph!" Rodney grunted loudly and folded his arms over his chest. Ronon and Teyla exchanged grins as Colonel Sheppard looked oblivious and innocent... except for that spark of evil in his hazel eyes. He squeezed the last of the ice cream from the sandwich and caught it on his tongue as Elizabeth walked by with a tray that boasted a large ice cream sundae.

Rodney grabbed his sticky plate and dashed away from the table. The three remaining smirked at one another as McKay's voice drifted back to them.

"Elizabeth.. . wanna trade?"

~ End ~

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